by Jerm » July 3rd, 2005, 3:04 am
First of all note that this response implies that you seriously want to learn hypnosis. So if I am going into too much detail I appologize.
I suggest going To the library and checking out some books for free. If your library doesn't have any books, try your local bookstore. I suggest books for 2 reasons. First because you can read them anywhere, anytime instead of just when at a computer. The other reason is that there are several different styles of hypnosis (ie ericksonian, estabrooks..) and no one site is gonna teach you all you need to know for free.
I also suggest that you broaden your perspective of study to include NLP (neuro linguistic programming), and basic concepts of mental/emotional anchoring. I have been studying hypnosis since I was like 8 yrs old and I still have Alot to learn. Another good piece of advice is to be patiant. Few things work perfectly on their first attempt. Try different approaches with different people when you practice what you've learned. Eventually you'll become a good judge of personality, which will make choosing your approach easier.