help needed for analytical mind

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help needed for analytical mind

Postby vorebunny » June 15th, 2010, 10:04 pm

ok iv bean trying a few of these files for about a weak now with no results
i believe my problem is that i cant seem to get into a trance

i am an INTP personality so naturally im very analytical in my thinking and i remain aware of my surroundings no mater how hard i try

i saw that one induction that says it helps with it but to no results
could be that i find Microsoft sam's voice a little grating and uncomfortable

any suggestions

please dont suggest any pay files
i wont start paying for anything till i know i can at least get one working lol :P
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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » June 16th, 2010, 3:52 am

i also have this issue, iv found that playing white noise in the background helps, stops me from picking out flaws in recording and such because when my brain starts to unforcus from the track all it has to fall back on is static =P, in saying this i have yet to become fully tranced, i find myself often stopping half way through the orders/instructions, just sitting up and going "well this didnt work..... back to the inductions :x " just like that...

i also find it helps to do it towards the end of stressful or long day, the brain sort of switches into "i dont care anymore" mode and that helps me stay focused, but these are my own ways. Im sure there are Guru's on here that will be of more use :roll:
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Re: help needed for analytical mind

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 16th, 2010, 4:44 am

Hi, vorebunny.

It was nice to see your note containing a reference to a Myers-Briggs personality type.

Me? I'm an INTJ - over in the corner. It's nice to meet someone else in the "INT" neighborhood. One of the factors that's typically found over here is precision in the choice of words.

    Background Info for Readers Unfamiliar with Myers-Briggs Type Indicators:
    The MBTI assessment was developed from the work of psychiatrist Carl G. Jung. Jung proposed a psychological typology based on the theories of cognitive functions that he developed through clinical observations.
This response suggests two things for you to try... a recording and a process.

Both suggestions are made with the 'precision of wording' factor in mind.

The Recording:
Shore of Relaxation. You can find it by browsing the free recordings and doing a word search.

The Process:
Record your own hypnosis mp3; making exactly the recording you want.

Some of the folks here are exclusively hypnotists. Some are exclusively subjects. And the lucky ones - like me - are both.
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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Postby Gralokar » June 23rd, 2010, 12:43 pm

I also have an INTP personality and have trouble with the files.

So far what I would rate had the best effect (not necessarily one leading to a trance, I'm not sure if I reached that state guided by a file) was one which had me echo the words in my mind, replacing "you" by "I" and "I" by "you". It stopped a lot of extra thinking, helping with the concentration.

The result was that I was more able to relax. However, I know that I tend to have these TV or book trances, which you suddenly snap out of when someone pokes you when you don't respond, being completely absorbed by the TV or the book. I think I would define a succesful trance-by-hypnosis-file as one that ends like that: snapping out of it, suddenly realizing I was "away".

Does this make any sense to anyone?

From reading various books, it appears to me it really shouldn't be that hard. I read that some people can train themselves to go into hypnosis just by using a gesture or something as simple as that. I imagine that would be the perfect way to get further with these things: learn that trick and use it prior to listening to the body of hypnosis files.

Also, I have virtually no ability to visualize anything. If I close my eyes and someone wants me to imagine a doorway I step through, I will not see/feel/hear/whatever a doorway. I will only see the reddish shade of the inside of my eyelids. I have somewhere the abstract idea of a doorway, but I cannot step through it, because I can't imagine stepping through something. I've always had this problem, I'm also unable to for example stop or reverse a running wheel in my mind, although I'm also not able to see or feel it anyway.
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Postby MacGyver » June 24th, 2010, 7:33 pm

book and tv trancers eh? i have video game trances, you could be talking to me and i would not here a single word, all i would hear is the engine on the car i am racing, and all i would see is the car i am racing to make sure i dopnt hit anything and stay in first place. LOL.

as for a file to help with trance, i am soon going to be getting back to work on one for someone who has not made trance in atleast 6 months, and he has agreed to test it for me to see if it works. the person is so analytical that nothing is working for him. and i am not one to give up very easily, so, hopefully this new induction i am working on will do the trick.

just give me a couple days to pick up where i left off in order to make sure i had a ride to and from work. i just wish the bad crap would onyl happen to my ride during the cool months so i would not have to sweat so much to get one going or to keep one going, LOL.

anywho, picking back up on files in a few days, and the first one i am going to try and complete is to help with trance. all this induction will do is try and get the subject into trance, get their mind to rememebr how to go into trance, let them float a minute or two, then wake up.
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Postby Gralokar » June 25th, 2010, 5:09 pm

Do let me know if the "echo the words in your mind" thing works for him.
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Postby fihtheninja » July 1st, 2010, 5:13 am

ENTP here, same stupid problem
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