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Postby sarnoga » June 16th, 2010, 7:48 pm

Hello Baggart,

If inductions are working and you are going into trance then you are doing well.

It would be impossible for me to tell you your problem when I only know what you have posted. But from what you posted there was one thing that did come to mind. That was that you had tried so many files.

I think you would have a better chance of success had you picked only one and stuck with it. Other than the part that is the induction it is not uncommon for a file to take many repeated listens before it begins to work, that is except of course for all my files which work instantly. Sorry, just joking.

I would also suggest you start with something fairly simple, ie not a transformation file. Of the simple files pick the one that interests you most and keep listening to it, day after day after week after month.

After awhile you should begin to see results. If not then it is time to reassess.


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Postby Hank01 » June 16th, 2010, 8:37 pm

Thank you Sargona for that reply. I started reading the original message and almost thought it was something I had written. I too have been listening to many files for 2 years now and I don't think anything is working. I have cut down the number of files I listen to each day to only 3. Is that okay? I have been listening to curse nipple growth and according to my Itunes count, have listened to it 63 times in the past 4 months. I have also started listening to the NWON file and loop that each night when I go to bed and probably hear it 3-4 times in and out of falling asleep. The third file is the fem butt growth that I listen to once a day for personal reasons. I had a stroke about 4 years ago, lost 75 pounds and I have no ass and I thought that this would at least give me something back there. Everything has come back but that. I will say the trigger and think I feel something happening, but I'm just not sure. My nipples have gotten bigger, but I also pump them too so I don't know if the file is really working or the pumping is doing something instead. Again I use that to build up my chest from the stroke.

I would so appreciate any other advice you have. I will look over your files and maybe dump these and go for just one of yours for the next few weeks.

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Postby sarnoga » June 16th, 2010, 10:19 pm

Hello hank,

You might consider spending a few weeks listening to G file. Then, when you are ready to move on to more, drop that and begin listening to "Muscle Mass" by coolkid2688.

Just suggestions of course. You must decide for yourself what is right for you.


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Postby Hank01 » June 17th, 2010, 6:23 pm

Okay, I apologize for having a blonde moment, or a senior citizen moment, but I'm not sure what you mean by "G file".
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Postby sarnoga » June 17th, 2010, 7:21 pm

Baggart wrote:I have been trying one file constantly. Not going to say what one it is, but it's not transformation. I've done it at least once per day for six months.

It may be less effective if you are using it along with a bunch of other files. Even more so if they change frequently. Just a suggestion.
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Postby sarnoga » June 17th, 2010, 7:24 pm

Hank01 wrote:Okay, I apologize for having a blonde moment, or a senior citizen moment, but I'm not sure what you mean by "G file".

I have a file named "Sarnoga - G File" If you were to go to file search and under author select sarnoga and then search and you will end up with a list of all my files. From there it should be easy to find.
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Postby TeenWolf » June 21st, 2010, 10:53 am

One tip:
Stick to the one file for a while. (Hey, that rhymes! :lol: )
It can be very hard; even impossible; to get lots of files working at the one time.
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Postby TeenWolf » July 5th, 2010, 8:59 am

Keep listening every day or as many times a day you want for 2 months.
Then post
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Postby sarnoga » July 5th, 2010, 6:37 pm

Baggart wrote:I have been trying one file constantly. Not going to say what one it is, but it's not transformation. I've done it at least once per day for six months.

It is very hard to give any helpful advise with so little information. Without knowing which file it is you are listening to all anyone could do is guess.

Baggart wrote:Still nothing, any ideas?

See above. Some files may never work for you. It depends on many things including how you feel about the subject as well as what the file is supposed to do. I understand you do not want to say what file it is but without that information there is very little anyone can do to help.

It may be that you have a problem with some of the suggestions in the file.

It may be that you are consistently doing things that work against the file.

It may be that the file is poorly written.

It may be that the file says it is going to do something that is impossible.

That is just a short list. There are probably another dozen variables that anyone here could list without much trouble. I would suggest you find someone knowlegable about hypnosis that you also trust and that is willing to discuss this with you. Then tell them what you are trying to accomplish and exactly what you are doing to try to accomplish that and find out what they have to say.

I would suggest finding a hypnotist in your area that you can go talk to about this except that if you don't want to give the details here in this rather impersonal forum it is unlikely you would want to relate it to someone in person.

The next step would be to get some books or take some courses and educate yourself about hypnosis so that you will be able to answer your own question.


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Postby Hank01 » July 6th, 2010, 7:43 am

Dear Sarnoga,
What great advice. What I'm wondering is why would there be a file(s) on here that would be impossible to have happen? That does not make any sense at all. Can you give me some examples of the files that are you consider impossible to have success with?
I have been listening loyally to Adderall Boys and I have found myself going into trance, or what I think is a trance. I really enjoy listening to it and will continue to do so. I'm just trying to figure out when it will be time to take the next step and listen to other files once again.

Thank you for your great support and encouragement,
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Postby sarnoga » July 6th, 2010, 11:46 pm

Hank01 wrote:Dear Sarnoga,
What great advice. What I'm wondering is why would there be a file(s) on here that would be impossible to have happen? That does not make any sense at all. Can you give me some examples of the files that are you consider impossible to have success with?
I have been listening loyally to Adderall Boys and I have found myself going into trance, or what I think is a trance. I really enjoy listening to it and will continue to do so. I'm just trying to figure out when it will be time to take the next step and listen to other files once again.

Thank you for your great support and encouragement,

Once you are comfortable going into trance it is time to start in on another file. Pick something easy. You want something easy and simple that will be a success for you. What you want is a success that you can build on. It doesn't matter what is is. Just something that will work and then you can move on from one success to another.
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Postby QQ » July 7th, 2010, 6:57 am

Lol thread hijacking going on here much?

Anyway, @ Baggart, I can understand what kind of situation you're in. A few months ago I tried doing a single Dragon transformation file for two months, alongside with an induction supporting file before listening. Nothing happened (probably listening to two files at a time), although I still remember the time I actually listened to this stuff for some reason, and in retaliation I'm just going to try out that Lucid Dreams file to see if I can get this thing to work, so I can get this off my mind (that's pretty ironic isn't it?).

Since I can't really say much, I suppose you could try looking at past threads and gather up more information to help out.
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"impossible" is not well understood

Postby plum » July 8th, 2010, 11:01 pm

@Hank01: you asked a good question about "impossible" files and I think it's kind of hard to answer. If you read all the posts on this forum you'll see different opinions about what is possible and what is impossible. Some seem to think the sky's the limit -- "you can talk your subconscious into growing you 24 inch penis, and maybe even wings as well." Others scoff at the idea of any body modification. The thing is, it's hard to be sure of what is possible. For example, there's some limited evidence that hypnosis can help eliminate warts -- which is what I'd call body modification. Wart-removal is a real change, not just an adjustment to your perceptions or your consciousness. That's the kind of thing I previously would have guessed is impossible. No one really knows what's impossible, but there are a lot of opinions.

Some things are harder than others, too -- lots of people say the furry transformation stuff is difficult to get working. And lots of people posting in the Curse Forced Gay threads are bemoaning how surprisingly easy it was to become gay.
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