Question regarding file 'Bondage Test' by Jekket

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Question regarding file 'Bondage Test' by Jekket

Postby mc_9 » June 10th, 2010, 6:56 pm


I recently tried listening to the file 'Bondage Test' by Jekket because I am interested in bondage in hypnosis. There was something about the file that I found odd, and I wanted to know if anyone else had this happen or if this is something that occurs in some types of files.

Does this file have another voice (one besides the hypnotist) saying things in the right audio channel? The whole time I was trying to listen to this, I felt like I was overhearing a side conversation, and I found it very annoying. I didn't feel like I could give my full attention.

I'm new to hypnosis and don't fully understand all the different aids and effects for putting someone in a trance, so maybe this was suppose to be there. I'd just like more information.

Thank you.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 11th, 2010, 12:35 am

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Postby mc_9 » June 11th, 2010, 11:21 pm

If it does indeed contain subliminals then yes, it will change the way I listen to the file. I simply won't listen to it.

The description of the file does not list that it contains subliminals. That is disappointing.
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Postby AlphaShepherd » June 24th, 2010, 7:22 am

mc_9 wrote:If it does indeed contain subliminals then yes, it will change the way I listen to the file. I simply won't listen to it.

The description of the file does not list that it contains subliminals. That is disappointing.

While I accept the fault for failing to fully enumerate every element of that particular file, which is jarring because all my other entries do, I don't think you need to be quite so sarcastic there. I'm trying to do you a service by making files and putting there up here for free, after all.

So answer me this; you say you won't listen to it, and I would like to know why. Is it because you don't deal with subliminals at all? I failed to note that subliminals were included(as they are with all my files)? Whats the issue and how could I resolve it?

I ask these things because, again, I want to do a service. I'm a very needs-oriented hypnotist and I'd like to meet the desires of subjects as best I can.

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Postby mc_9 » June 24th, 2010, 3:32 pm


None of these posts were meant to badmouth or slander you in any way. My first post was placed a little before I realized I could send a message to the people creating the files themselves. You answered my question directly a couple days later.

The sarcasm was directed at MN friendly guy's advice to just keep listening to the file, and his round about way of saying "yes, there are subliminals."

Like I said in the original post, I'm new to all this. As such, I personally do not want to listen to files that contain subliminal messages in them since I cannot identify what is being said while in an alert state. It has nothing to do with you as a hypnotist.

I found your file through the search using 'bondage' as a term, so I didn't know you had other files. I could have researched you further and would have seen that other files contained subliminals. That falls on me.

Again, the original post was meant as a "Hey I'm new to this...I tried this what am I hearing?" That was all.
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Postby AlphaShepherd » June 24th, 2010, 7:13 pm

mc_9 wrote:
Like I said in the original post, I'm new to all this. As such, I personally do not want to listen to files that contain subliminal messages in them since I cannot identify what is being said while in an alert state. It has nothing to do with you as a hypnotist.

In the interests of full disclosure to you, and to anyone else curious, I am an ethical Hypnotist. I wouldn't put anything in a subliminal track that isn't related directly to the topic at hand. I certainly wouldn't pull a bait-and-switch with something nasty.

In this case the subliminal tracks are looped suggestions to listen, to relax, to empty your mind, to visualize, to enjoy. Things that are designed to heighten your experience and make you feel all :P inside! Thats what I try to do, is enhance whatever experience you have downloaded in an honest and open fashion.

Hypnotists like poor lil me live and die by our reputations. I take great pains to be as honest, open, and ethical as I can be. I must, because the hypnotist-subject relationship is built on TRUST. I (usually) describe in detail what makes up my files, what they are intended to do, and proscribe any warnings because communication is the key to trust!

If the file interests you, and you WANT to listen, then by all means contact me further privately. I'll strip out the subliminals or turn them up, whatever it takes to help assure you that I have no ill intent to you. I want to help you, I want to help get you into deep, enjoyable trancing, and that takes trust!
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Postby mc_9 » June 25th, 2010, 9:53 pm

Anyone reading this please note that this thread was not started to call into question Jekket's ethics as a hypnotist. I merely was looking for more information on that file from anyone that used it. I have no ill will toward him or his files. Use them, have fun, be merry, etc etc.
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Postby brainslug » June 27th, 2010, 6:43 pm

I can see where mc_9 is coming from. No disrespect to any of the hypnotists on this site but I just cannot trust a person enough to have control over mind in ways that I cannot sense. I have to maintain my real life, and as such I do not like the idea of "secret" suggestions or even suggestions that I could misinterpret. So, Jekket, I would advise to make a sort of bare file as the body and they a subliminal as the subliminal slot. You would appeal to much more people because It would be specific. In my humble opinion, It would be awesome if this could be done with curses but that would be too much of a hassle for the artist.
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Postby mc_9 » June 28th, 2010, 12:12 pm

It was just a test file, so I don't know if it would be worth his time to redo any of it.
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