My update of the permanent fox ears and tail script..

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My update of the permanent fox ears and tail script..

Postby ranmafan » June 25th, 2010, 4:27 am

Just an update to my permanent fox ears and tail file. Hopefully I can get Cy to record it for me.

Alright, I want you to sit, or lie down now. Place your hands in your lap or by your sides.
Now then, I want you to begin to slow your breathing. Just relax, feeling
your breathing becoming more relaxed. Close your eyes, just relaxing your eyelids. Now,
I want you to imagine yourself in a field of grass. Just imagine yourself lying down in
the lush grass. It acts like a comfortable cushion. Just relax, imagining yourself lying
in the grass. Feel your body grow heavy and relaxed, as if it were filled with sand. Feel
your body filled with warm sand. You just feel so heavy, so relaxed, so amazing. Now,
imagine that the sand in your feet is slowly pouring away. Feel your feet becoming empty
and lighter than air. The sand seems to pull all the stress and tenseness away gently.
You feel so good. The sand begins to leave your calves, making them feel so empty. The
sand slowly leaving. Feel the sand leave your thighs, making your legs feel lighter than
air. It’s as if your legs are no longer there, the sand seeming to take all the stress of
the world with it. Now, feel your stomach and lower torso begin to empty of the sand,
slowly and steadily. It feels absolutely amazing. The sand now begins to spill out of
your chest, you chest feels as if it isn't even there anymore. Your body is just becoming
so relaxed, so amazingly comfortable and at peace. Now comes your upper arms. The sand
pulling all your stress away, relaxing you so much. Your upper arms are empty of the sand,
empty of stress. Now comes your forearms. Just feel the sand slowly leave, making your
arms empty and relaxed. You are doing great. Next come the hands. Just feel the sand
empty from the fingertips, relaxing your hands so much. It feels great. Now, feel the
sand begin to leave your head. Starting at your neck and slowly working its way up. Feel
every muscle relax, all the stress gone. Your body is empty of sand now, empty of stress,
completely relaxed. Your entire body is lighter than air, almost as if it isn't there.
So amazingly relaxed. Now, I want you to image a bubble form around you.
The bubble is a soft pink color, gently lifting you up. The bubble begins to rise higher
and higher, yet it feels as if its not there. the bubble lifts you higher, closer to the
clouds. You slowly rise, bursting through a cloud. Feel the gentle mist of the cloud
on your body, it sends a slight chill
through your body. Your rise higher, and as you do so the sun begins to shine warmly on
you. Feel the sun warm your body, relaxing you even more. The cloud gently sails along
the sky, the wind pushing it slowly. Feel the wind, sending a tingle through your body.
Now, the bubble begins to slowly descend. Slowly but surely, it makes its way back down to
the ground. You are still so relaxed, your body empty of all stress, empty of sand,
feeling as if it is not really there, like it’s an empty shell. The bubble lands in a
field, much like the one you were just in. It lands gently, slowly, and pops softly,
leaving you in the grass. You feel amazing, so deep, so comfortable, so relaxed. My voice
is so relaxing to you. Now, lets work on your breathing. I want you to slow your
breathing. Just relax, you don’t need to breath fast, just slow down. By slowing down you
r breathing, you will relax even more. Just slow your breathing. In. Out. In. Out.
In. Out. That’s it, just relax even more. Go deeper and deeper. You love being this relaxed, you love listening to my voice. You love how I
guide you to be more relaxed. Just let me guide you deeper and deeper into a trance. My
voice relaxing you more and more, your subconscious listening to every word I say. Now, I’m going to teach you something new. Or rather, I’m going to give you something new.
I want you now to focus on your lower back. Just focus on your lower back, just above
your buttocks. Focus on how it feels right now, just feel it out. As I talk to you, you
feel a slight pulling sensation at the base of your spine. It doesn’t hurt, in fact, it’s
quite enjoyable. It’s almost as if someone is massaging the base of your spine. It’s
almost as if someone is massaging the base of your spine, tugging on it slightly. Go
ahead and reach around, and feel your lower spine. You notice a small little lump, just
like a golf ball embedded there. As you feel it, it sends a wave of pleasure through you,
and it grows slightly. Just feel this growing lump, you can feel your touch at the base
of your spine, because this little piece of flesh is connected to you, it is a part of
you. This is the beginning of your new tail. Go ahead and keep playing with your tail.
You can feel you hand grasping and playing with your tail through your tail. The more
you play with your tail, the more pleasure it gives you, and the longer it grows. Your
tail is growing longer and longer, you don’t want to stop, it feels amazing. Soon, the
tail stops growing to the length you want it to be. Stroke your new, real tail, and
feel the new sensations it gives off. It’s like having a 3rd arm of sorts, a new sensory
organ. The other thing you find is that you can control it. Go ahead and move it around,
the sensation of the air passing over it, giving you
great pleasure. Now, you get a strange, tickly feeling on your tail. Bring you tail
around so you can see it. As you can see, you tail is beginning to grow fur. The color
is a reddish orange, ending with a tip of white. Just see the fur grow, covering you tail completely, all
the way up to the base of it. Now, feel how soft your fur is. Just stroke your new fox’s tail,
loving the feeling of your lush, new, furry tail. Doesn’t that feel good? Just feel the
new sensations from your tail. Whatever you tail touches, you feel. Let’s test that. Go
ahead and wrap your tail around your leg. That’s all I want you to do right now, just
wrap your tail around your leg, squeezing your leg just a bit. You not only feel the fur
and the pressure on your leg, you feel, through your tail, your leg. You don’t need to
touch your leg with your hand to feel it, because you tail is feeling it for you. Move
you tail a bit, and feel the sliding of it, through it. See? It’s easy. Now, let’s work
on the involuntary actions of your tail. Your tail will act accordingly to your emotions.
For example, if you are happy, your tail will swish happily. If you are scared, you tail
will stand up straight, and the hairs will bristle. Let’s test this out. I want you to
think of something that you really like. Something that makes you very happy. It could
be your favorite food, a memory of a trip to somewhere, anything that makes you very happy.
Notice how your tail is swishing happily, just how I said it would. You love feeling
your tail reacting on its own, and it makes you even happier. Now, your tail is complete,
lets work on your ears. I want you to focus on your ears. Just focus on yours, thinking
of the shape and feeling of them. That’s it. Now feel your ears beginning to shift.
They are beginning to make their way to the top of your head. They move slowly, but they
are defiantly moving. You can feel the shift. Fell them work their way up to the top of
your head. As they move, they seem to be changing, becoming more pointed. Just feel them
move and change, about to reach their final destination. That’s it, feel the changes
happening to you. Your ears are almost perfect fox ears now, and are now perfectly seated
at the top of your head. Now, feel fur beginning to grow on them, covering your perfectly
shaped fox ears, completing the transformation. Look at yourself now. A lovely, furry
little fox tail and a wonderful pair of cute little fox ears. Speaking of your ears, go
ahead and feel them. Reach up and feel your cute, little, furry fox ears. Just play with them
a little. That’s it, see how cute you look now? You love having your new ears and tail.
You will always have your ears and tail with you. That’s right, this is a permanent
change. You will always feel your foxy ears on top of your head, and your cute foxy tail.
You will always have sensations coming from your tail, the wind passing over it, the
occasional brush up against a nearby wall or person. Your tail will continue to react to
emotions. Stiff and bristling when you are angry, twitching every once in a while when you
are calm, and swishing gently when you are happy. Let’s not forget about your ears.
Your hearing will become sharper, more finely tuned. When a breeze passes through your
hair, you will feel it on your new ears. If someone pats you on the head or ruffles your
hair, you will feel your ears being touched. You don’t need to worry about your tail or
ears being squished by constrictive clothing. Each pair of close-fitting pants, shorts,
skirts, anything that would normally cover your tail now has a hole in them for you tail
to pop through. Every hat you wear will have 2 slits in them so your ears can pop through.
After all, we don’t want you to be uncomfortable with your new developments. Of course,
if you don’t want your ears and tail to stick out, that is ok, you can remove these holes
simply by thinking about it. We are almost done here, just a few more points I want to
show you before we part ways. You will return to this file over and over until the file
works, if it doesn’t work the first time. You are confident that this file will work,
because you know you can make it happen. Once you get the file to work, it would still
be a good idea to come back to the file, because this file deals with sharpening the
sensations coming from your tail and ears. You want to come back to this file, because
you know that you will improve your new gifts by listening. You can’t lose your new gifts,
only improve them.
And now its time to wake up, to awaken from this wonderful trance. You will awake,
feeling as if you have been pleasantly dreaming, retaining all the suggestions I have
given you, retaining you tail and ears. You will awaken on the count of 3, rested, and
1. Rising out of your trance.
2. More and more awake, still holding on to your new suggestions
3. Fully awake now, you fox ears and tail still attached to your body, still a part of
Thank you for listening, and I hope you enjoyed!

Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby TeenWolf » June 25th, 2010, 9:04 am

I read this (I like text hypnosis, even if you weren't planning it to be text hypnosis) and I felt a numb pressure on the base of my spine.It was relaxing.
I'm going to listen to some Fox files now, actually, as it felt that good.
Posts: 82
Joined: May 25th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby ranmafan » June 25th, 2010, 3:31 pm

lol i didnt know text hypnosis worked to be honest lol i plan to have it recorded yes.
Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Re: My update of the permanent fox ears and tail script..

Postby MinnMan » August 24th, 2019, 5:19 am

Refreshing a dusty & interesting thread.
Posts: 28
Joined: June 28th, 2015, 12:00 am

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