Stroke Sissy

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Stroke Sissy

Postby nowhereman19 » June 27th, 2010, 11:07 pm

Background...I stumbled on this site one night and was immediately interested. I had at times read erotic stories involving hypnosis and these stories made me very horny, I even developed fantasies based on the stories, so this experience was very exciting to me. I am somewhat sexually free, escpecially when I am pleasuring myself. I tried a couple of files and had moderate success but I don't think I ever went into trance, close, but never there. The success came from the power of suggestion of the file. Well...I found Stroke Sissy in the forums and became curious. Read the info and downloaded the file.

I finally had a chance to listen last Friday. I was off and I told my wonderful mate (female) that I was going to lay down and relax. I listened to the file with a few outside intruptions. It was good, made me horny, I do like the idea and have a few thoughts on that too. Anywho, I ran the file again, got a little more relaxed and the next thing I knew my eyes popped open. I don't now if the file had just ended or what, but I was up. I know now I went into a real trance, and caught the jist of the curse too. I like it, I want it but of course, have some thinking to do. One side track is I have all ways enjoyed masturbation, even when I was young. This is almost learning my body all over again, or someone else is enjoying it, that's more like it. My name is Lindsay and I love playing with my new male body.

The story will continue. This is crazy but very hot.
Last edited by nowhereman19 on July 5th, 2010, 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: March 21st, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby nowhereman19 » July 3rd, 2010, 10:30 am

I still listen, once a day for the last week, not in real trance though. I do notice some different thoughts going through my mind but am not convinced it's the file, could be my fantasies. I do have a thing about panties. I have tried this proir to the hypnosis and I did like it. I did that only once or twice on a rare occasion. I really had the urge to have some panties again. I looked on line and saw some that I really liked, I also love wearing a thong, am wearing one right now. I took some panties from my girlfriends dresser and wore them for two days, all day, including work. I might be a little obsessed with this. Also, I am one that loves masturbation, but tease myself for days by bringing myself to the edge and stopping. I don't know how this will affect the suggestions but after a couple of days all I think about is sex, and my cock. Orgasm becomes a need a very strong need.
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Postby Alien4420 » July 5th, 2010, 9:52 am

Honestly, Stroke Sissy is great, but you do know that it will turn you into an effeminate full time crossdresser, don't you? Will your GF be OK with that? Your boss?

I love the file too but I had to struggle to stay away and bottle up the effects and even so there are times when I go all fem, start wagging my hips and so on. It just happens.
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Postby nowhereman19 » July 5th, 2010, 11:05 am

Thanks for the comment. I relate to your struggle to stay away but still find yourself being a sissy I guess. Makes you hot too I bet, I'm going now... so, what I want to say is I know I have limits, always have. This part of it makes it better for me, some self denial. I don't have to be this all the time on the outside and when I am you might consider me a TomBoy. I like panties though. My GF has always teased me about dressing me up, I am slowly directing these playful occassions into an opportunity to bring about some disscussion about me being myself at home. The submission and oral sex parts of the file are coming out now. I got totally lost in oral sex the other night, I wondered if my GF would notice my addiction to it but after a bit I forgot about that, I was completely into what I was doing, all the feelings, the tastes and smell, mmmm I want to go back there, need to. One last word... I would love to suck a cock.
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Postby starchildskiss78 » July 29th, 2010, 8:54 pm

With all the wonderful files to listen to...why this one? I guess it sounded like fun to try. I didn't expect it to work at all. I found myself relaxing quite a bit during the beginning of the trance. By the time the curse started, I felt very dreamy (and horny) and very enraptured by what was being said. When EMG asked for my sissy name I proudly gave it out. I think it may actually work!
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Yes, it works

Postby sindee » July 30th, 2010, 9:48 am

I listened for the first time because I was going to use this as sort of a gag on someone else, but thought I should hear it first. Found it interesting, but I was still skeptical -- no one really thought that would do something to someone, did they?

And I listened to it again, just to be sure.

And again.

I tried to resist listening to it, more and more, and just as it tells me, the more I resisted the stronger I felt the need to listen to it again. Every once in a while, just because other things are going on in my life, I go for a while without listening, sometimes for more than a month. But I always, always, always find myself feeling like listening to it, "just once", when the chance happens. And then it starts up all over again, but of course more quickly.

I've always had a deeply buried sissy urge, but in the couple of years since this started I've found myself acknowledging it more and more. I dress more and more, if only because I'm now more willing to go into a store and buy a corset or pair of heels. (It's still embarrassing, but I feel like I have to do this.)

I think I even flirted with a plumber once, not that I thought anything would happen, but I just felt like it would be fun and I had to try it.

I've given up my sissy name in on-line chats now and then, and it really seems to make a difference in the way I continue the chat. I'm just really grateful (I think?) that no one in real life has been in a position to know it. I'm really afraid that if someone ever asked me for it, I'd give it up in a second, and then I'd really be done for.

Then again, maybe...... ;-)
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Joined: June 8th, 2007, 12:00 am

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