What led you to Warp My Mind?

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What led you to Warp My Mind?

Postby gregi696 » June 26th, 2005, 4:57 pm

Hi All,
I was just thinking about it earlier. How did you all find out about warpmymind.com? and How did you become interested in hypnosis?
My interest in hypnosis started with a seeing a stage hypnotist perfrom at my university. Afterwards I picked up some books on the subject and read about it. I think I found this site almost a year ago(which was obviously the old site) and was intrigued by it. I've been lurking around it ever since. :twisted:
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Postby loadedkaos » June 26th, 2005, 9:17 pm

I don't remember when I first ran across this site. My main interest lies in the self-help, and recreational hypnosis. I'm also a big horn ball and find the idea of hypnosis and sex very exciting
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Postby Jack » June 26th, 2005, 9:29 pm

*points to the post by loadedkaos* same here. I found this website because I was searching for self help related files and different inductions. Instead of just files and inductions, I found a community I like.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
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Postby sandy82 » June 27th, 2005, 1:01 am

I was following Jack around. He was wearing a very expensive imported suit, and he was driving a convertible BMW. And he was very polite: at the stoplight, he only screamed "Yo' mama!!" twice. So I followed him here. :)

In all seriousness, I saw a reference in an on-line interview and came for a visit. This is where my real story coincides with Jack's. I found a commmunity I really like. This site feels like what small-town America must have been like. You know most of the people; some you like more than others; but most people get to know each other. At this site, there is remarkable tolerance and understanding for people of differing interests and viewpoints.

I should have mentioned EMG first. Promise me he won't read this. A red face clashes with his grey eyes. :) It's rare to meet such an extraordinary person. Look at what he has provided out of his own interest in the subject. Look at his unflappable demeanor and sound judgment. It's an amazing thing...this site. With an amazing person in charge.

I have never seen a site like this on the internet. We must all cooperate when and if asked. It's really important to keep an oasis like this securely in place.

Gregi696, two points: First, I do not want to be a testimonial on the Nightly News, sandwiched between Celebrex and Lamasil. :) Second, I saw you mentioned that you are in school in the Deep South. Where, is not my business; it's yours. My hope is that it's not too-oo-oo Deep. July is almost with us, and it will be hotter than the hinges before long.
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Postby gregi696 » June 27th, 2005, 2:03 pm

sandy82 wrote:Gregi696, two points: First, I do not want to be a testimonial on the Nightly News, sandwiched between Celebrex and Lamasil. :) Second, I saw you mentioned that you are in school in the Deep South. Where, is not my business; it's yours. My hope is that it's not too-oo-oo Deep. July is almost with us, and it will be hotter than the hinges before long.

I'm not that deep in the south, I'm in a state that was sandwiched into joining the confederacy :wink: for those of you who know your history. I'll be heading back to good old NJ this week actually, but first I get to spend some time at the beach.

About this being a community. I discovered the old site, but never looked at the forums until the new was up. I was amazed at the sheer number of people involved in the forums. I agree though, I came for the hypnosis, but I check the site daily for the people. :lol:
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Postby Lord_Mizaru » June 27th, 2005, 2:47 pm

I found this site about two years ago while I was looking around the internet for something to cure my boredom. I've always been fascinated with hypnosis, even having dreams about it as a small child. To learn to hypnotise was always something I wanted to do, and so when I stumbled across this site it was my first real introduction to hypnosis outside of a fantasy world.

About a year later after much trial and error and plenty of reading (the reading did not come from this site or really any other, just good old fashioned "books"), I finally became a decent hypnotist, and now consider myself quite competent and able to do some pretty amusing things.

Then I gave up on this site for a while, still popping back from time to time to see what new files had been made and one day the new site was up and running. What else could a self taught hypnotist do than join such a community as this? Now I too can say, in the words of gregi, I came for the hypnosis, but I check the site daily for the people.
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Postby drydreamer » July 1st, 2005, 9:02 am

I discovered this site when it was mentioned in a post on another adult message forum called OrgasmDenial.com. The post was about denying orgasms through hypnosis; and sure enough there is a file for that here. I'm glad I found this site, but I haven't tried any inductions yet because I never seem to have enough time to devote to listening. My interests in hypnosis are almost entirely related to my sexual kinks; and it looks like most of the files here are related to sex also. drydreamer
Looking for a hands-on type lady who wants my hands off. But switching is fun too.
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Postby sandy82 » July 3rd, 2005, 9:41 pm

May I say, drydreamer, that the common sense and experience and tolerance you bring with you are very welcome indeed.
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Postby EMG » July 3rd, 2005, 10:45 pm

I founded this site by BSing with a friend, the idea stuck and I had a period of unemployment and the two combined to create a website. Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that it's grown as much as it has.
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Postby drydreamer » July 4th, 2005, 9:35 am

Thanks for the kind words sandy82; but believe it or not I have actually been banned from another adult forum! LOL The moderator there thought I was bothering too many people with my warnings about trying out fantasies that were too dangerous. I was considered a party-pooper because of my down-to-earth point of view. Also, I made the mistake of responding in kind when someone went off on me. So I'm going to try to not bother too many people here with cautions about reality vs. fantasy, and also try to keep my temper when someone gets on my case. Someone here has already told me I should have my head examined, so maybe one of EMG's files will do me good! LOL drydreamer
Looking for a hands-on type lady who wants my hands off. But switching is fun too.
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Postby missypuss » July 5th, 2005, 12:08 am

I joined this site because sex/hypnosis is something Ive fantasised about since I was old enough to fantasise. I have vague memories of seeing an old film where ladies in bikinis were being hypnotised and were standing in large glass jars..... and it is a very vague memory . (Probably got a glimpse of one of my dads old seventies pornos) Any how that film made me horny and I used it as a tool to play with for a while. I have stayed because I like hanging around listening to the idle chatter mostly and as an an English girl, hope sometimes I provide a different view point. ( :wink: Theres a lot of guys on here)
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Postby loony28 » July 6th, 2005, 9:15 pm

:twisted: Well I found this site from another, occultforums.com. I'm interested in the feminization files. I feel that I'm in the wrong body and I'm hoping that some of these files will help me. :twisted:
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Postby Darkmind » July 17th, 2005, 1:01 pm

I think I found the link from a reference on the [url=http://www.mcforum.net]MCForum.[/url] I kept the link, and occasionally came back for ideas. 8)

Only recently found this forum, so I'm exploring.
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Postby deathjdstn » July 17th, 2005, 2:45 pm

i found this web site from a friend that was sending me a couple files i finaly asked him where did he get them and he gave me a link and every since i been coming here
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Postby morrcomm » July 17th, 2005, 2:54 pm

I honestly don't remember how I first stumbled across EMG's file. I do remember it was the old site and the various Yahoo groups. I'd been interested in hypnosis since I was a kid -- and my grandmother told me never to mess with it, but it doesn't exist, and don't you dare ask why you shouldn't mess with something that doesn't exist!

Obviously, I didn't listen to her...

I did a lot with hypnosis as far as dealing with stress, creativity, and things like that all through my twenties. I never even thought to combine it with the more erotic side of life until my early thirties, when I stumbled across a hypnodomme's website. It was the kind of thing where you just smack your forehead and go, "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?!"

I fell away from EMG's files for a while, spending a lot of time playing around with my own scripts for Virtual Hypnotist (and just generally working far too hard). I only "rediscovered" the site a few weeks ago, and I'm very glad to be back. The forums I've read and the people I've messaged with so far have been well worth the time I'm spending here!
Last edited by morrcomm on October 7th, 2005, 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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How did I get here?

Postby gurlbidesign » July 31st, 2005, 9:01 pm

I was told about it by my roomy who is also my sis and fellow slave to our Mistress. She has had good success with some of the files and Mistress would like me to use them too.
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Postby MikeWulf » August 30th, 2005, 9:03 am

I found it while generally reading about hypnosis. It was the old design back then. Just a few weeks ago I started comming back. Now I am here far too often. Especially the chat.
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Some quotations are worth memorializing.

Postby sandy82 » September 16th, 2005, 8:44 am

MikeWulf wrote:I found it while generally reading about hypnosis. It was the old design back then. Just a few weeks ago I started comming back. Now I am here far too often. Especially the chat.

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Postby nicosali » September 22nd, 2005, 12:00 pm

well I was searching for something related to an anime and I was bored, so I thought what was the one thing that I never searched? the answer: hypnosis . first I type hypnosis , a lot of links pop up, so then I typed hypnosis mp3 , I never thought that could exist and I find warpmymind . I couldnt believe how many mp3 of hypnosis were in the site and how diferent types of files, at that moment I thought that I was in paradise.I have an interest in hypnosis since I was 12 . I think this site is great and the forums are great also.
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Postby jerry_29 » September 22nd, 2005, 12:58 pm

I found this site a few years ago. At that time, I thought I had a fetish of being a baby and found one of the biggest and well known infatism websites which had the web address of this site. Most of my life, I have always had an interest in hyptnotism and was curious so I checked out this website(which was the old version), saw the baby time and female form files and had to try them out. I have also been curious of what it would be like to be a female or alteast have a female body. :D
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Postby chymos » September 22nd, 2005, 10:29 pm

I've been interested in hypnosis and mind control since I was young (I don't know why, maybe it was the Dukes of Hazzard episode where Boss Hogg hypnotizes Daisy Duke and uses her to try and seal a deal with some big-shot from out of town. he passes her off as his niece and tries to get the guy to marry her or something)....I read too much for my own good lol, and had an interest in both the self-help and mind control aspects.....even read a book on it that my local library tracked down for me, it had been written by some psychologist or psychiatrist IIRC, and was well over 1000 pages......

I don't recall exactly what led to me doing the searches that led me to find the site, but I found it from the old yahoo group.

I've looked into quite a few things, including the time-stop/mannequin/statue fetish, the robot fetish, the whole furry phenomenon, a little bit of everything, I suppose

My first encounter with erotic hypnosis involved an experiment where I hypnotized a friend and putting her "in heat" among other things to see how she'd respond/behave.....I'm mostly a hermit when it comes to people, and always have been.....I was experimenting (consciously) to see how well it actually worked and how far it could be taken, and (subconsciously) trying to learn more about human behavior so that I could hopefully improve my social skills.

I've always been interested in bondage, and those early experiments with hypnosis led me to an interest in D/s (specifically, M/s), though it was years before the full realization of my interests.

I also love seeing beautiful women in tight latex, so feel free to offer me whatever pictures you have that I can add to my collection ;)

Ok, I've babbled/rambled about myself enough.....especially considering that normally, getting me to talk about myself is like pulling teeth lol....I answer questions honestly and fully, but don't volunteer any info that isn't specifically asked for.
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Postby missypuss » September 22nd, 2005, 11:30 pm

Hmmm for someone so shy you have offered a lot of information in one telling Chymos.
Im interested that you say M/s as im Masochism or as in Male submission please?
I too like you am interested in the D/s submission aspect..
Idont have pictures ..
But I do own lots and lots of latex....!! :twisted:
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Postby chymos » September 22nd, 2005, 11:31 pm

actually, in relation to D/s, M/s refers to Master/slave. wrong on both counts! ;)
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Postby missypuss » September 23rd, 2005, 4:04 am

It would be boring if one was always right tho Chymos..
Dont ya think? :P
Still.... I still own lots of latex........ :twisted:
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Postby skot » October 7th, 2005, 9:08 am

In my "real" life, I have too much control. I like giving complete control especially sexual control to someone else for a change. It's like a very good vacation.
I can't remember how I found my way here, but I stay because it's easier to give up control if I'm lulled into it. Get me comfortable and feeling secure, then trigger and arouse me; I'm yours.
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Postby dst3313 » October 7th, 2005, 5:11 pm

For me, it was mostly an information dig, trying to figure out something that happened when I was younger. Long story short, found a hypnosis book, and played around with it, with some concentual experimentation between me and my younger sis. Used a lot of guided imagery, all pretty tame stuff, but found it worked pretty well; for instance, I hate ketchup, she hates mustard, but we'd both eat the other and think they were what we liked. One day, I've got to clean my room so I asked her to 'tize me so I would think I was doing something else or something. She put me under, and I'm unclear what she said exactly, but I ended up paying her for the 'privilege' of being her slave for the day, cleaned the whole house, (and she collected the allowance for the job well done), and left me in my room. I'd never known I had any sub streak (didn't even know what it was), but ever since I'd wished she would have made it permenant; ended up with a lot of fantasies where she didn't 'release' me.

So basically I'm studing up to discover my own screwy head. ;-)
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Postby goldragon_70 » October 8th, 2005, 12:23 pm

I was able to listen to one of the files before finding the site, Fell in love with EMG's voice, and found out about the stie.
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Postby Navitron » October 11th, 2005, 3:38 am

Hehe actually kind of funny how I found this site, it was a link someone posted in another forum that I visit. I’ve always been fascinated with hypnosis and things like telekinesis since I was young so I gave it a shot. I know that hypnosis works and am not skeptical at all about it, my uncle had severe depression and he went to a hypnotist and it helped him a lot.
What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror, but then we shall see face to face.
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Postby jayjedi » October 20th, 2005, 9:11 pm

I found out about this site when I first looked at the scripts for Virtural Hypnotist.
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