File reporting, comment improvements

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File reporting, comment improvements

Postby Dubloons » May 11th, 2009, 6:28 am

I'm not sure if there is a moderation system involved when you post new files or not, but it seems to me that we lack a system to report files for whatever reason. It leaves things kind of vulnerable to trolling.

With that in mind, I also think comments should have a score, like on youtube. If the comment is down-ranked so that it has a negative score, it will be hidden by default (but can be shown by clicking on a 'show' link) This way, useless or misleading comments can be hidden.

In addition, maybe there needs to be a way to report a comment all together for moderation. I see a lot of comments on files that appear to just be the person who submitted the file on an alternate account giving themselves false positive feedback.

When voting on a submitted file, you should be required to leave a comment explaining your score (which will be displayed above the comment). At the moment, file scoring is meaningless because it isn't tied to a user or any feedback! I'm not sure if its like this already, but limit voting to only people who can access a file. (i.e., while a file is premium, only premium users can vote or comment. The file author can comment as well)

The file system also needs to be changed so that script-only submissions that have become free are downloadable by non-premium users. There are tons of scripts for good files that simply haven't been recorded sitting on the portal. Even though they've passed into the "free" status, you still can't even download the script!
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Postby zapnosis » May 11th, 2009, 7:37 am

To be fair, I don't think that a specific file reporting system is necessary considering that any issues can be raised in the file comments, here on the forum or by contacting EMG.

As for ratings and comments, they can always be misleading but considering that everyone on here was different tastes, fantasies, limits etc I wouldn't take them too seriously anyway. As it is, it seems that the number rating system has been disabled, thankfully, and so there are no more unexplained number votes. As for rating comments, this would surely be open to the same kind of abuse.

For me personally, all I care about is whether the file description accurately reflects the content. If I like the sound of it I'll give it a try, no matter what anyone else thinks. And there is a danger of the comments system becomming more confusing than useful, possibly when someone wants to comment on the ratings of a comment...

But that's just my take on it.
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simple solution?

Postby Calimore » May 12th, 2009, 7:37 am

Might it be possible, using the current software, to allow a user to post a comment only after they first download a file, and then allow them to rate the file only if they have left a comment first? At least then people would have to leave a comment before they gave a file a rating, encouraging many to at least say SOMETHING about the file they are rating.

This would, of course, lead to people leaving more blank comments, but at least wel would have an idea of who was voting on files. And users that leave too many blank comments could be asked "what's up?" by file authors and reported to EMG if they seem to be skewing the rating system for some reason.

It would be wonderful if users would actually vote a number other than 1 or 5 (two numbers I hesitate to use, when rating a file), but I know that is probably just asking too much. I also realize that making people comment when they vote could possibly kill the rating system altogether. But I agree with Dubloons that a blind rating system is not nearly as useful as a system with a degree of accountability, but I also feel that the old system was better than no system.
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Postby Krysta » May 12th, 2009, 9:10 am

yeah, only major problem I can see with that, are people who don't wish to be associated with their fetishes, of whom there area great number on this site. Having to leave a personally identifiable comment would keep these users from downloading a file at all.

And allowing comments only to users who've downloaded a file sounds very good in principle, but it would leave many people like myself stranded, as I get a fair number of my files directly from other users who've tried ones they like and then sent them to me to look at. So my record here wouldn't show that I have said file at all.
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point of clarity

Postby Calimore » May 12th, 2009, 11:05 am

Oh, I don't want anyone to HAVE to post comment on a file to download it. I was wondering if the site software allowed EMG to make rating a file an option only once a user has downloaded and posted a comment on a file. They could even leave the comment blank, but to rate a file they would have to post a comment.

Possibly the rating option could be placed on the comment page? That would encourage the user to comment without requiring them to do so.
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Postby slutinmyhead » July 28th, 2010, 3:42 am

Maybe people could see a reminder on their upper or lower screen with their most recently downloaded files. The only way to get rid of it would be to leave feedback :)
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Postby slutinmyhead » July 29th, 2010, 4:33 pm

As far as I'm concerned, the number ratings could totally be eliminated. Maybe just a like/dislike button? What I care most about is feedback. I think feedback could be rewarded with a one day premium membership or maybe find volunteer reviewers who review in trade for free/ advance files. I know people complain sometimes about the premium vs free thing. Personally, I think membership to this site is a no-brainer if erotic hypnosis is something you're into. There's no better bargain on the net. Yet, for people unwilling to shell out money no matter what, maybe trading some time writing a review is worth premium access. I'd gladly send someone my premium or pay files if they'd write up a review. Honestly, I'm more interested in feedback than money. I just wasn't getting one, so decided to try for the other.
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Postby zapnosis » July 29th, 2010, 5:19 pm

There's no cure for stupidity, or pettiness, or whatever. All you can do is be reasonable yourself and ignore it. In my view, the more systems you put in place to protect feedback, the more you distract people from the file itself.
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Postby slutinmyhead » July 29th, 2010, 5:42 pm

I only share my files for the feedback. Otherwise, I might as well be uploading them into outer space.
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