Based upon: "AvP: Requiem"

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Based upon: "AvP: Requiem"

Postby Darth_Fugue » September 6th, 2010, 9:37 pm

Here's what I would LIKE TO SEE happen, as a Hypno-File:

You're in your bed, sleeping, when you awaken and realize that 1. You're a woman, and 2. YOU CAN'T MOVE -- AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHY...

[your mind -- and body -- are completely relaxed... further... and further]

Just as you hear "something", your mouth is forced -- PAINFULLY -- WIDE OPEN, as a slimy Alien tentacle plummets down your throat, as it begins inseminating you... with it's OVERSIZED EGGS... FORCING THEIR WAY DOWN YOUR NARROW THROAT... and into your EVER-EXPANDING STOMACH!

[as each egg enters you, you'll become more-and-more aroused! as you become more-and-more aroused, you'll become more-and-more entranced! as you become more-and-more entranced, you'll want more-and-more Alien Eggs forced down your throat...]

As the NEVER-ENDING supply of Alien Eggs continue their descent, your body begins "Giving Birth" -- each "birth" rendering you more-and-more into an "Alien Incubator!"

[as you give birth to each Alien Egg, your mind becomes more-and-more blank. as your mind becomes more-and-more blank, the more you'll become addicted! as you become more-and-more addicted, the more you'll want to give yourself to this file. the more you want to give yourself, the more-and-more you'll want to listen to this file! the more-and-more you want to listen to this file, the more-and-more you want to go, deeper! the more-and-more you want to go deeper, the more-and-more you will become relaxed...]


[your mind -- and body -- are completely relaxed... further... and further]

[as each egg enters you, you'll become more-and-more aroused! as you become more-and-more aroused, you'll become more-and-more entranced! as you become more-and-more entranced, you'll want more-and-more Alien Eggs forced down your throat...]

[as you give birth to each Alien Egg, your mind becomes more-and-more blank. as your mind becomes more-and-more blank, the more you'll become addicted! as you become more-and-more addicted, the more you'll want to give yourself to this file. the more you want to give yourself, the more-and-more you'll want to listen to this file! the more-and-more you want to listen to this file, the more-and-more you want to go, deeper! the more-and-more you want to go deeper, the more-and-more you will become relaxed...]
Posts: 7
Joined: September 1st, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby nero12 » September 7th, 2010, 10:51 am

Oh me, oh my...this was interesting, exciting :D Whould like to hear this as a hypno file. ....maybe even experience it :lol: :lol:
Posts: 6
Joined: July 27th, 2006, 12:00 am

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