A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby nicosali » July 4th, 2005, 10:26 pm

YES INCREASE METABOLISM WORKS. I have lost like 7 pounds now. I didn't exercise , i didn't do diet, i eat the same food than before and i lost weight!!!!. I even dream of being running really fast. I listen the file without the part of wake up and the train suceptible without the induction and wake up . I play that on repeat . MAN it works !!!!!
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Postby makidas » July 6th, 2005, 12:12 am

I'm jealous, lol.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby mone » July 6th, 2005, 1:56 pm

do u mean that u take the induction and the wake up part out of the tape and it works better :P
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Postby nicosali » July 6th, 2005, 8:53 pm

The first file i hear is the increase metabolism without the wake up part and the next file on the list is the suceptable without the induction and wake up part. It seems to power up the other file, make it stronger. Last night i heared the list for at least 2:30 .I was in trance for 2:25 hours and it was great. The next file i am gonna try is one of the hardest.
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Postby loony28 » July 6th, 2005, 9:17 pm

:twisted: That's great. If you don't mind my asking, what file are you going to listen to next? :twisted:
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Postby nicosali » July 6th, 2005, 11:40 pm

Don't know for sure , perhaps Trigslowwomanchange , Goldtime or perhaps i should back with Trigorgasm. But I dont think that last file to be harder that the others 2. mmmm what do you think?
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Postby cardigan » July 7th, 2005, 3:39 pm

The easiest way to do cut, copy and paste on mp3 that I know of is by using a program which is part of the Nero Burning Rom 6.0 called Nero Wave Editor. It will load a mp3 file and display the sound as graphs, and you can do all your editing in simple windows fashion and then save afterwards. If you don't want to buy this excellent suite of programs, perhaps there's a decent mp3-editor available at I haven't checked.

When I record audio myself, I use a program called Syntrillium Cool Edit - an old, but still good program. It won't do mp3, but has the same edit facilities as Nero has. Also it as a lot of facilities to mix, do echoes and much, much more. I save the file in PCM format and then I use Winamp with the mp3 output plugin to convert the files to mp3. This plugin is not freeware, but reasonably priced at

Hope this helps.

that_guy_812 wrote:Since I'm a noob when it comes to audio, how do you edit (cut or whatever the hell you call it) the files?
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Postby davelowe1977 » July 8th, 2005, 9:30 am

cardigan wrote:
When I record audio myself, I use a program called Syntrillium Cool Edit - an old, but still good program. It won't do mp3, but has the same edit facilities as Nero has. Also it as a lot of facilities to mix, do echoes and much, much more. I save the file in PCM format and then I use Winamp with the mp3 output plugin to convert the files to mp3. This plugin is not freeware, but reasonably priced at

Hope this helps.

that_guy_812 wrote:Since I'm a noob when it comes to audio, how do you edit (cut or whatever the hell you call it) the files?

I use Cooledit Pro2000 - it does support mp3s and also has a handy brainwave simulator so you can encode the files with theta waves or whatever you think is most effective.
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Postby simplykei » July 13th, 2005, 10:26 pm

Heck ya it works! And for someone who used to be anorexic in order to stay thin, I have to give a thanks to Mr. EMG. I now eat and my body works the way it's supposed to so I've never been healthier. Hypnosis is a good thing. The sexy files are nice as well *grin*. Since finding this site my life has changed.
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Postby tenchi2004 » July 15th, 2005, 8:54 am

Well I can say it works too, Well I am self-trancing myself just before I sleep. I always finish with emptying my mind so I get to sleep faster.

Anyway, I tranced myself to gain muscle strength, basicly I make my uncouscious believe my body I had a training session, so my muscle works on their own. (its possible since when you do a training session you tell your muscle to get bigger, but with the uncouscious way its just easier since you dont need to work-out)

Anyway I am on day 8. I lost 5 pounds, and I went from 0-1 pushouts, to about 14-15.
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Postby mokillo » February 22nd, 2008, 10:49 am

Hell yeah it works.

I used the same playlist and i have gained 2 kilograms (4'5 pounds), resulting in a change from 85 kilograms to 87. Woohoo.

Is that temporary? I have been stuck in 85 kg for a long while, and i havent changed my diet or exercise at all.

EDIT: Sorry 4 the edit, i just want to say that i used this post instead of writing one more for the sake of non-redundancy.
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Postby lizzie101 » March 4th, 2008, 1:04 am

cardigan wrote:The easiest way to do cut, copy and paste on mp3 that I know of is by using a program which is part of the Nero Burning Rom 6.0 called Nero Wave Editor. It will load a mp3 file and display the sound as graphs, and you can do all your editing in simple windows fashion and then save afterwards. If you don't want to buy this excellent suite of programs, perhaps there's a decent mp3-editor available at I haven't checked.
Wow, I thought I was the only person who had ever heard of that program, I used to use it all the time to do little edits to sound files, the interface is simple and very easy to work with :)
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Postby aeroue » March 4th, 2008, 11:41 pm

Audacity works perfectly well and is completely free.
From sourceforge
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