Hypnosis game

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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Postby Realm » September 10th, 2010, 5:52 am

I gave it a go, and in virtually a few minutes I made a spell that only has the effect of playing an audio file. The really great thing is it still loads a .wav file that's stored in the game's directory, so you can still swap whatever triggers you decide to use for the game.

I'll start working on a little dungeon level to test out how well it works now. Hopefully this time people will be able to actually move around without too much grief. :roll:
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Postby ziaspet » September 13th, 2010, 5:06 am

oo! Morrowind, i'm glad i came back to check this thread me and my 4 copys of the game will be happy!

could i suggest making sure its compatable with better bodies cause the default humanoid models leave some to be desired

looking forward to this with great anticipation
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Postby darkenedav » September 13th, 2010, 12:46 pm

upgrade to oblivion, moding it is easier. plus sexy female models pre-done :D
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Postby ziaspet » September 15th, 2010, 4:41 am

i never much like the female models in oblivion, and morrowind was a far supiriour game even with the poorer graphics
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Postby Realm » September 19th, 2010, 3:38 am

I've been thinking of looking at Oblivion, if only because I'm annoyed that Morrowind doesn't support a widescreen monitor. :(

Can't expect too much from a game that old, mind you.

Doesn't Oblivion need a fairly up-to-date computer to run? I don't want to make it unreasonably difficult for people to play the game.
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Postby ziaspet » September 20th, 2010, 8:04 am

the specs on it arn't that high, a fairly modern computer shouldn't have dificulty but anything 5 or mroe years old might have diffculty, ther is a mod called oldblivion for turn the settings below minimum if your computer is having problems
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Postby darkenedav » September 20th, 2010, 1:29 pm

ziaspet wrote:the specs on it arn't that high, a fairly modern computer shouldn't have dificulty but anything 5 or mroe years old might have diffculty, ther is a mod called oldblivion for turn the settings below minimum if your computer is having problems

Reinstalled Oblivion on this chats basis lol

Well it is one of those games that as long as you don't have an unfixable glitch (my old graphics card caused the entire walls to bloom), it works fine :)

Plus the game (with 101 simple mods) looks stunning :) could even do a hypno themed quest o_O the possibilities with that are endless!
{do you help them, hinder, join forces or fall to them <then do you carry on, resist or surrender into it?
etc etc etc
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Yet another free MMORPG engine...

Postby Fizbin » September 20th, 2010, 6:05 pm

Here's one that I found...

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Postby Realm » September 21st, 2010, 12:56 am

At this point I'll have to say a definite no to making an MMORPG, simply because with the time I have to spare as well as the learning curve it would likely take years.

If Oblivion looks nicer, has more gameplay features doesn't have any glaring difficulties associated with it I'll probably end up modding that for the real thing. Still using Morrowind for now since I can't bear the thought of scrapping what I've done even once more and I'm exhausted with everything else going on at the moment.
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Postby Realm » October 2nd, 2010, 12:47 am

Good heavens, has it really been this long since I last posted?

I'm sad to say I've accomplished very little so far. I think I've worked out the script for testing if the player gets hit by a specific weapon, but I still need to test it. That means triggers should be easily attached to weapons, spells, potions, enchanted objects and special events.

I'm still very busy with the vigorous mundanities of normal life at the moment, but I did get around to buying Oblivion and trying it out. The editor is basically the same, the graphics are much nicer and don't seem to be too taxing. I'm personally not too fussed about the character models, but I checked and found a few mods for "improving" (as in wink wink nudge nudge) both male and female models as well as skin textures.

This whole project has gotten a bit ridiculous, leaping from one idea to the next without even a properly working proof of concept. I'll make the Morrowind mod about as simple as the original, so just one positive trigger and one negative trigger that the player provides.
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Postby darkenedav » October 2nd, 2010, 10:06 am

Realm wrote:This whole project has gotten a bit ridiculous, leaping from one idea to the next without even a properly working proof of concept.

Every project I've done has been like that ^_^;; Don't sweat it.

Hell look at lionhead studios. I bet the team for Fable want to lock Peter Molongue away because he keeps adding things even a week before release.
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Postby Realm » October 9th, 2010, 4:48 am

Sorry folks, that's it.

I can't get any of the scripts I wrote in this game to work.

I can't even equip spells to enemies without the editor deciding to throw in a bunch of its own.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to resort to using one of those really basic RPG making programs. It won't be 3D, it won't be as action-oriented or as immersive, but darn it at least we might have the beginnings of a game before the year is out.
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Postby Realm » October 10th, 2010, 10:22 pm

Once again I have a very simple test game that's almost ready.

The program I've used is very basic, so it's easy to get a lot of things done quickly but there's limited funcionality. So far I've got a simple character creation system where you choose your gender and enter your name. I also have two different gameplay styles that can be tested. One is the traditional walk-around-until-randomly-bumping-into-mob-of-enemies style, the other lets you see the enemies so you have a chance to avoid them before getting into combat. Right now they just wander aimlessly, and they can even be difficult to chase down sometimes.

As far as playing the trigger files goes, it looks like you can assign triggers quite easily to certain events. Drinking different potions can call up different triggers, getting hit during combat calls its own trigger (unfortunately it's just one for every generic attack) and for the second game-type a trigger file can be played if you lose in combat, not necessarily meaning you lose the game.

Everything seems to work just hunky-dory but I'd like to make sure it actually runs smoothly this time. Should have something up by tomorrow.
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Postby Enargo » October 11th, 2010, 8:57 am

I like the idea of a trigger being activated everytime you lose a battle. Will the files be subliminals, binaurals (is that how you spell it?), or straight up regular files? I think you should have the random battle system, if you make the monsters appealing it would turn out easier for you to get sunken in, also give us a good story, a shitty story can ruin a game.
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Postby Realm » October 11th, 2010, 2:09 pm

There are a few different things people have wanted from the files.

The easiest will be very short files that just contain trigger phrases; the programming for the triggers will be done before playing the game. This doesn't leave many surprises in the game, however, since you'll already know exactly what's going to be used. I'm guessing triggers like these would also be best suited to simple experiencial (I think that's how you spell it, if it's even a word lol) stuff like tactile responses to combat and other events.

Another thing people have been suggesting is behaviour changing. I don't know how specific to each situation that sort of thing would need to be, thus the files may need to be a little more complex than simple pre-programmed triggers. That might mean the player would have to go into trance very quickly while playing the game, which could be difficult. I haven't decided how to implement that yet since first I have to test how people react purely to triggers.

Binaurals and subliminals would theoretically be the easiest things to implement simply by putting them into the background music for certain areas, but I have no idea how effective they would be if the player is focused on playing the game.

What I've never personally liked about random battle systems is that combat becomes an inevitability, and therefore a bit more dull. Originally I wanted a slightly more action-oriented game anyway, but since I've failed in using every other game-making program but this one having the enemies visible before going into battle is the only thing left. I'll put it to a vote once I've finished this test game then base it on that.
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Postby Realm » October 11th, 2010, 3:07 pm

Perhaps having visible enemies won't be so easy. The problem is that there are very few settings for how the enemies can move. There's "random" and "approach player", and then you can control speed and frequency. The obvious way to do this would be to set it to random moving slowly, then switch to approaching the player at a higher speed once the player gets close enough to them. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this game seems to have no implementation of x-y coordinates. And since there isn't a pre-written function that calculates the distance between two objects, I have no idea how to test something as simple as when the player gets close to an enemy!
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Postby Realm » October 11th, 2010, 3:17 pm

Nevermind, just worked out how to do it.
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Postby Realm » October 11th, 2010, 9:13 pm

Here's the test version of the game again:


In order for it to run, you'll also need to download and install the run-time package for the program I made it with:


Make sure you download VX and not XP.

I couldn't get fleeing to work properly with gamestyle B, since if you run away from combat the enemy is still standing next to you. I tried fixing that by freezing the enemy for a few seconds giving the player a chance to cover some distance, but somehow it freezes the player as well. Other than that everything works adequately as far as I've tested on my own.

To put triggers into the game you just need to replace the audio files in audio\SE with the trigger files you want to use. positive1.wav is played when you use a health potion, 4 of which are scattered throughout a small level, positive2.wav is played when you use the "life up" located in the chest at the "end" of the level. negative1.wav is for when you get hit by an enemy, which might happen quite often and quickly when you're being attacked by two of them, and negative2.wav should play if you lose in battle. I'm not sure what that would mean in gameplay style B, since the enemy would still be standing next to you if you die. The enemies are so weak that you should have no excuse for dying by accident though. Just make sure you do it in gamestyle A to avoid it looping on you.

And now I must return to the work I've been neglecting. Let me know how it works and if there are any serious bugs, other than those mentioned above, that need urgent attention.
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Postby darkenedav » October 12th, 2010, 7:08 am

Realm wrote:And now I must return to the work I've been neglecting. Let me know how it works and if there are any serious bugs, other than those mentioned above, that need urgent attention.

Ta :) I'm not overly interested in the concept but I'm a gaming whore so I'm downloading anyways lol

Anything I spot I'll note down and pm ya :D grats on a released ver :D
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Postby Realm » October 17th, 2010, 2:54 am

I was at least expecting a little constructive criticism, but it looks as though just about everyone's lost interest now. Maybe the fact that it's less a game about hypnotism and more a game that uses hypnotism to become more immersive. There's no reason it couldn't be both, I just find the overlap to be a bit redundant.

Or perhaps people are disappointed that the design of the game itself has degraded so much from what was first proposed. The most substantial programming I've ever done was for a robotics project using visual basic, but even that was fairly simple. I just don't have the skills to do much more than design, I'm afraid.

Maybe there are too few people out there currently able to test the game on themselves for any number of reasons. Personally I haven't tranced in months; my mind has been too occupied.

I sense this may be a familiar example of people getting excited about an idea then losing interest when the reality demands more time and effort to create something worthwhile than originally predicted. Based on the number of posts in this thread I'd say a good hypnotism game wouldn't go unnoticed, but the steps of development between here and there have turned everyone off.

A few people have offered to lend a hand, even a couple people with programming experience, but they've all since dropped out of contact. Possibly because I didn't keep the lines of communication going - I'm not sure. If the general feeling is that I'm not producing anything worth the time on my own, I'm still happy to receive help and input from others. I suspect that some people may be disappointed in the way this game has changed in more ways than just the engine.

Anyway, I could use some feedback of all sorts because I'm a bit stumped by the silence.
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Postby Illpill » October 17th, 2010, 4:26 am

Now i've checked, and found that VX will run under XP, if my poor ol' lappy is up to it I'll give it a look.

I'm thinking that this game should have a really long, binding :) EULA as part of the induction.
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Postby Enargo » October 17th, 2010, 7:46 am

I need to find some subliminal files to make it easier for me. I'd rather hear something that sounds remotely like music, rather then a voice on repeat.
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Postby fabisandine » October 17th, 2010, 7:57 pm

Tomorrow afternoon I'll see that file! Thanks.
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Postby Realm » October 18th, 2010, 7:00 pm

The next thing I'll work on is giving the player the ability to insert their own background music, just so they can play whatever binaural\subliminal track suits them.
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Postby qv » August 10th, 2011, 2:17 am

Ha, bet you guys thought this thread was forever dead and forgotten, but while Realm may have left, I still haven't forgotten about this. Granted, this is largely because I only found out about it a month or so ago, but I digress.
I have no experience whatsoever with coding, so I wouldn't know where to begin with what he left, but... well, I searched around for files that would work as the negative and positive effect sounds, and I've isolated the triggers for InstantWetting and TrigPleasure. If anyone still has the game (download might still work, check above), just take these .wav files and put them into the ...\WMM\Audio\SE folder, and replace the files there. Negative1 activates upon being hit, so it occurs quite frequently (too frequently for InstantWetting), but the player is so overpowered that Negative2, which activates upon death, never happens. Positive1 activates upon using a potion, Positive2 upon using the HealthUp or "Win Game" MacGuffin.
If anyone knows of any triggers that would be appropriate... y'know, might be cool is all. Of course, the player has to have experience with the files first, but using popular files means players may not have to go out of their way.
Anyways, enough words, here are the files (I apologize for the MediaFire)
[url]http://www.mediafire.com/?sb9cribjp3ngses[/url] for InstantWetting trigger
[url]http://www.mediafire.com/?wg236v2qdg8180v[/url] for TrigPleasure trigger (which may or may not work, as it cannot be self-triggered, but is it really self-triggering if the game does it?)
I've also taken the liberty of posting 2 files to vote on, the triggers of which would be negative1 and positive1 respectively; getting cum on your face (seemed fitting enough for fighting slimes), and ending any unpleasant sensations (though the cause of the sensations may stay), like, say having cum on your face.
God, the loops I have to jump through for you non-asexual people...
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Postby qv » August 11th, 2011, 2:36 am

K, so I got RPGmaker... still couldn't do anything with Realm's stuff, so...
Well, I made a demo from scratch. Very short, no plot, generic male protagonist, etc., but I figure the triggers would provide the replay value. Thing is, though, it's probably better experienced in small chunks...
Kay, so it's got triggers from InstantWetting, TrigArousal, TrigOrgasm, TrigPleasure, and TrigStrip. So if you're going to play, make sure those files work first (and rustle up the RPGMaker Runtime Package too, if that's not installed). The triggers aren't very subliminal, lol, but at least that way it's that much more likely to be heard (except the TrigStrip trigger makes strip sound like derp... derp)
So this is what I've done in a few hours without my mood stabilizers, gonna go full-moon skinny-dipping
Any feedback about anything in the history of ever would be appreciated, since I've been checking for any forum posts every few minutes, and it's a graveyard out there, so bang some stuff on your keyboard or sumthin'.
Wow, the loons are goin' crazy... almost...... loonatics
K be back in a few
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Postby qv » August 12th, 2011, 1:13 am

HAHAHA oh wow that's fresh.
Y'know, not to sound like a dick, but I'm onto other things now.
I know, it's a bit abrupt, but... well, I guess that's just the way my interests change. It's really quite unusual that this site has kept my interest this long, actually... especially now that My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has sucked up all my attention span.
Probably my subconscious latching onto the notion of improving my hypnotic suggestibility so as to better control and/or understand myself...
He's a bro.

So anyways, I included the RPGMaker project file in the rar file, so anyone should be able to do whatever. If you really want to know, all I had even bothered conceptualizing was-
Name and Gender Assignment (Can't quite figure how he managed that)
Slimes (or more monster types in general, but nothing really stuck out)
Slight plot regarding evil seductress, the final boss, who attempts to get you to submit to her. If you do, TentacleRape.wav, if not, dunno, TrigOrgasm.wav? Something better? Or not?
Inclusion of some sort of TrigExperience trigger
Dungeoneering (Go deeper...)
Item whose sole purpose is to suck up money (addictive?; for added bonus, require money for plot-required item)
And was going to do UnexpectedWetting.wav upon losing, but couldn't find the trigger phrase anywhere in the file, so... InstantWetting.wav? Or maybe losing requires something worse?
Idk, man, what I did was all on impulse anyways, I don't get the sense that I'd have the focus to actually do anything more.
The entire site has access to the project file now, howsa bout some people see what they can do with it? Assuming that they've obtained RPGMaker via either legitimate or free methods?
K, sun's coming up soon, I'd better hit the hay
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Postby Mandrache » August 29th, 2012, 1:17 pm

qv wrote:
K be back in a few

Link doesn't work for me. Says invalid or deleted file.

Also not entire sure which RPG maker it's for. I've got one with install folder named "RPGVXAce" which is newish. I actually had planned making some sort of adventure game with it with added hypno stuff. (The game supports video, music, sound effects, pictures and custom sprites I think). Never got much further than translating everything to English which took me less than a day.

Had some ideas for mind control using inaudible audio to tell you to do something in-game, f ex go west/n/s/e and wait when in the right spot test the feasibility of it.
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Postby ProfessorPig » August 29th, 2012, 5:31 pm

i am surprised it didn't end up being a rags game. there are a ton of rags game makers interested in hypnosis although none of them have actual hypnosis in their games it would not be too hard to add it in. i think the rags system is easy enough to use that you could use it while entranced as well.
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