Having problems with comments

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Having problems with comments

Postby sarnoga » September 25th, 2010, 7:26 pm


I don't like to complain but... oh hell, why lie. I love to complain and I have found something to complain about.

Recently I tried to leave a comment on a file but was unable to do so. The comments were there and the box to type a comment was there but the button to submit the comment typed in the box was down below the edge of my screen and I couldn't scroll down to reach it. I tried everything I could think of except changing to another web browser as I did not want to leave a comment bad enough to have to use "Internet Explorer." I typically use Firefox. Anyone else have this same problem?

This was very frustrating. I like all the nice changes to the file sorting and searching that have been done. But I think I liked the old style of the comments window better.

Also, seems to me it would be better if the comments were sorted in the opposite order, with the newest comments on the top. When checking comments on a file I have often seen all the old ones and it seems a shame to have to scroll through them again just to get to the one or two newest.

Additionally when I use ' as in can't or don't or somebody's it inserts a / and I end up with can/'t and don/'t and it makes me look even more ignorant than I am. Whats up with this?

Any thoughts?

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Postby Calimore » September 25th, 2010, 10:24 pm

Although I have not had the problem Sarnoga did with the submit button in the comments, I do feel I have to chime in and agree with the rest of his pithy, bitchy post. Also, let me add that the errant punctuation is irritating not only in the comments box but also when trying to write a file description, as authors are currently unable to edit either.

Otherwise, the other changes have been, as Sarnoga said, rather welcome. You know we have to love the site otherwise, EMG - I mean, come on, the best we can bitch about is the COMMENT box!

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Postby saiumi » September 25th, 2010, 11:15 pm

I've had the "off screen" button on several files, I use Firefox and Safari as well. I can't remember which ones they were. I also have to agree with Cali and Sarnoga about the punctuation errors.

An edit button would be really useful on the description boxes, as well as cleaning up some of the blank comments. Other than those things the system looks great.
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