My update of the permanent fox ears and tail script..

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My update of the permanent fox ears and tail script..

Postby ranmafan » September 16th, 2010, 7:41 pm

Here is my update on the Permanent fox ears and tail file. Not too much has changed. But I like this better. I didn't like that whole "raise hand thing" and the whole "moving your arm during trance" cause that creates some confusion. So here's an updated script. Let me know if you like it or if you have any suggestions?

*Insert induction here..*

Now, I’m going to teach you something new. Or rather, I’m going to give you something new.
I want you now to focus on your lower back. Just focus on your lower back, just above
your buttocks. Focus on how it feels right now, just feel it out. As I talk to you, you
feel a slight pulling sensation at the base of your spine. It doesn’t hurt, in fact, it’s
quite enjoyable. It’s almost as if someone is massaging the base of your spine. tugging on it slightly. Your
tail is growing longer and longer, it feels so amazing. Soon, the
tail stops growing, resting against the back of your shins now. Feel your new, real tail, and
feel the new sensations it gives off. It’s like having a 3rd arm of sorts, a new sensory
organ. The other thing you find is that you can control it. Feel the sensation of the air passing over it, giving you
great pleasure. Now, you get a strange, tickly feeling on your tail. Your tail is beginning to grow fur. The color
is a reddish orange, ending with a tip of white. Just feel the fur grow, covering you tail completely, all
the way up to the base of it. Now, feel how soft your fur is. Just envision your new fox tail,
loving the feeling of your lush, new, furry tail. It is so poofy and soft, Doesn’t that feel good? Just feel the
new sensations from your tail. Whatever you tail touches, you feel. Imagine for a moment, wrapping your tail around your leg, squeezing your leg just a bit. You not only feel the fur
and the pressure on your leg, you feel, through your tail, your leg. You don’t need to
touch your leg with your hand to feel it, because you tail is feeling it for you. Now, let’s work
on the involuntary actions of your tail. Your tail will act accordingly to your emotions.
For example, if you are happy, your tail will swish happily. If you are scared, you tail
will stand up straight, and the hairs will bristle. Let’s test this out. I want you to
think of something that you really like. Something that makes you very happy. It could
be your favorite food, a memory of a trip to somewhere, anything that makes you very happy.
Know that your tail is swishing happily, just how I said it would. You love feeling
your tail reacting on its own, and it makes you even happier. Very good! Now, your tail is complete,
lets work on your ears. I want you to focus on your ears. Just focus on yours, thinking
of the shape and feeling of them. That’s it. Now feel your ears beginning to shift.
They are beginning to make their way to the top of your head. They move slowly, but they
are defiantly moving. You can feel the shift. Feel them work their way up to the top of
your head. As they move, they seem to be changing, becoming more pointed. Just feel them
move and change, about to reach their final destination. That’s it, feel the changes
happening to you. Your ears are almost perfect fox ears now, and are now perfectly seated
at the top of your head. Now, feel fur beginning to grow on them, covering your perfectly
shaped fox ears, completing the transformation. Your fox ears are orange in color and are tipped with black fur. Look at yourself now. A lovely, furry
little fox tail and a wonderful pair of cute little fox ears. See how cute you look now? You love having your new ears and tail.
You will always have your ears and tail with you. That’s right, this is a permanent
change. Whatever you do, from now on, you will always feel your foxy ears on top of your head, and your cute foxy tail.
You will always have sensations coming from your tail, the wind passing over it, the
occasional brush up against a nearby wall or person. Your tail will continue to react to
emotions. Stiff and bristling when you are angry, twitching every once in a while when you
are calm, and swishing gently when you are happy. Let’s not forget about your ears.
Your hearing will become sharper, more finely tuned. When a breeze passes through your
hair, you will feel it on your new ears. If someone pats you on the head or ruffles your
hair, you will feel your ears being touched. You don’t need to worry about your tail or
ears being squished by constrictive clothing. Each pair of close-fitting pants, shorts,
skirts, anything that would normally cover your tail will fit comfortably over top of your tail, not causing any discomfort whatsoever. The same thing goes with any hat or hard hat or anything else that sets over your ears. It will feel perfectly comfortable to you. After all, we don’t want you to be uncomfortable with your new developments. We are almost done here, just a few more points I want to
show you before we part ways. You will return to this file over and over until the file
works, if it doesn’t work the first time. You are confident that this file will work,
because you know you can make it happen. Once you get the file to work, it would still
be a good idea to come back to the file, because this file deals with sharpening the
sensations coming from your tail and ears. You want to come back to this file, because
you know that you will improve your new gifts by listening. You can’t lose your new gifts,
only improve them.

...And now it is time to wake you back up, to come back to consciousness, but
leaving you feeling so refreshed, like you've awoken from a very good
nap. I will count you back up from one to five, and when I reach five,
you will return to the world, completely refreshed, but remembering how
good this trance felt,

One. Begin to stir, listening to my voice.

Two. Starting to become aware of the world.

Three. Closer and closer to reality, halfway back.

Four. Reality returns, opening your eyes now...

Five. Awaken completely refreshed, fully awake, enjoying the new sensations of your fox ears and tail now. I hope you enjoyed the file.

Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby Faldor » September 28th, 2010, 7:29 am

Sounds interesting, i think you shoild make it!
Posts: 12
Joined: October 1st, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby ranmafan » September 28th, 2010, 3:22 pm

I am no recorder. I am not going to pursue this being recorded though as I have another file being made for me. If anyone wants to record this they may do so. :)
Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby whatsername100 » November 13th, 2010, 7:52 pm

Great job, but I wish someone would record the cat version of this file.
Posts: 49
Joined: November 22nd, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby simoncan » April 17th, 2011, 1:44 am

its good but you have words in there [ dose'nt , wont ] the subconscience only understands positive speech like [ will and dose ] it will act on suggestions but dose not know how not to act on something all in all great file got good results
Posts: 3
Joined: November 13th, 2010, 1:00 am

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