Looking for a master/mistress pics included

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Looking for a master/mistress pics included

Postby Gregius » October 7th, 2010, 3:28 pm

Hey interested people :)

Had my girlfriend into sissification over the last few months and am ready to push things forward a bit. LOVE the idea of hypnosis but consistently haven't had any luck with it.

I'm looking for a tist to click with me and have fun with (and with me). Love sissification but have no unreal aspirations to full womanhood. Aiming to get a laptop with cam soon which I think would help.

I like the actual forced element, so being pushed slightly beyond my boundaries excites me.

Send over a pm if you might be interested and we can chat in a little more detail.



Posts: 33
Joined: July 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Gregius » October 9th, 2010, 1:29 pm

tanyaslave wrote:How in the world are you lucky enough to have found a girlfriend whose into sissification???
Sir, you are the luckiest individual on the planet.
I, am jealous.

She never used to be.

One night we were really really REALLY smashed and I came out and told her. She was really randy and she sort of thought the idea was interesting, so she dressed me up and it's gone from there.

Posts: 33
Joined: July 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

maybe we make our own Luck

Postby MyVoice » October 9th, 2010, 3:52 pm

Good for you, Gregius, but know what? I think you're BOTH "Lucky"! :wink:
...and you Love the Sound of MyVoice.
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Re: maybe we make our own Luck

Postby Gregius » October 11th, 2010, 12:44 pm

MyVoice wrote:Good for you, Gregius, but know what? I think you're BOTH "Lucky"! :wink:
...and you Love the Sound of MyVoice.

:D :D :D
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Joined: July 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Re: Looking for a master/mistress pics included

Postby Liann » October 16th, 2010, 1:28 am

Gregius wrote:Hey interested people :)

Had my girlfriend into sissification over the last few months and am ready to push things forward a bit. LOVE the idea of hypnosis but consistently haven't had any luck with it.

I'm looking for a tist to click with me and have fun with (and with me). Love sissification but have no unreal aspirations to full womanhood.

I am working on a hypno-fantasy file, getting the synthetic voice to speak right, which stars "Mistress Barbie" who plays dress up with her doll Ken-dra, the playmate with the centerfold boobies.

While it could be used as a hypnotism body file in a sequenced playlist of (1) Induction, (2) Trance Deepeners, then (3) the Body, followed by optional (4) wake-up if desired, you don't need to be in trance to enjoy the file.

The premise is that entertainment comes in many forms, and playing "let's pretend to be hypnotized" can be an erotic form of entertainment, basically a hybrid between real hypnosis and daydreaming a guided fantasy.

With some people well trained in going into trance, it takes nothing more than setting up the file to play and then saying their favorite trance trigger. Boom, they are hypnotized just like that. In fact, a lot of hypnotists spend a lot of time setting up the second trance and further sequential ones. They induce a trance, bring the subject up, and with a trigger put them back "ten times deeper and deeper". The more they train the subject to fall rapidly into trance the more productive the sessions are for everybody involved.

For a lot of people, just complying, agreeing to play "let's pretend", is the start of getting into the state where suggestions can take root and ultimately germinate. You don't actually need to be in a trance to listen to suggestions and agree to not fight them with resistance for the purpose of getting pleasure from being taken on a ride. In the movies, or reading fiction, it is called "willful suspension of disbelief". You don't get your ten dollars worth at the movies criticizing the details of the plot and faulting the acting -- it's going along with the story-teller to see how the story unfolds where you enjoy the experience.

Sex has so many taboos that a courageous man would fearlessly run into a burning building to rescue a stranger but will freeze in panic if made to wear a skirt showing shaved legs and high heels in public to the mall. A strong alpha male will throw himself on a grenade or storm the machine-gun nest, but it takes bigger balls than that to fill up a bra.

A hypno-fantasy story about a domineering hypnotist Mistress manipulating a subject into being her dress-up doll takes certain people on a trip to places they otherwise could never go. Just the mere thought of cross-dressing unleashes erotic impulses that greatly intensifies arousal and orgasms.

Currently acknowledged CD/TV/TGs are a secondary audience, as also are women whom have certain phobias about femininity (femme lesbian partners who wear too much plaid flannel shirts, religious taliban ruined overly-chaste, or just your everyday under-developed flat-chested wallflower who needs a good lusty fantasy to kickstart her libido).

The real intended audience are the red-blooded hetero men who believe "you can never hypnotize me" or "my will is so strong that I am completely going to turn the tables and dominate you". These are the persons who could greatly be improved by learning some submission and the taste of female power.

It pretty much doesn't matter what reason you bring for listening to the file, if you listen then you are probably going to end up being put on a feminine trip.

It will take a couple of weeks for me to get the sound right. Some time in early November seems about right. Currently, the file is 26 minutes long, roughly the same length as some half-hour TV show, so it competes for attention with all the other time-wasters out there. It has suggestions to listen to the file daily, and it takes about two weeks of repetitions to train the mind to accept all of the suggestions as reasonably necessary to obtain very intense prolonged and multiple orgasms. For many listeners the orgasm rewards will probably begin in the first session, and just improve thereafter.

The file is just a body, no induction, no deepeners, so it can be looped, or joined with other files. It could play all night while you sleep, dreaming about Mistress Barbie telling her playmate dress-up doll what to do. Wouldn't you like that? :P
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Postby Gregius » November 20th, 2010, 3:25 pm

Would love to hear more about that, sounds fantastic :D
Posts: 33
Joined: July 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

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