Not a success story, but a journal.

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Not a success story, but a journal.

Postby beesman » October 15th, 2010, 1:37 am

I have never seen one of these, and I figure if I ever really figure out this trance stuff it might help someone new to it understand what to expect.
Here's a sick song to listen while you read.
So, I started a month ago, listening to EMG's succeptable file
four times a day for a week. I moved on to listen to the written curse file
every morning when I woke up while still drowsy and every night twice.
I made sure to write nothing for a week, and then tried it.
My first success!

But before I go on, lets talk about actually getting into the trance in the first place.
I am a man of peace, although not religious, so I meditated daily for over a year before I even attempted Hypnotic trance.
I know this played a large factor, so to anyone just starting to get into trance I suggest becoming comfortable with meditation first.
So, here are the little bumps I came across in the road and how I solved them, hopefully this info will help you.
Training the mind to understand the difference between sleep and trance was the first problem. I find that when listening to a EMG file, really focus on what he is saying. Repeat the words in your mind without giving them too much thought---just accept them and repeat them as they come.
This worked wonders for me, at least.

The next issue was that my mind was so full of ideas I couldn't focus, and fell asleep. The thing is, you can't try to stop thinking. You'll just end up aggravated. Accept the thoughts as they come and then let them go. Don't think further into any of the ideas in your head. Sort of like an annoying sound in the distance that you can never find.Accept it as a fact and move on, eventually they will fade out.

Now, the next big step is communicating with your subconscious, which I'll cover in my next post.
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Joined: October 12th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby beesman » October 15th, 2010, 2:00 am

This step was totally surreal for me, and for a time I questioned my own sanity. But I now knew what trance felt like, and these experiences happened while meditating, so I know I wasn't dreaming. This is going to sound silly, but here's a dive into my subconscious. If anyone wants to try to make sense of it, go ahead.

My mind snaps to me standing in a grassy hallway with walls on both sides, maybe five feet apart. Ten feet or so in front of me is an old wooden well, completely run down. I stand in front of this well and look around. To my left is a steel gate with a padlock, and to the right what seems to be a vault door. Behind me there is a swinging Pendulum and darkness. I have never attempted to move backwards, I have a VERY VERY bad feeling about this.

Popping out of the well is a Halloween pumpkin who hands me a deck of cards. Each card I draw is something that is stressful in my life, and I have to acknowledge the cards and throw them one by one into the well.
After this he hands me a white key that opens the metal gate, and I enter what I refer too as my soul room. Its small open grassy area, maybe fifty feet in all directions. In the center is a tall oak tree, to the left there sits an old Japanese looking fountain. The water is solid black.
And in front of me near the back (The whole area is surrounded by a tall metal fence) is a drawing board.

Now, to the really weird part--the occupants. And this is where I start acting crazy. But first, that song is probably close to ending, so here ya go.

My subconscious is decided into five separate people.
The first two stand by the drawing board, and I call them the scientists.
For some reason, one looks like this guy.
The second scientist looks like a doctor, nothing special.
These two go over what I'm doing in my life, and how bright of a future I have. The first one, the scary looking guy, tries to convince me to use my intelligence to help people. The second man, the doctor, tempts me with all the way's I could use my gifts for my own gain. They never agree.

The next inhabitant sits under the tree, and is a silent woman who appears to be in here twenties. I can never see her face, because it is always buried in her hands. She silently sobs, and I can get no response. The one time I touched her on the shoulder I got a very violent response as she screamed at me to get away. She wears a white T-shirt and jeans, has long blue hair that goes down to her shoulders. Navy blue, not punk.

The fourth is the oddest in my opinion. A very young girl, maybe six or seven. She wears an occult looking robe and has orange eyes.
Now, a brief history. Before I was a man of peace I dabbled heavily in demonology. Now, I don't want to start a debate on weather or not demons exist, but remember--the POPE just said that heaven and hell do not exist, but are states of mind. Google it, I swear. Keeping that in mind, these demons were very real, at least to me. The girl bears the Mark of IPOS, one of the seventy two demons of Solomon. She constantly reminds me that my soul is not my own, yadda yadda....I'm sure you don't want to hear it. Yet whenever I am distressed she speaks great words of wisdom, and they always help me out of tough spots. I have very mixed feelings on this subject, and once hit her. She only smiled, I suppose it was an attempt to remind me of a violent nature.

In my next post, the most prominentt character that is in my subconscious.
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Joined: October 12th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby beesman » October 15th, 2010, 2:10 am

New song, not sure how fast or slow some of you read.

So, the main persona of my subconscious is a man who calls himself Mr. Black, or Bradley B. Black. He wears a Nazi officer's uniform and has glowing orange eyes, like the young girls but luminescent. This man is odd.
He speaks all the time, and I am almost positive he represents my Charisma. My friends tell my my Charisma is so sharp is is like a knife---as long as I talk to someone face to face, I more often than not get what I want.

Now, I don't want to sound like I'm only tooting my own horn, I have a lot of problems too. I'm impatient, impulsive and a pervert. Joy, right? But I'm working on that.

Mr Black has his own agenda, which I hope is normal for a subconscious. I always have to do something for him in real life for him to help me. Most of what he wants involves stuff that makes me think that his Agenda is for to be in a position of power. He required me to Major in Speech and politics, and I am currently in my third year of full time college. This has pleased him for the most part so far, and in return I
have become much more adept at mind-over-matter type situations, including trance.

And that's my subconscious in a nutshell. Do I have some issues or what?
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Joined: October 12th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby beesman » October 15th, 2010, 2:21 am

I just read that over, and I'm questioning my sanity again. Sounds a little crazy when I put it into words. 8O

So, back too what is actually a success story.
The writing curse from EMG works, and that was a big step in me truly realizing that this was possible. Before there were small seeds of doubt, but this sudden realization was like pouring a gallon of round-up unto those seeds. However, I still honestly thought that feeling something from a trance was impossible, as I had zero luck with it. (If anyone had real success with EMG's real porn file, I would love to know)

But, that changed earlier tonight. While in trance I very, very clearly felt a net like sensation moving up my arm. Focusing a bit, I could move it around, and eventually made it feel a little like a hand.

Not really full success, but it opened my eyes again. I could very consciously control this physical feeling that was not really happening.
And now heres another song for you. Warning, contains explicit language.

All of this meant that feeling something that wasn't really there was possible. I am going to try some physical files later tonight, so wish me success.
I'll post again either way, but for now I go. Hope you enjoyed my story and the glimpse into my mind.
---Mr bees
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Postby darkenedav » October 15th, 2010, 2:04 pm

Nice post!

My subconscious is a female catty version of myself and a dark broody animal like version of myself.

All linked with a nice few rooms, corridors to random design.

At the center a strange orb with my name and a load of system writing around it.

So all strange from every way :D
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Postby beesman » October 15th, 2010, 2:10 pm

darkenedav wrote:Nice post!

My subconscious is a female catty version of myself and a dark broody animal like version of myself.

All linked with a nice few rooms, corridors to random design.

At the center a strange orb with my name and a load of system writing around it.

So all strange from every way :D

Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
Out of curiosity, has your subconscious self ever asked you to do something?
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Joined: October 12th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby ftslave67 » October 15th, 2010, 2:29 pm

You're not a "pervert"--you have idiosyncrasies. Like the rest of us.
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Postby beesman » October 16th, 2010, 6:26 pm

Well, sadly, still having trouble with any physical files. I did successfully enter Lucid dreaming through the WILD method, however.
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Joined: October 12th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby Enargo » October 17th, 2010, 7:43 am

Lucky!!! I'm still training my self in WILDS with so far only one success story... Although nothing really happened :cry:
Posts: 51
Joined: June 21st, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby beesman » October 17th, 2010, 8:52 pm

Enargo wrote:Lucky!!! I'm still training my self in WILDS with so far only one success story... Although nothing really happened :cry:

Start meditating for at least 10 minutes a day, it helps. Although if it takes you a while to enter trance you may want to make that more like 30 minutes
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Joined: October 12th, 2010, 12:00 am

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