Serious Question

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Enargo » October 23rd, 2010, 10:15 pm

Infinite universes, if you can imagine it, it exists... nuff said
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » October 24th, 2010, 12:11 am

I have tranced where it was just as "real" as I am looking at this monitor now and typing this reply. Sadly, it is rare. And I could never figure out exactly which variables changed to allow it to take place.

I just learned to accept that heavy visualization was not gonna happen for me :(
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » October 24th, 2010, 2:23 pm

The file was over thirty minutes in length, that's important for me. For twenty minutes is mostly too short, thirty is decent, but forty is when I trance the best. Over forty and I get bored, fidgety and yawn alot.

I recall that I would prepare for the session each night. Either a hot bath or shower and during that time I would clear my thoughts before listening.

On about the third night, the visualization increased but only a bit. The fourth and the fifth night was as "real" an experience as I have ever felt, hypnotized. I used to think of it as "something" that actually happened!

I stopped listening to the file shortly after that. It was a chastity file with release being granted only after asking for permission. I was really shy, too much so to ask for permission to cum, at that time and simply forced myself to disobey that part of the file. But the climax was not enjoyable, it felt more like relieving a medical condition!!! It was either that choice or... lose all sleep necessary for daily work and productivity.

Sorry to have drawn this out. On some level it was fantastic, and on another not so much so.

In the end, I think for certain people preparation for trance is very important in seeking the best possible experience, visually or otherwise.

Wishing you all the best in your hypnotic endeavors man ;)
- uw_
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Postby brconfused » October 25th, 2010, 9:20 pm

I have never achieved results along those lines in hypnosis, but if it helps. My dreams, which I have and remember almost every night are very similar. I would consider these to be almost a state of self hypnosis because it is ones self conscience coming to the forefront. Anyway, the dreams are as real as I can image from all the memories of them. however, there are also times where I know I am dreaming and then start to change it to my own frontal will because of that yeah.
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