Advice sought, please

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Advice sought, please

Postby mickanneh » November 5th, 2010, 5:26 pm

Hi, I'm married to a lovely lady, who unfortunately suffers chronic pain from a previous operation and a neurological condition similar to ms. She was always a minx in the bedroom and open to anything with me and even others, which I approved of.

Now she has lost her spark, she still wants to have fun, but has built blocks due to the emotional stress of her condition and has lost her fire.

She is more than willing to try anything that might help her overcome her new way of being, including hypnosis, so my question is can people suggest if they feel hypnotism can work for her, and suggest potentially suitable files to get her back to her old horny self, from pain relief to being naughty, submissive, flirty, slightly promiscuous, and even dominant which was always an underlying theme between her and I.

Is hypnotism even safe / suitable for someone like her?

would appreciate your views suggestions, Thanks
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Postby Solarius » November 6th, 2010, 1:05 am

Hypnosis from a trusted tist can, assuming she wants it, at the very least help her build more tolerance to pain, and even work at decreasing it. Many other tists are available to assist with the bedroom stuff, and it always helps to check with numerous tists to get a feel if a one on one session with yourself/you two and them would be the best option. It's also recommended to be smart and try to find out as much as you can on the hypnotists ethics and approaches.

File wise, always listen to the file without trancing first to find out if there's a potential discomforting issue, and as well as research the files effects and opinions of those who have tried it.
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Postby mickanneh » November 6th, 2010, 4:35 am

Thank you, sounds like very good advice, I appreciate it.
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Postby ftslave67 » November 6th, 2010, 7:26 am

Maybe you/she should consult with her doctor about this? Treatment of pain is an evolving science and it might not be all "in the head".
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Postby mickanneh » November 6th, 2010, 12:47 pm

Yeah, know what you mean, unfortunately due to physical conditions arising from operations / illness she takes quite a lot of prescription drugs, is under a pain management clinic, then there is the neuro side of things which is still ongoing.

Doctors are of the "all we can do is try to manage the pain" persuasion, but have no further suggestions, pain clinic can only offer even stronger drugs along with physio.

Might just have a word with the pain clinic people though on their view of hynotism for pain control / self help.

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Postby Liann » November 6th, 2010, 1:45 pm

I do not have any medical licenses, nor am I dispensing medical advice, which is illegal in my state. This is purely personal opinion comments on materials I have seen and read, or personal experiences which I have had.

(1) MS is associated in about 35% of all cases with high levels of HHV6 virus. 98% of all North Americans are infected with this virus by age two so medical science treats it as benign, however high levels means the immune response is no longer working. Many tests produce false negatives telling you that you don't have the virus outbreak. Only a couple of labs in the country have the trained lab people and proper equipment to accurately diagnose an outbreak which comes and goes -- you may be negative one month and positive the next, then negative the next month. The "gold standard test" is very expensive, must be done during an active outbreak, and requires a painful spinal tap to draw fluid for testing. It is best to simply assume that one has a active outbreak of virus and take herbals and neutraceuticals which suppress viruses and boost the immune system. Being sick and drugged leads to all kinds of other opportunistic infections so this can't hurt as a prophylactic measure.

(2) The only known substance in the world which causes regrowth of nerves is found in "Pom Pom" or "Lion's Mane" mushrooms. This Erinaceus family member is said to taste like lobster to some, but just tastes like mushrooms (yum) to me. This is one of the easiest type of mushroom to grow at home in bulk, so that you can keep yourself supplied at reasonable cost and stretch your food budget at the same time.

Visit for inexpensive home cultivation methods. Oyster mushrooms are also easily grown using the peroxide method, and have many health benefits as well as food value.

(3) All pain is synthesized in the brain. The site of damages sends the message to the brain which localizes the pain in the body and begins the correct response. A pain message sent from remote nerves has accomplished it's job when the brain takes note of the pain. Further pain is not useful to the person, and the brain can be trained to turn off, or turn down, the pain sensations to low levels. Some pain killer drugs are hypnotic in themselves, assisting guided hypnosis. Others are opposite effect. Hypnosis may be able, over time through training the mind, to reduce or eliminate the need for pain medications.

(4) S&M practitioners have discovered that pain can be translated into pleasure. People can be trained over time to love pain and crave it. This might be your final option. Hypnosis could be employed to contribute to that goal by conditioning the mind to switch it's reaction to the pain messages which the nerves are sending.
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