email slave success

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email slave success

Postby sicksecretary » November 20th, 2010, 9:49 am

I am writing this humiliating story because quite frankly it blew my mind. I have started trying out the email slave file a few days ago and so far had some fun with it that was mostly withing my boundaries. There have been very few emails trying to break my boundaries and luckily, they were unsuccessful. Well, except for one actually.

I had mentioned in my original post that I am interested in receiving emails that are "incontinence" related, by which I meant bladder incontinence. I hadn't even though of the "other kind" of incontinene, at least not consciously.

Now I do like to stay in the closet and also, I can't really deal with stuff that is too "disgusting" (no offense to those who enjoy it though). Hypothetically, had someone just sent me an email saying "go poopoo in your panties now" I would have most likely just ignored it, like I do with emails that go too far.

But someone had a way sneakier approach and also lulled me into having confidence that I would enjoy whatever is going to happen. When I was deeply entranced and the email told me to insert the contents of three(!) bananas into my anus, I was already conditioned to experience the insertion as an overwhelmingly pleasurable experience. It felt so amazingly wonderful that I was unable to think about any consequences. Only thin I had figured is that inserting just the contents of the banana peels would probably not hurt me because basically they're soft and could be "removed" later on the toilet when I was finished playing... well, at least that's what I expected to happen.

The email however, instructed me to put on a pair of tight fitting pants and go for a twenty minute walk. Somehow, I didn't see what was coming at any moment since reading the email, until I was walking on the street and suddenly it was too late. With a start, I suddenly felt the extreme fullness of my bowels and at the same time I felt my sphincter becoming weaker and weaker and, hurrying to return home, I found that for the first time I can consciously remember, I literally lost control of my sphincter. I felt the horrible mashed up mess coming out of me, filling up my crack, filling up my pants, leaving an embarassing wet spot visible to anyone. I was pooping my pants (yes, it was mostly the bananas, but my bowels were so busy they didn't stop there) in the streets and I hadn't even seen it coming.

Coming home, I realized what a horrbile mess I had made and as I cleaned up, I cried from exhaustion. I had betrayed my bowels badly and they had had their revenge on me. The worst thing about it, I guess, wasn't even the mess, but the fact that I felt all excited about what had happened and when I was finished cleaning up, I couldn't help but masturbate.

I have learned a lot about myself and the email slave spell. Mainly that I am way more sick than I had though of and that the file can bring out dark sides in a person.
Posts: 45
Joined: November 15th, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby darkenedav » November 20th, 2010, 12:45 pm

sick isn't the right word - kinky is :)

Seriously don't overly judge yourself, the file I sent you previously you'd enjoyed and at the end of the day that's all that matters :)
Posts: 391
Joined: July 15th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby sleepyjosh » November 20th, 2010, 2:11 pm

Awesome success story... I'm really glad Email Slave has worked out for you, and helped you discover your darker side :)
Posts: 127
Joined: September 20th, 2005, 12:00 am

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