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Postby mecdual » November 22nd, 2010, 7:57 am

is there somewhere, or is it possible to build a identification friend / foe induction ?

the context is that most or the people i meet in a year are not at all in hypnosis nor bdsm.
and it is ... complicated ... to ask them

the idea is to make the subject address some very little , very tiny, indications (nose contraction, eyes blink, fingers position ....) on a very law frequency, quite subliminal
this in order to be not at all noticed by anybody
the information not beeing in one or two signs but in the whole sequence over a few moments

on the other side, the subjet is himself programmed to check the right signs, accumulate them
and when there are enough data he suddently knows that the person on the other side of the meeting can be a partner 8) or at least an explicit sollication is possible :twisted:

i think about indications like:
hypnotist / subject
vanilla / Master / sub
straight / bissexual / homo
available / limited / not

i go on:
in situation where the exchange is typically short (street, bar...) it could be possible to emit a shorter message (simple "ping") but on a higher frequency, in order to make the "first catch" easier

maybe it should be possible to switch off the emission. but if it is possible, the induction must be so intricated than the reception became impossible too

what do you think about that ?
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Joined: September 9th, 2010, 12:00 am

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