hypnosis is real! My story

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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hypnosis is real! My story

Postby betheone1 » November 14th, 2010, 5:32 pm

i started listening to some hypno files almost 6 month ago. I am 24 years old now and i always had some gender issues. As i am an identical twin it was so wierd growing up.. I think i learned most of male manners from my twin.. Anyway i never really could express my feminity and when i did it (by dressing up or using lipstick) i sooner or later got caught by someone. Because of that i have trauma and i hid all the feelings for years.

Now comes the hypnosis part.. I listened to few files of emg and female whammy or something with the girl voice. I did this some nights when i went to sleep. The first thing was losing weight. But for the rest of it i didnt had any physical efffects.. Hmm maybe sugestions dont work..

BUT after a while i started listening to recordings of isabella valentine ( yes the one with that sexy voice) and i did this like some time and i stopped listening to it for 2 month. 3 weeks ago i started again and did it every night on repeat.. As i have fears on comming to terms of transsexuality i wanted to set my self at ease.. But what happened was the femine feeling that was locked opened.

Since i started listening i really now that i am a female and hate the fact that i dont go to a proffesional (money issues).. Because hypnosis made me realised that i do not need to hide the real me! I also shave my face and plucked my eyebrows. And my hair is getting longer (started growing hair oct 09).

So to conclude.. Hypnosis does not have body effects (not for me).
Hypnosis CAN adopt your mind.. Change the way you think and do.. So ITS MENTAL!
Be aware of that.. As i really wanted to challenge my mind i am ok with everything.

With feminisation hypnosis you will fantise a lot when you are awake or you won't be in the game if you sport.. Your attention to somethings really drops.. Your interests really change and everyone notices this.. Not physical but mental!

I stopped again now because i play soccer and i am a good player but my attention dropped when playing or at work i coulnt concentrate good or with school i couldnt concentrate enough

Any questions about this please let me know... Also this is my opinion and what it did to me..

Take care and thank you!
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Joined: February 22nd, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby gwyn » November 15th, 2010, 6:19 pm

You seem to be giving all of the credit to hypnosis, like that's what made you transgender- yet you say you never really felt male to begin with.
The thing is, if you're not trans, no amount of hypnosis will make you trans. Congratulations for embracing the inner you, and I hope your path to transition goes well.
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Joined: November 1st, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby betheone1 » November 15th, 2010, 7:40 pm

ehumm ok i may have said it wrong.. But you see i did not embrace the inner me. And hypnosis is something that can set you free of any anciety or fears. You are right that hypnosis can not make one transgender. I am from holland so.. English is not my best major.

Just saying that it helped me to try to accept my self.

Thanks for the reply!
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Joined: February 22nd, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby Roarrr » December 11th, 2010, 3:45 am

Why can't someone just have enough of being of one gender and want to try the other side?
Again, there are gradiations of gender, all guys arn't jocks or gals cinderellas,
I as a guy have never had an interest in sports BUT build race cars and drive them. I have breasts and could be a sexually passive partner. I have functioned as a man all my life but have some female behaviors and attitudes. I also have no interest in being a gal nor an interest in having a pussy I think we're moving toward a society where the ridgid roles are fading so that one can be who they want.
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Postby sarnoga » December 11th, 2010, 12:54 pm

Roarrr wrote:Why can't someone just have enough of being of one gender and want to try the other side?
Again, there are gradiations of gender, all guys arn't jocks or gals cinderellas,
I as a guy have never had an interest in sports BUT build race cars and drive them. I have breasts and could be a sexually passive partner. I have functioned as a man all my life but have some female behaviors and attitudes. I also have no interest in being a gal nor an interest in having a pussy I think we're moving toward a society where the ridgid roles are fading so that one can be who they want.

I don't see society moving in that direction, unfortunately. It looks to me as though for every baby step society takes in that direction in one small area it takes two giant steps in the other direction in some other area.

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Postby Liann » December 11th, 2010, 1:19 pm

Roarrr wrote:Why can't someone just have enough of being of one gender and want to try the other side?
Again, there are gradiations of gender, all guys arn't jocks or gals cinderellas,
I as a guy have never had an interest in sports BUT build race cars and drive them. I have breasts and could be a sexually passive partner. I have functioned as a man all my life but have some female behaviors and attitudes. I also have no interest in being a gal nor an interest in having a pussy I think we're moving toward a society where the ridgid roles are fading so that one can be who they want.


You have correctly figured out that there are more than two choices, at least for some people.

This website is not the place for the discussion, because it was never designed to be. You like building cars, I like building websites. I know how to build the website where this can be all talked out so that everybody comes away with a much richer understanding than they had before. I am at the ground floor phase of that process now but should have some visible progress by the start of 2011.

Nobody sez girls can't build cars. I designed a 100-mpg electric-gasoline hybrid in 2002 which had all the innovations which are just showing up in the Chevy Volt, not just 4-wheel drive wheelmotors, but 4-wheel steering with independent speed at each wheel. When X-Prize claimed they were putting up $10 Million prize for the 100-mpg car, I revisited the designs, identified 1,600 current or expired patents obstructing the prospects, too many to buy out so one has to wait them out, as long as 20 years. Yes it could be done better, but it takes a billionaire to fight off the patent challenges. You can make a 1-off but not the production car in today's patent climate.

Shemale has become a marginally accepted option, with a substantial following in porn fetishism. Most major porn sites include shemale videos, and the list is very long of websites featuring ONLY shemale themed videos.

The day of fluid transfer back and forth is beyond my lifetime, but people are crossing over one-way on a regular basis.

There is still hyper-tense religious-programmed bots whom opposes same-sex marriage and DADT repeal, so they have not been addressed. There's that vocal 37% minority bullying the 63% majority.

Even today, websites like mine can be harassed aggressively.
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Joined: October 7th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby wxhluyp » February 17th, 2011, 12:09 pm

betheone1 wrote:ehumm ok i may have said it wrong.. But you see i did not embrace the inner me. And hypnosis is something that can set you free of any anciety or fears.

This is problematic. There is no "inner me", rather there are some structures engrained deeper than others. Although I agree with an earlier poster, it would be great to be able to experience new things!
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Joined: February 17th, 2011, 1:00 am

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