EMG files only?

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EMG files only?

Postby Psyzygy » December 24th, 2010, 6:13 pm

My browser (the latest nonbeta Firefox) will stop before completing most downloads from this site. The solution I've found was to refresh attempts until the file completes.

BUT this only works on EMG's files. I tried Sarnoga's present and earlier some by Cardigan, but they absolutely won't finish downloading!

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Joined: October 10th, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: EMG files only?

Postby sarnoga » December 25th, 2010, 11:20 am

Psyzygy wrote:My browser (the latest nonbeta Firefox) will stop before completing most downloads from this site. The solution I've found was to refresh attempts until the file completes.

BUT this only works on EMG's files. I tried Sarnoga's present and earlier some by Cardigan, but they absolutely won't finish downloading!


Hello Pzyzgy,

I am sorry to hear you are having problems downloading files. Especially since you apparently have had trouble trying to download some of my files. I am not sure that I can be much help to you, but perhaps I can share a few observations that might help you diagnose the problem.

I doubt the problem is your browser. I too use Firefox and have no trouble downloading files. I suspect your problem is one of two things, or maybe a combination of both. Of course none of this is any more than a guess.

I suspect that the reason that EMG's files will finish downloading for you while mine and Cardigan's will not, may be related to the size of the files. From what I have seen, EMG's files tend to be smaller in size. This is not apparent from looking at the description of the files which only gives a time for the files.

Most of my files tend to be a bit longer than most of EMG's files. EMG's non-pay files tend to be between 20 and 25 minutes long. While I too have some shorter than 25 or 20 minutes, many of my files are 30 minutes or longer. This alone could make them a larger file, though not by enough to cause a problem. What makes an even bigger difference is the bit rate of the file. With Mp3 files, what that means is the amount of compression used when compiling the file from it's source and turning it into an Mp3.

EMG typically uses lower bit rates which means more compression and smaller files. The bigger the bit rate number the less the compression. Just to give one example, EMG's file Dragon Rising is one of his longer free files at 27 minutes and 9 seconds. My newest file, Accustomed To Wetting, is 30 minutes long. If they were both compressed at the same bit rate they should be very close in size.

However, the size of the Dragon Rising file is 9.32 MB, while Accustomed To Wetting is 27.4 MB, about three times larger. The main reason for this difference is that Dragon Rising, like many of EMG's files is compressed at a bit rate of 48 kbps while Accustomed To Wetting is compressed at 128 kbps. Some posters of files use even less compression making their files considerably larger. The 40 minute binaural track for my file Owned And Obedient was compressed at 192 kbps, it has additional data as well due to the addition of the binaural track. While it is still only 40 minutes long it is a fairly big file at 54.9 MB

What this suggests is that you are having trouble completing downloads on the larger files. This makes me suspect that the problem is in the speed or the quality of your internet connection, and/or you have an issue with your virus protection software that can also slow down the download of files because it may be trying to scan them as they download to protect your computer.

A couple suggestions, or things to look at.

The longer a download takes the more likely it is not to finish.

I know that when I connect using my wireless network, my download speeds are considerably reduced compared to when I use a wired connection.

Use the fastest connection available to you.

Check the settings on your virus protection. Perhaps you can temporarily disable having your virus protection software scan your downloads, at least until after they are downloaded. I cannot speak for anyone else here, but I know that my files were free of viruses when I uploaded them to WMM. I also know that, even with the fairly large number of downloads I have made from WMM I have only once suspected that a file contained a virus. It was NOT one of EMG's files, nor mine or Cardigans, nor was it from any regular poster. It was from a poster who was relatively unknown and it was years ago. I cannot say for sure, but I would suspect that EMG has his software scan files for viruses when they are uploaded. Generally speaking, I trust what I download from this site.

Another possibility is that you may have a firewall issue. I am not very knowledgeable about firewalls and the issues they present, but I do know that a couple times in the past I have had problems downloading certain things only to find I was able to correct the problem by adjusting firewall settings, though those problems downloading files that were caused by firewall issues did not occur here on WMM.

Finally, if nothing else works, you may simply need to upgrade your existing service or get service from an ISP that offers faster download speeds. Oh, and one last thought. I don't know where in the world you are located, but your physical location may have an effect on download speeds. From what I am told, internet traffic is routed through various points or hubs to get from where it started to its destination. If the traffic between you and the WMM server is being routed through a very congested hub it can significantly slow your download speed. The farther away you are the more places the connection goes through and the more likely to encounter a bottleneck. There may be a way around that, but if there is I don't know how to do it. I do not know enough about using the internet to know how to manually reroute a connection through a different, hopefully less congested, hub or even if it can be done. On the other hand, that is based on decades old information and maybe it works differently now, though I suspect not much has changed on that score except perhaps the terminology.

Anyway, if you already have an ISP with a good download speed, and none of these other ideas help, then obviously you need to look elsewhere to resolve the problem and you may need assistance from someone who knows more about it than I do.

From the various posts in the forums here, I can safely say that it should not be hard to find someone here that knows more about this stuff than I do. I wish you the best of luck resolving your download problem.

Of course, you may have only been trying to download some of my files to trouble shoot your download problem, but if you actually wanted to listen to some of them, and manged to get them downloaded, as always, I am interested in knowing how you liked them and getting some feedback on my files.


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Postby Psyzygy » December 26th, 2010, 11:13 am

Thanks, Sarnoga!

I posted with a similar problem a while ago and EMG wanted to know my browser, so when it came up again I thought I'd save time.

This info is very helpful. I have noticed the size difference in EMG vs others. I agree it has to do with length. Will be trying some of the things you suggested.

I hadn't downloaded any of your files yet, but found the "present" intriguing. I might try to find a shorter one first.

Thank you for your extensive and quite helpful response.
Posts: 11
Joined: October 10th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby sarnoga » December 26th, 2010, 1:09 pm

No problem. I hope it was helpful. Please post again to tell if you were able to fix the problem and how.

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