Hello, I am...

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Hello, I am...

Postby Devacy » December 11th, 2009, 3:01 pm

new to this site, and idea. I want to open my self up and learn more. I want to see and feel new possibilities. I want to eventually be able to see myself as my fursona and feel as my fursona on trigger and be able to go back to normal on trigger. :)

I am seeking some guidance as I start at the beginning. I want to first be able to understand and know when I am in trance. I listened to the "Dance My Dance" induction by Master Everything yesterday night. I don't know what you need to know so I'm pretty much telling you everything. Sorry for making you read so much. I am grateful all and any support and advice I get. Please, guide me. :arrow:

At one point My back would tingle to many of his key words. The tingling sensation came in waves seemingly from nowhere, down my spine, and across my back; in almost a rhythm to the words. It seemed familiar with that of a sleeping foot or leg due to a lack of blood circulation. It was a new tingle though, different, it was in fast short bursts, and it felt really good. :idea:

At one point I felt my head start to slowly fall back, i wanted to let it go. If I didn't have a sore neck from sleeping in an odd position the previous night... I think that would have been it. If the neck didn't become uncomfortable I think I could have stayed in the state :? ... but I also felt fully alert the entire time as well. The file is only just short of 7 minutes, but it felt so much longer.

Even if I wasn't quite in trance... I want to be able to get at least this far again, and I want to go farther. I ask you now, will you take my hand and oh so softly show me the way <3 :oops:
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Postby rawk » December 26th, 2009, 12:39 am

lol, hi! Welcome to the hypnosis world! I like your determination!

So, it sounds to me like you're doing just fine. I'm not familiar with the "Dance my Dance" induction file, but if it felt good then it's doing what it's meant to do, :)

Also, if you're in a trance, as I've come to understand it, it should feel exactly as you've described it. You're aware, and you could turn the file off at any time, but you just don't want to. Either it feels like that, or you eventually pass out and wake up whenever the hypnotist takes you out of trance. Most of the time when that happens you can't remember what was in the file and just kind of have to trust it's working, :P

However, if you're working on a fursona type of transformation, I would suggest checking out www.furmorphed.com . It's like warpmymind, but for furries! The community there is really supportive and helpful, and takes good care looking out for their members. The only catch is you have to be 18 (or lie about being 18, :P), and after joining you need to be active on the forums for 2 weeks, PM an admin, and request access to the downloads section. Before then you won't be able to get any hypnosis files, but it's definitely worth it! ^_^

Hope this was helpful, and I wish you luck!
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Postby Devacy » December 29th, 2010, 2:03 am

Okay, I got discouraged after not having enough idea whether is was actually entering trance or not. I want to give it another try and work on it but I want some input as to how to know I'm on the right track.

Just feeling good in general the tingling sensation I mentioned prior to this I have been able to achieve and can achieve simply laying still for an extended period of time.

As to providing more information I am myself a more analytical person. Too much at once annoys me however. I like details, lots of details and how. For example I love the file Blink's Basic Induction.


I also like the file Dance My Dance as before mentioned.


My first and foremost goal is to enter trance and be able to more easily. I just want some sort of signs to look for to help understand when I've entered trance. I understand that it is illogical as in definition to be looking is counter productive in reaching trance, but I feel it will help me enter, maintain, and do so more easily if I can differentiate the differences, in thought process or feelings when outside of and in trance.

My other problem is I am not entirely sure what I should be listening to or in what order. Do the trance files come before or after the Deepener files?

What files could you recommend to bridge the two files I have listed?

If the trance files come before the deepener files, what should I listen to before Dance My Dance? as I feel it might be too strong (In tone) for me to start with for trance.

I need some guidance, I want your guidance.
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Postby JadynMC » December 29th, 2010, 2:18 am

You might try one of my files to trance to.. I would suggest dldrip009.
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Postby Devacy » December 29th, 2010, 2:31 am

I have listened to the beginning of this file and read the description. I am submissive and It so far is what I am looking for, I do very much intend on listening to it further and all the way through.

But I will do this tomorrow, as it is 3:30am here and I have a dental appointment and work tomorrow (later today I guess depending on how you view it)

Thank you much for this file as a suggestion.
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Postby Devacy » December 31st, 2010, 10:04 pm

I have (just) listened to your file all the way through, I intend to listen to it again (possibly another time even tonight) and to continue to listen to it.

I have a slight headache (I had it before listening, it is almost gone now however) and feel it might have hindered some. Also I need a better chair or bed in which to sit/lay and listen. They are not in good condition and it is somewhat uncomfortable, I have a sore neck often from the bed and a sore back from the chair...

though while listening I did not seem to notice any back pain until now that the file is over, the neck pain was still there but it seems to have dulled considerably along with the headache.

I found when my focus was in your words I was silently repeating them in my head... idk if it was helping or not... my breathing continued to change from slow to rapid almost like panting and back again...

Also your voice is rather cute >.< heh um I think I'll send you a pm...
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Postby DKaiser » January 1st, 2011, 2:22 am

Devacy wrote:I have a slight headache (I had it before listening, it is almost gone now however) and feel it might have hindered some. Also I need a better chair or bed in which to sit/lay and listen. They are not in good condition and it is somewhat uncomfortable, I have a sore neck often from the bed and a sore back from the chair...

Try taking some ibuprofen/tylenol 30 minutes before trancing, it tends to help me with such things. Alternatively, a chair like a recliner, or something that leans back with a headrest, helps a good bit as long as you don't have hip issues.
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Postby Devacy » January 1st, 2011, 3:33 am

Thank you for the suggestions.

I understand the use of ibuprofen however when I was little I was in a car wreck that did quite a bit of damage, I'm fine but my resistance to ibuprofen and Tylenol and aspirin is rather high. As a result I don't take it very often for when I really need it as I'll need a fairly strong dosage to get any results as it is.

I'll look at getting a recliner but I think I need to focus on a new mattress first for my bed. Better quality sleep and less aches will help with a lot.
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Postby DKaiser » January 1st, 2011, 5:29 pm

Any NSAID or painkiller will work, you just need something mild to tide the sensations over. Once you're in trance, your focus isn't on the pain, so you just need something to relax you until it goes away. Of course, it'll come back when you leave trance, but that's not too much of a problem unless you have issues of falling out of trance mid-file(in which case you'd go for something a bit longer lasting, like a prescription painkiller, or a bit of booze).
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Postby Devacy » January 1st, 2011, 8:19 pm

I'm not so much worried about the pain, so far I'm having a little trouble staying in trance. I can focus on the file or my breathing but i keep falling out randomly through the files.

Also could it help to play the files on a loop over night while I sleep?

Also I don't do any drugs or alcohol, just fyi.
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Postby DKaiser » January 1st, 2011, 9:14 pm

It just comes with practice, you'll get there.

Sleep loops not so much, though I do find that listening right before or right after going to sleep helps. Note that if you have somewhere to be, set an alarm if you're going to listen after waking up, as it's easy to fall asleep again once you're done listening to it.
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Postby Devacy » January 1st, 2011, 9:21 pm

okay thanks for the advice and info
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 16th, 2011, 10:19 pm

I'm an analytical person too and tend to prefer certain inductions to others. Please allow me to recommend my file Hypnosis Works too Well. I hope this helps.
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