Tickling hypnosis

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Tickling hypnosis

Postby baby-boy_forever8888 » January 22nd, 2011, 9:20 am

Can someone make a file that makes you feel like your getting tickled (only the tickling will be happening in your mind) so much you actually wet yourself (for real).and make it to where after you wet yourself you slowly become incontinent.make it to where this happens every 2hours. So every couple hours you will get tickled until you wet yourself. This will keep happening until you are fully incontinent
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tickling then wet yourself

Postby hypnoman1993 » February 24th, 2011, 4:53 am

hay i like this one can you make me do by text hypnosis ?
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Joined: February 23rd, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby ticklemeplease7 » September 19th, 2015, 1:42 pm

I'd love something like this! (maybe not the wetting myself but otherwise, I'd love it!!!)
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Joined: September 1st, 2015, 12:00 am

Postby diode168 » September 19th, 2015, 8:38 pm

I once had to go to a work event. You know the ones where a guy stands up and talks about how great we all are for 30 mins then you break for lunch come back and start doing trust catch as I fall exercises.

It was one of those. The guy started his presentation by telling us all to close our eyes relax and I forget exactly what he said but eventually he said imagine being tickled.

It works a lot. Not my sort of thing but for those who are this file could easily work if somebody makes it.
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Postby VeryGnawty » September 19th, 2015, 11:08 pm

I don't know about being tickled, but my Mistress did find a way to make it to where she can remotely touch my genitals. It's uncomfortable since she's also made my genitals much more sensitive than they were originally.

It seems that being tickled might be plausible. I'm not sure how to do it, though. I think we discovered the sensitive thing on accident, and it took a long time before the touching began to work more effectively.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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