Self-hypnosis without files question

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Self-hypnosis without files question

Postby Reboot2099 » January 22nd, 2011, 2:50 am

I know how to get into a trance and while I do not get THAT deep and won't forget anything (most of the time), I think I am apt enough at it.

The problem is, I can't find a file that I enjoy from beginning to end. There is always something that bothers me, be it in the tone or wording that is used, the voice of the hypnotist, a fw things I don't quite like in the script etc.

I see a LOT of files that I find interesting, the general idea behind it. Some are right up my alley. It's the execution I don't particularly like.

So, besides having to record my own files, which I cannot and won't because I hate my voice and am no hypnotist, how can I condition myself while in a trance, by myself?

Do I think about what I want in every detail before hand, then go into trance without thinking anything? Do I do it while I try to go to trance, or while I am under? If it's the latter, what if I do get so deep I can't really remember anything?

It happened to me once by accident, I just thought about what I wanted all day and at night when I went to bed, I was half asleep and what I wanted happened, without any conscious effort to go in trance, just wanting to sleep. But since then, try or not, it hasn't happened ever again. How to make that happen again consciously?
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Postby ohyouknow » January 22nd, 2011, 6:42 pm

In my experience the key part is finding an induction that works for you for self-hypnosis. I settled on a 'colour induction', thinking myself through walking through a series of rooms, each with the same contents but in different colours red, orange... purple, then finally down a set of steps into trance. The repetition and gradual progress work well on me, but I had to try various other methods before I found this one.

Once I am in trance, I find myself in two modes, hypnotist and subject, and can give myself suggestions which I've worked out beforehand. At least I call it a trance, it certainly feels just like the trance I can enter from listening to files.
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Postby ARGearCub » January 22nd, 2011, 10:50 pm

One option is to edit the files to remove the bothersome parts. You can do this fairly easy using Audacity. I often use this to remove inductions/awakeners or for minor tweaks here and there.

There are also a couple of files that you might find useful.

[url=]Hypnotist's Office 2: Safety and Compulsion [/url]: This file helps you filter out suggestions that you perceive as dangerous or bothersome without affecting your trance.

[url=]Sarnoga - G File[/url]: G File. G File is for everyone. G File does what you want it to.

I'm sure there are other files that could help you out, these are just the two that came to mind.
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Postby VeryGnawty » January 23rd, 2011, 5:21 am

ARGearCub wrote:One option is to edit the files to remove the bothersome parts. You can do this fairly easy using Audacity.

It would be easier to edit the files using Audacity than it would be to attempt self-hypnosis without the files.
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Postby Reboot2099 » January 23rd, 2011, 5:17 pm

Thanks for the answers guys!

Don't worry, I would have edited the files (even though I tried audacity and it took me 30 minutes just to do one thing by fluke and can't do it again :) )

But most of the things I don't like in a file are not editable. It's not that I don't like the suggestions or am uncomfortable with them. The IDEAS of the files are great. Other things bother me in their deliveries.

Take EMG for example. Some of his files ideas are great and I want them to work. But there is something in his voicing that I don't like. He seems out of breath often, stumbles for his words a lot etc. And I feel some of his files are too rushed for me. I have a hard time imagining things so for me, it would be best if the files were more descriptive. Other than re-doing the files, I can't get what I want. That's why I was asking about self-hypnosis without files.

I am really hard to please, I critique everything be it movies, music etc. So I am trying to be less hard to please but as far as hypnosis go, it's not that easy to do.

So if you have other tips and/or suggestion for web sites or books that are professional and not just trying to make a few bucks with things that don't really work and helpful about that, that would be great.

As for G file, I was wondering about it, but the description as well as the comments sounded to me like over-hyped and no real information was given as to what it really does. I thought all it did was take you deep into trance and that's it. I would like more information on what EXACTLY a file does before trying it. And yes I skimmed it a few weeks ago but it didn't really enlightened me as to what it does..might have missed the important parts :)
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Postby sarnoga » January 23rd, 2011, 7:34 pm

Reboot2099 wrote:Thanks for the answers guys!

Don't worry, I would have edited the files (even though I tried audacity and it took me 30 minutes just to do one thing by fluke and can't do it again :) )

For those things you can "fix" with editing, there are many people here who are adept at using Audacity who would be both willing and able to explain how to do again what you stumbled on by fluke. That is if it is something not too complicated that would be difficult to explain. Most editing tasks are relatively simple.

Reboot2099 wrote:
But most of the things I don't like in a file are not editable. It's not that I don't like the suggestions or am uncomfortable with them. The IDEAS of the files are great. Other things bother me in their deliveries.

Take EMG for example. Some of his files ideas are great and I want them to work. But there is something in his voicing that I don't like. He seems out of breath often, stumbles for his words a lot etc. And I feel some of his files are too rushed for me. I have a hard time imagining things so for me, it would be best if the files were more descriptive. Other than re-doing the files, I can't get what I want. That's why I was asking about self-hypnosis without files.

I am really hard to please, I critique everything be it movies, music etc. So I am trying to be less hard to please but as far as hypnosis go, it's not that easy to do.

Sounds to me like you need a file that will help you overlook what you perceive as flaws in the delivery or style of other files. It actually isn't that bad an idea and might be something that many others would find useful as well. I am surprised at myself that I did not think of it before now. You just might be the right person to make such a file. Have you considered doing so?

Reboot2099 wrote:
So if you have other tips and/or suggestion for web sites or books that are professional and not just trying to make a few bucks with things that don't really work and helpful about that, that would be great.

If you go to WMM's help pages that can be found at the following link, you will see that EMG has posted a list of recommended reading.

I have one other suggestion for you. I am afraid you may have already considered it and rejected it, but if so perhaps you should reconsider.

Earlier in this post you wrote the following:
Other than re-doing the files, I can't get what I want. That's why I was asking about self-hypnosis without files.

I would suggest doing exactly that. Re-do the files. In the process you can tweak the text to exactly suit you. Then you can record it in the style and delivery you like best. Some say they cannot use files they record themselves for various reasons, including not liking their own voice, etc.

For others it is just the opposite. They find files in their own voice to work very well. They trust their own voice and it is easy to accept suggestions they are making to themselves. I agree with VeryGnawty, that editing the files in Audacity is easier than trying to do self hypnosis without files.

I would take it one step further. Recording your own files is easier than trying to do self hypnosis without files. Or another way of wording that is to say that one of the easier ways of doing self hypnosis without third party pre-recorded files is to create your own files for that purpose

It is a simple matter of creating what you need if you cannot find it elsewhere. That is actually why I started making files, I wanted them just the way I wanted them and usually the only way to do that is to do it yourself. Now most of the files I make are for others, but some of them I still enjoy using myself from time to time.

Earlier you said that you wouldn't do this because you are not a hypnotist and you don't like your own voice. Not being a hypnotist is something you can fix. Fixing your voice is a little more problematic but that too can be improved and adjusted. First you can work on your elocution and improve your voice. Second you can alter the sound of it to some degree in the editing process. Otherwise I don't know what to suggest.

Reboot2099 wrote:As for G file, I was wondering about it, but the description as well as the comments sounded to me like over-hyped and no real information was given as to what it really does. I thought all it did was take you deep into trance and that's it. I would like more information on what EXACTLY a file does before trying it. And yes I skimmed it a few weeks ago but it didn't really enlightened me as to what it does..might have missed the important parts :)

No real information given as to what G File really does? I wouldn't know how to give any more information. G file does what you want it to do.

Over-hyped? Perhaps, but that is for the listeners to decide. Based on the comments there seem to be a few who agree with you and many others who do not. Aside from it pleasing me when others find my files effective or just plain enjoyable, I get no benefit one way or another from you, or anyone else, listening to any of my free or premium files. I am pleased that ARGearCub thought enough of G File to recommend it, but if that file doesn't appeal to you there is no need to spend any time on it.

I think I will stick with my two previous recommendations. Start recording files in your own voice for your own consumption. If you like the results perhaps you will share them with the rest of us. If you see a lot of files here that you would like if the recording style, delivery, and quality suited you, you might save time by creating a file for your own consumption that will allow you to overlook such flaws in files that otherwise appeal to you. If you make a file like that and it works for you, please share it with the rest of us.

You said you are relatively proficient and going into trance on your own. How do you do that? With or without a file? If with a file, which one? If without a file please describe the process. Understanding the process of how you go into trance might give some clues as to how you could then give yourself suggestions while in trance.

Oh, one more thing. If you are looking for a file with nearly perfect style and delivery I would send you off to listen to Blink's Basic Induction. What does it do other than take you into trance? (shrug) My guess is not much, but at least for me it is damn good at that. If you find his recording to be without the flaws that disturb you in other recordings you might find a way to bribe him or coax him into making you a custom file. But then again, maybe not. I don't know if he is willing to make custom files or work with individuals or if he does on what he bases his decision to do so.

Best of luck,

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Postby VeryGnawty » January 24th, 2011, 5:29 am

If you're that picky, then you either need to record you own files, or stop being picky.

Microphones are very cheap. Audacity is free.
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Postby bandler » January 25th, 2011, 12:05 am

When I first started recording my voice, I hated it. The recording sounded like I was talking through my nose. I played around with my posture, breathing and state of mind while recording and discovered I could change my voice quite a bit for the better. I had no other option to record my affirmations at the time, because they were too personal to share with anyone. I had to make my own recordings, and they got better and better. The emotional content of my voice improved as the emotional content of my head improved. The affirmations I recorded had the desired effect(s) and now, years later, I am just as picky about recordings as you, but I have several good ones I made for myself, half a dozen good ones for my clients, and several more in the works for WMM.
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