Teens and the hypno files

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Teens and the hypno files

Postby andy546 » October 7th, 2009, 7:11 pm

Hello, I am doing an essay on the effects of hypnosis on children and teenagers and I was wondering if a teenager from the ages of 13-17 uses these files, if they can grow personality problems or psychological problems since they're mind is going through puberty, and if so would the Deprogram all file work to stop the psych problems?
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Re: Teens and the hypno files

Postby EMG » October 7th, 2009, 8:16 pm

I wouldn't expect it to cause any personality disorders, but the site is intended for an adult audience and we do require that people affirm that they are over 18 to become a member. Odds are, if a minor listened it wouldn't have an effect significantly different than the effect it would have on an adult. Therefore, listening to Deprogram All should work just as well for a minor as it does for an adult.

Of course this is merely my personal opinion, there may be others that feel differently.

andy546 wrote:Hello, I am doing an essay on the effects of hypnosis on children and teenagers and I was wondering if a teenager from the ages of 13-17 uses these files, if they can grow personality problems or psychological problems since they're mind is going through puberty, and if so would the Deprogram all file work to stop the psych problems?
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Re: Teens and the hypno files

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » October 7th, 2009, 9:47 pm

andy546 wrote:Hello, I am doing an essay on the effects of hypnosis on children and teenagers and I was wondering if a teenager from the ages of 13-17 uses these files, if they can grow personality problems or psychological problems since they're mind is going through puberty, and if so would the Deprogram all file work to stop the psych problems?

Ordinarily, I would wish success to someone completing an essay, andy546. I do not wish it for you.

Your posting enrages me. I'm seeing red.

The recordings on this site are intended for members who have affirmed they're over the age of 18.

That includes the Deprogram All file. Got it? Your membership on WMM does not authorize you to buy beer for minors.

Ordinarily, I would wish success for someone completing an essay, andy546. I do not wish it for you.

Your posting enrages me on a second level... It enrages me because your posting reveals a mindset that presupposes evil. And if that's true - I'm prepared to delight you. I'm a homosexual who uses trance to warp the minds of willing adults.

It's unimportant whether you consider me twisted, demented, or any other adjective. What I am and what I do is pale and inconsequential when compared to you.

Treating the psych problems of children with a recording from WMM??!!

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Postby Axem_ranger_001 » October 7th, 2009, 10:07 pm

Dear Andy:

This is a websight geared for adults 18 & up. If someone were to step forth, tell you of their experiances, and admit that they were under the age of 18 I'm fairly sure they would be banned on the spot.
I hope for your sake that you arn't going to try your own experiment on a minor with one of the files here as they arn't ment for a child nor are they advised.
Your question would be better suited in another forum or anonomusly through a private message system.
I can only advise you that you should choose the words in your next post wisely to insure that any MODs and/or Admins spare you their wrath.

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Re: Teens and the hypno files

Postby pyroid » October 7th, 2009, 10:14 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:
andy546 wrote:Hello, I am doing an essay on the effects of hypnosis on children and teenagers and I was wondering if a teenager from the ages of 13-17 uses these files, if they can grow personality problems or psychological problems since they're mind is going through puberty, and if so would the Deprogram all file work to stop the psych problems?

Ordinarily, I would wish success to someone completing an essay, andy546. I do not wish it for you.

Your posting enrages me. I'm seeing red.

The recordings on this site are intended for members who have affirmed they're over the age of 18.

That includes the Deprogram All file. Got it? Your membership on WMM does not authorize you to buy beer for minors.

Ordinarily, I would wish success for someone completing an essay, andy546. I do not wish it for you.

Your posting enrages me on a second level... It enrages me because your posting reveals a mindset that presupposes evil. And if that's true - I'm prepared to delight you. I'm a homosexual who uses trance to warp the minds of willing adults.

It's unimportant whether you consider me twisted, demented, or any other adjective. What I am and what I do is pale and inconsequential when compared to you.

Treating the psych problems of children with a recording from WMM??!!


Your not very friendly FriendlyGuy lol.

He's right though this is an adult website but I'm glad you asked this question. Hypnotism only works if some part wants it to work so I don't think it would have any lasting affects. I have myself "suffer" from what some may call a disorder but I love it and thats the only reason why it happened. I guess the best way to explain it is I wanted dearly to be someone else but I didn't want to loose my self so out popped naomi. A way for me to have my cake and eat it to lol.

So they only way stupid kids could be harmed by these files is if they want to be harmed and trust me if they can cut themselves they can defently harm their own brains without the help of hynotism.
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Postby zapnosis » October 8th, 2009, 2:44 am

I'm afraid that I have to disagree with some of the people here - I think that such an experiment would involve considerable risk to the children. Kids are not adults, they don't react in the same way and they have different vulnerabilities. Forget DeprogramAll, it's not about hypnotic suggestions, it is about the experience.

This is something you have to consider all the time with brainwashing - how someone will react to an experience. It's all about context. Kids are often too trusting, or too innocent to know when to trust and when not to. Kids are used to not knowing everything about how the world works, so sometimes they have to rely on responsible adults knowing better. And as they are young, the learning process is still relatively new - every new experience has a deeper and longer-lasting effect than it would for an adult. The effect of the hypnosis might well be the same, but effect of the conditioning is much stronger.

Also it may have escaped your notice that the files on this site are SEXUAL in nature, so encouraging/ allowing children to listen to them would not only be a violation of the T&Cs of this site but may well be a violation under law. If you found out that some guy on your street was showing porn to kids, what would you think?

Honestly, I thought that I was hard to shock, but I cannot believe that someone actually suggested this...
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
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Postby Starmaster » October 8th, 2009, 5:24 am

MN_FriendlyGuy: I have to say that I am very disappointed by your response. andy546 was not asking how to perform the things he was talking about, but instead seeking information on what the deliterious effects of them were. To use your analogy, he was not saying that he was going to buy alcohol for minors, or even advocating it, but instead wanted to write an essay on the harmful effects of it, and hence wanted to know what they were. Now what is wrong with that? Sure we may all know that murder is wrong, but not all of our laws are so clearly moral (in fact many people do in fact advocate murder in certain circumstances, such as capital punishment, euthanasia, or abortion). No society is perfect, and neither is ours. Ideally any society should strive to become so however, to seek improvement. Before one can improve, one needs to identify the areas for improvement, and in order to do that, people need to be able to talk about the subject in a calm and rational manner, without undue emotion seeking to squash the discussion. I'm sure that at one time (not that long ago in fact) a similar question concerning homosexuals would have elicited a very similar response from most people to that which you posted, however that kind of response hardly contributes to the advancement of rights for homosexuals. If you don't like that example, try instead the rights for women, or people of other races or religions. Please note that I am not necessarily advocating anything here, but instead just the calm, and reasoned discourse between people on any topic. The moment any topic becomes taboo, reasoned discourse becomes impossible, and therefor progress as well. Sure, perhaps no progress truly needs to be made in some areas, but unless we are able to talk about it with clear heads, how will we know for sure the difference between a topic that legitimately gets us angry, and one that merely enforces harmful stereotypes and discrimination like has happened with women, black people, Jews, or whatever, in the past? If something really is bad, then there will be a logical reason for it, and that should be enough for anyone. If someone like andy546 comes along asking what that reason may be, then it will do him and everyone far better if you can give him that logical reason rather than invoking an angry response, and comparing the topic with "evil". As you can see from the other responses so far, no one disputes the legality of this situation here, but there are already different opinions as to what the harmful effects of these files on teens actually are. Thus, I think that calm, and rational discussion of the topic is well in order. I'm not telling you or anyone not to have feelings on this or any subject, but please don't let it get in the way of dealing with this (or any situation) rationally.

A similar message goes to zapnosis, who while you didn't attack andy nearly as hard as Friendlyguy did, your "shock" to the subject apparently confused your interpretation of andy's intentions, which I will reiterate was to discuss the topic, not to advocate it, or admit to having supported it. Again, I do not think that any topic should be automatically closed for discussion. If the answer is that clear for everyone, then it will be a short discussion anyway. If it is not that clear, then evidently some discussion about it needs to take place. Since there is obviously some disagreement here on the issue, then discussion is very appropriate and andy should not be attacked nor ridiculed for his attempt to discover the facts of the situation. Like I said, he will be far better served by giving him the correct information (as best as you know it anyway), than by any sort of personal attack or ridicule.

Anyway, that's my "opinion" on this.
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Postby Andier » October 8th, 2009, 8:40 am

I will have to say I am oddly confused at the hostile reaction to the first post here. As Starmaster just mentioned, he was not expressing intent to, or supporting using these files on minors, just considering the theoretical damaging effects. In a sense, that's almost a way of saying it's a bad idea.

Back to the intended topic, I think hypnosis could have an ill influence of a teenager, but only if done incorrectly. I would imagine (with my admittedly limited experience with hypnosis) that there would be an ever so slightly different technique to hypnotizing a younger person, since thought process and personalities are generally a bit different. Though I doubt it would be much more different than how we may change an induction from one person to the next.

Concerning files from this site, I think it's self explanatory that these files could harm a teenager mentally, which is why they are on an adult only site. By nature, these files are meant to change people, whether they be a teenager or adult, and if used properly, the results would be there. As such, deprogram all would theoretically work in the same way. I will however side with the vast majority of the community and say that it would be a very bad idea to use any adult oriented file on a minor, regardless of if deprogram all was used.
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Postby zapnosis » October 8th, 2009, 1:03 pm

I'm prepared to admit that I may have jumped to conclusions about andy546's intentions and if that is the case then I apologise for that. But, to extend a metaphor, would you ask a group of brewers and drinkers about the effect of alcohol abuse on children? If you want a medical opinion, ask a doctor. If you want an academic opinion, ask a professor. And if you post such a question on the public forum of an adult site, you should really be more careful how you do it. Perhaps, for example, by mentioning the academic institution that would recognise "the WarpMyMind forum" as a source of expert opinion on child psychology.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » October 8th, 2009, 3:26 pm

I stand my ground.

When a child has symptoms that indicate psychological problems - they need the care of a professional. They need professional examination and clinical diagnosis that goes beyond speculation about whether hypnosis recordings were listened-to. They need professional treatment if a clinical determination is made.

I stand my ground on this point. I will not debate it.

More than that, what we do here is self-actualization.
    - The perception of "personality problems or psychological problems" as a result of what we do is a flawed premise. It's flawed because it assumes the changes we pursue are bad.

    - The perception of "deliterious effects" is for those who fail to understand - We want this. This is who we are. It's who we are because it's what we do.
It's unimportant whether our passion is for adult baby or furry; bdsm or robotization; feminization/masculinization or even humiliation... This is self-actualization - an adult decision.

It's angering to be told that my work as a hypnotist causes "damaging effects". I turn my back on that mindset. And those who understand the joy of self-actualization...


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Postby andy546 » October 8th, 2009, 3:45 pm

The reason I brought this topic up, which enrages some, is that I read a post the other day in this, or another hypnosis website, in which the father of a teenage son wanted to try a bodybuilding hypno file regimin on his son, since his son was really into BODYBUILDING. One post said he would advise against it because the file might mess up his mind. I am sorry if I have offended any. I never intented to experiment on minors, if that is what some of you are thinking.
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Postby dottie » October 8th, 2009, 5:54 pm

I think I've seen the bodybuilding discussion in a forum on hypno-files.

One basic reason for adolescents to stay away from files like those here, is that the curse files, and -- to a lesser extent -- the training files are essentially building obsessions in the listener.
That's just plain unhealthy. Would you buy a bottle of vodka and a bag of weed for your teenaged son? Recommend that he take up bungee jumping? All probably harmless, but stupid nonetheless.

Adolescents are more susceptible than adults to learning bad habits (and, I would assume, developing obsessive or neurotic behaviors).
It just seems like a really bad idea to potentially expose a minor to this sort of problem when traditional teaching/training techniques would achieve the same results.

That said, I know someone who created a trigger so she would automatically clench her abdominal muscles whenever an exercise instructor said phrases like "abs tight" (I guess her attention drifted a lot during her morning workout) -- I'm not sure I can come up with a real reason an adolescent would have a problem with something like that. (Still, I know I'd be reluctant to give such a trigger file to a teen.)
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Postby zapnosis » October 8th, 2009, 7:20 pm

andy546 wrote:The reason I brought this topic up, which enrages some, is that I read a post the other day in this, or another hypnosis website, in which the father of a teenage son wanted to try a bodybuilding hypno file regimin on his son, since his son was really into BODYBUILDING. One post said he would advise against it because the file might mess up his mind. I am sorry if I have offended any. I never intented to experiment on minors, if that is what some of you are thinking.

OK, accepted. The answer is NO. Not for bodybuilding, not for anything else either. I think FriendlyGuy has hit the nail on the head this time. If the kid is really committed, then the file isn't necessary. If it is a passing phase, hell that's kids for you. Either way it is healthier than the alternative. If the kid hits 18 or 21 and decides to use hypnosis, then fair play. But it must be an act of "self-actualization - an adult decision".
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby FloridaPuppy » October 9th, 2009, 8:32 am

andy546 wrote:The reason I brought this topic up, which enrages some, is that I read a post the other day in this, or another hypnosis website, in which the father of a teenage son wanted to try a bodybuilding hypno file regimin on his son, since his son was really into BODYBUILDING. One post said he would advise against it because the file might mess up his mind. I am sorry if I have offended any. I never intented to experiment on minors, if that is what some of you are thinking.

Ask the question you mean, not the question you hope someone will answer for you; as others have said, this site is not for that sort of thing. This thread dealt with the topic a while back when someone asked about it. In short, it's not a good idea but not because it could damage his fragile little mind or anything as silly as that.

It's not a good idea because hypnosis could lead to a situation where he hurts himself. It would be a bad idea if he was 18, a bad idea if he was 21, and still a bad idea even if he was 42. Read the original thread for the original discussion.
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Postby Mino » October 11th, 2009, 4:21 pm

zapnosis wrote:OK, accepted. The answer is NO. Not for bodybuilding, not for anything else either. I think FriendlyGuy has hit the nail on the head this time. If the kid is really committed, then the file isn't necessary. If it is a passing phase, hell that's kids for you. Either way it is healthier than the alternative. If the kid hits 18 or 21 and decides to use hypnosis, then fair play. But it must be an act of "self-actualization - an adult decision".

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you here but that is some warped logic saying that a person isn't capable of making a choice for themselves until they hit 18 or 21. This is hypnosis, not heroin.
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Postby sarnoga » October 11th, 2009, 9:16 pm

Mino wrote:
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you here but that is some warped logic saying that a person isn't capable of making a choice for themselves until they hit 18 or 21. This is hypnosis, not heroin.

I have to agree that it is quite condescending to take the position that only those over 18 or 21 are fit to make decisions for themselves.

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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » October 11th, 2009, 9:36 pm

Condescending or not - pay attention to it.

Unfair? Tough. Pay attention to it.

And if you don't want to pay attention, then be aware that defending a court case is stressful, demeaning and expensive.

andy546 - I'm apologizing publicly for allowing emotion to go too far.

My answer about listening to Deprogram All as a treatment for psychosis remains unchanged, though. The recordings here on WMM ain't therapeutic.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » October 11th, 2009, 10:21 pm

Mino wrote:
zapnosis wrote:OK, accepted. The answer is NO. Not for bodybuilding, not for anything else either. I think FriendlyGuy has hit the nail on the head this time. If the kid is really committed, then the file isn't necessary. If it is a passing phase, hell that's kids for you. Either way it is healthier than the alternative. If the kid hits 18 or 21 and decides to use hypnosis, then fair play. But it must be an act of "self-actualization - an adult decision".

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you here but that is some warped logic saying that a person isn't capable of making a choice for themselves until they hit 18 or 21.

Legally they are not capable of consenting to it until they are 18 or 21 in most places. The rules of this site include that particular age of consent requirement as well, legally this site is required to have that rule because it is an adult site. They are not capable of making that sort of decision in the eyes of the law because they are underage.

This is hypnosis, not heroin.

I've made people drunk off water, stoned off a bic pen, restrained and unable to move themselves with a single trigger word, grow past phobias or find a new one, believe they are engaged in some truly dangerous and/or dark dark play to the point of having absolute certainty it was real without actually doing it, cause various desires and sensations to grow or wilt away... so on and so forth, the list goes on and on. Your statement shows a huge lack of consideration for safety, both your own and that of your subject.

Lets say you make the kid not feel pain or feel lesser amounts of pain from working out... he seriously hurts himself and blames you as a result. Lets say you give him an extreme overriding desire to bulk up... and he starts taking steroids... Lets say you make him forget most of his workout so it seems like time just zips by... and he forgets important safety things and hurts himself, he now has someone to blame. Lets say you make him believe that he has the body of a greek god... and he gains 400 pounds thinking he's awesome or it turns out he's bulimic/anorexic. The list goes on and on... who do the parents come after?... that's right... you the hypnotist.
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Postby zapnosis » October 12th, 2009, 3:40 am

Mino wrote:
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you here but that is some warped logic saying that a person isn't capable of making a choice for themselves until they hit 18 or 21. This is hypnosis, not heroin.

Not quite what I said, but point taken. However, I would say that the age of adulthood is a VERY logical age for young people to be able to make adult decisions... because nobody can stop 'em.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby Lobotaru » October 15th, 2009, 12:41 pm

I wouldn't say that 13-17 year old's are necessarily too trusting, but I'd certainly not give a person who is below 18 access to any of these files. You have to realize the life of a teenager is filled with a lot of stress and trauma as is, given High School. There is no telling what kind of effect these files would have in conjunction with what he or she may be experiencing.

I agree with EMG, the effects should not be any different for a teenager as it would for an adult, but if you add the situational variables in it could be a pretty bad combination. If I were you, I'd probably choose a different essay assignment.
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Re: Teens and the hypno files

Postby Darth_Fugue » September 5th, 2010, 5:38 am

andy546 wrote:Hello, I am doing an essay on the effects of hypnosis on children and teenagers and I was wondering if a teenager from the ages of 13-17 uses these files, if they can grow personality problems or psychological problems since they're mind is going through puberty, and if so would the Deprogram all file work to stop the psych problems?

If you were, REALLY, doing an essay, on TEEN HYPNOSIS, then you would know that SUCH MATTERS ARE CONFIDENTIAL, UNDER STATE LAW!!!

Now then, I believe that you, YOURSELF, are UNDER-AGE, andy546!
(Only someone, who has a Membership with this "Age-Appropriate" site, should present, UPON REGISTRATION, PROOF OF AGE!)

FURTHERMORE, ANY DECEPTION would be considered, by the Legal Community, Contributing to the DELINQUENCY of a MINOR -- with POSSIBLE REPERCUSSIONS BOTH FOR YOU, AND FOR THIS SITE!!!
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Re: Teens and the hypno files

Postby DKaiser » September 5th, 2010, 10:07 am

Darth_Fugue wrote:FURTHERMORE, ANY DECEPTION would be considered, by the Legal Community, Contributing to the DELINQUENCY of a MINOR -- with POSSIBLE REPERCUSSIONS BOTH FOR YOU, AND FOR THIS SITE!!!

Settle down, have some dip.

If I recall, the proper statute is that sites/organizations in such a case must make "reasonable" effort to insure that such is done. By the user declaring themselves to be of the proper age, the site is excused from the burden of law pertaining to that case, provided they are not knowingly and willingly aiding the minor in this regard. As in this case, you merely have speculation, it does not constitute a problem under the previous statute, and as such is inadequate for legal punishment under this statute.
Business Law is your friend.

As for the original post, even though it's a bit out of date...
Your problem with this is that you performing research isn't going to get anywhere, as parental consent is required, and it's not something most people are going to be fine with(especially dealing with WMM material). From what I've heard of cases where it is used(generally a practicing hypnotist working with their own children), children tend to be more susceptible than adults. Thus, almost all cases I have heard of are simply teaching the child proper trance technique to aid in sleeping, rather than anything serious.
Hypnotherapy is generally limited to adults simply because of the increased susceptibility, as well as the lack of data on the subject. As Hypnotherapy is only one method of therapy, psychiatrists are much more likely to engage in a more traditional method because of the above reasons.
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Re: Teens and the hypno files

Postby Jeshi » September 7th, 2010, 11:03 pm

Darth_Fugue wrote:
[color=indigo]If you were, REALLY, doing an essay, on TEEN HYPNOSIS, then you would know that SUCH MATTERS ARE CONFIDENTIAL, UNDER STATE LAW!!!

You know what confidential and state law mean right? State law is the law of a single US state(Unless you're referring to a smaller country that doesn't have self-governing states) so unless you know what state Andy lives in. You have no idea what state laws apply to him.

The state laws where I live equate possession of Marijuana with parking violations. But another state might equate it with hitting somebody with a car.

Also, Confidential means it's secret. And I'm pretty sure that no state has laws making it confidential whether or not teenagers can safely listen to hypnosis files. Confidential things tend to be things like what bank the governor's daughter puts her money in. Or what our latest battle plan in Afghanistan is.

Your post is terrifying, why do you feel the need to make every 5th word ALL CAPS, bold and punctuated with AT LEAST 3 EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!! ?

I feel like you had a slight suspicion that Andy was underage and jumped on the chance to be the person who caught an underage user on WMM, and wanted to have the most dramatic reveal ever. Because barely anything you say in your post makes sense or is even true.
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Re: Teens and the hypno files

Postby CuteLittleFaery » September 9th, 2010, 12:14 pm

Jeshi wrote:Your post is terrifying, why do you feel the need to make every 5th word ALL CAPS, bold and punctuated with AT LEAST 3 EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!! ?

I have to admit, I thought at first that it was an attempt to deliberately invoke this trope in order to seem as over-the-top as possible and thus ensure that we don't take him too seriously. But then I realized that all of his other posts are written in the same way, so now I'm not sure what to think.

In any case, his reply was directed at a member who appears to have been inactive for nearly a year now, so it's rather doubtful that his words will be taken personally as their intended recipient will likely never see them. :)
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Postby Devacy » December 28th, 2010, 2:40 pm

First of all he is only writing an essay. Nowhere did he suggest he would have or is having or will have anyone listen to anything. I think we are all quite aware of the age requirements on this site.

I think it can easily be assumed that the files are not on this site alone however there is leaks and piracy everywhere, it can only be stopped by stuff not being posted.

Also getting back to the point, it is an essay and I feel he is doing his research, he is trying to get statements and opinions to what could be considered users and professionals of the subject. Again it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with actually using the files as it does writing the paper and getting the information and research necessary to write the paper. Hypothetical situations are used quite often in writing papers, I remember using them quite often when I wrote research essays on subjects such as this.

Drugs, why do them? In the research of the essay would you ever really intend on overdosing to see what happens? No you take the words of the doctors and professions in that subject. You research the subject and get information to write the paper.

What I very much dislike is the improper use of written trance on this thread scolding the poor guy. Considering he is writing a paper, unless he is a junior in college, he is probably under 21. You wanted to make a point that those under 21 shouldn't be here, but you failed to think reasonably to his question. He didn't ask should he try the file or try it on someone. He asked for our opinion and left it at that. You went as far as to try and type in script to influence a negative feeling and regret in him. I do not support this in any means, Negativity does not belong in this area.

In my opinion, yes it would work. Children and teenagers are hypnotized and tranced all the time in many cases of conditioning. There is a doctors office just down the street where there is a professional that claims that trance can help in many fields of medical procedures as well in the rehabilitation of patients and in stopping bad habits.

Agreed that the case of such "psychological problems" does warrant the need for professional attention, there are professionals that use trance and hypnotism, actual doctors as before mentioned. You had no need in ever posting.

Now then, this thread is ready to die, the original poster posted this almost 5 years ago, almost, and has never come back to reply further. Not to mention the very first reply to the original poster was EMG, who is supposed to be the "big dog" around here right? Take a note from that in itself.
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Postby DKaiser » December 28th, 2010, 6:24 pm

Devacy wrote:<Devacy said stuff>

Applause for your adorably rational argument(so rare nowadays). You win a cookie(cookie must be purchased and bought by the winner, but he/she is allowed to eat it guilt free, having earned it in style).
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Postby Devacy » December 28th, 2010, 9:42 pm

I suddenly remember why I quit posting here when I joined last year... hell why i left this site all together last year... this community is not helpful, at least it was not to me. This community is full of sarcastic jerks.
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Postby DKaiser » December 29th, 2010, 12:13 pm

Apologies for being who I am, though I note that if you're annoyed at people complimenting you in a mildly sarcastic manner, life's not going to be a very nice place to live in.
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Postby Devacy » December 30th, 2010, 5:26 pm

No, don't apologize for being yourself, if it was a sincere complement and I took it wrong I am sorry. I don't know you and I can take blame for jumping the gun, I'm just far more used to replies like that being insults rather than complements, I apologize.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 16th, 2011, 10:28 pm

I've been into hypnosis since before I began puberty and doubt it's affected me cognitively in any negative way. If anything, the meditative aspect has been beneficial to my concentration, self-awareness, etc. For more information about mindfulness, which is really what hypnosis is, check out:

On the other hand, starting the sexual aspect at a young age is probably not such a good idea. Erotic hypnosis allows a degree of desensitization to occur regarding the taboo. Someone entering into it too young would likely be much more extreme by the time they were 40 years old than someone getting into it as an adult.
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Postby TeenWolf » January 17th, 2011, 11:30 am

I'd say the opposite.When I was 13, mostly every other teen I knew, including myself, was actually more untrusting that trusting.It was like figuring the world for yourself.If a teen wants to make a decision, then they have that right.I'm sure that there's no difference between a 18 y/o and a 21 y/o making a decision.
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Postby xavious » January 17th, 2011, 4:02 pm

From experience I could see how hypnotherapy could be quite useful to a teenager. At that age you are often at your most unstable and volatile due to peer pressure, school, friends and family and fears of the future. I'd say that some positive files to encourage a happy, healthy lifestyle and enthuse the teen to be themselves and explore their interests safely could be a good thing.

Not saying that we SHOULD, but rather that I certainly wouldn't have minded a file I could listen to that told me that I could feel ' loved' and 'worthwhile' and encourage all those positive feelings we tend to ignore in favour of feelings of inadequacy and despair.

Just my two pence.
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Postby ellisd » January 28th, 2011, 2:09 am

pretty sure age wouldn't make much a difference, just my 2 cents
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Postby Mutazoa » June 13th, 2011, 6:21 pm


My first experience with Hypnosis was at age 6. My mother use to do magic for children's birthday parties and some of the regulars at the shop would gather at the house once a week to try out new magic tricks and the like. One evening one member of the group announced this new thing he had been studying...Stage Hypnosis. Everybody ooo'd and ahhh'd and demanded a demonstration. Being the eager kid I was I volunteered. The friend agreed stating that children are great hypnotic subjects, as they have great uninhibited imaginations. We went through what would today be considered a standard stage hypnosis act and when it was over I went to bed. No harmful side effects.

I got into hypnosis personally after that a few years later, hypnotizing friends at parties and such. Been doing it off and on over the years. That being said, here's my two cents on this long involved thread:

Children ARE more susceptible to hypnosis. They have amazing imaginations that allow almost perfect visualization. They also have no preconceived notions about much of anything. They are a blank slate waiting to be written on. Would Hypnosis be harmful to them. Not as such.

If the act/behavior the hypnosis induces would be harmful to them when not hypnotized then obviously the answer is "yes" that session would cause damage. Using an erotic hypnosis file on a child would be the same thing as molesting them while they were "awake".

If it was a beneficial session then no..it wouldn't do any damage. Case in point. I mentioned above that I was hypnotizing friends at parties a few years after my first induction. My re-introduction to hypnotism was this: One of my friends, who lived down the street came home one day to find his mother had shot herself. Imagine the trauma that inflicted. He was taken away (she was a single mother) and we didn't see him for some time. He came back for a visit some time later, and told us all about this therapy he was taking...Hypnotherapy. Which reminded me of MY experience...one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history. His experience with hypnosis was beneficial...helping him with the trauma of finding his mother dead.

Hypnosis is like any other tool. If used right, it causes no harm, no foul. If used nefariously, then it's going to do some damage.

Saying "oh if you hypnotize a kid your going to screw him/her up for life" is pretty stupid. It depends on what your doing while your monkeying around under his mental hood that is the key. If you wouldn't do it to them while they are awake, don't do it to them while they are under.

Exposing them to "training" files can be good or bad, depending on the file. I know of some one who's child was extremely brilliant but doing horrible in school. After a hypnosis session in which he trained his child to be interested in school and learning new things, the child went on to not only make up all the schoolwork to that point but went on to graduate that year as one of the top of her class. I would venture to opine that there was no harm done there.

The trainbodybuilder file here is designed for adults. Using THAT file may be unwise for children, but a file designed to encourage a child to get out and play and exorcise a little rather than spending all day on the X-box wouldn't be harmful.

In short: Hypnosis in of it self will not cause damage to a child's mind. Its what you do during the session that can cause damage.
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