I'm starting Curse Stroke Sissy & hellion0's Curse Bimb

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I'm starting Curse Stroke Sissy & hellion0's Curse Bimb

Postby chuckhogan » February 2nd, 2011, 4:42 am

Joined: Nov 09, 2010
Posts: 4
I have always been haunted by sissy fantasies. Since a teen ager.
I responded by keeping these desires hidden, even from me. I refused to think about them, untill I stumbled upon sissie porn on the internet. I love the stories, but I'm married, and too shy to act on my desires. But I want to. I want to be made to act on them. But I have to keep this secret from my wife.

What I am doing is first thing in the morning Listening first to Curse Stroke Sissy, then TrigWoman2.
Later in the morning I Listen to Curse Bimbo, then GSTrigWoman2.
I repeat the pattern in the evening before bed.

Could anyone advise me on a better choice of files?

I decided to report on what I was doing, and any effects I noticed here.
I don't expect much, to be honest. I don't think hypnosis works well on me, so I don't expect much except some fantasies.

But just in case I will report here about it if anyone is interested.
I like these files because they encourage me to work to get my body in shape, and visualise my goals. I will channel that into some good fantasies working out at the gym I hope.

This is my first report; end of day 2
I've been turned on all day. I keep thinking about being sissified every time I touched or played with myself. I would find myself stroking myself, turned on by the idea that each stroke made me more girlish.
When I got home that nighit I went straight to the bathroom and found a pair of my wifes panties. On impulse I kicked off my shoes and pants and put the panties on. Oh, they felt so good. I was really turned on and started masturbating, thinking about how each stroke made me more a sissy, about being a girlie sissy and bimbo, getting fucked again and again. It was wild and I had the most incredible orgasm.
At this point I plan to keep listening. I will report again in a few days.
Posts: 6
Joined: November 9th, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby sarnoga » February 2nd, 2011, 10:22 am

Hello chuckhogan,

Sounds like the files you are listening to are working just fine for you. But have you considered listening to this:

Sarnoga - Sissy Boy Training
Description: Come and listen. Unlock the sissy boy within you. You had pushed him away and hidden him. Now he is back. He is released and takes his rightful place within you.
Author: sarnoga Added On: 2010-05-22 Downloaded: 1555 Length: 28:30
Audience: Straight Men Effect: Permanent
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 4.4286 Total Votes: 7 Comments: 1


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