SlutinmyHead's files

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SlutinmyHead's files

Postby slutinmyhead » December 13th, 2010, 3:42 am

Anyone having success with any of my files? Any feedback, suggestions or advice? Thanks :)
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Good Files!

Postby Calimore » December 13th, 2010, 8:16 am

I have used the Habit Forming file you voiced, and then I enjoyed your Easy to Hack file. Nice, easy laid-back style, good scripting, clean audio and a gentle delivery have made those files fun and easy to use.

My sexual tastes run on the vanilla side for the most part, though. BDSM and Mind Control are pretty much all I'm into. My current fantasy is having a tist turn me into the perfect hypnotic master, a gentle tist with the right intentions and moral checks in place whose focus is giving his subject the hypnotic experiences of their dreams while bringing them deeper under his control.

I suffer from some social anxiety phobia so I sometimes find myself making excuses to not work with a subject. Once I'm working with a subject though, their needs seem to fuel my desire to trance them, but until that point is reached, I wrestle with self-doubt to the point of distraction. I'm considering writing a self-help file to deal with this as this issue is really holding me back from getting anywhere near my full potential as a tist.

Anyway, thanks for the great files - please keep 'em coming. I'm going to be doing some baking and entertaining over the holidays, perhaps you'd like to stop by for some pumpkin pie? Let me know what time of day would be best to meet and talk for an hour or so and I'll whip up a nice nosh to go with our coffee, milk or tea.

Happy Holidays!

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Postby rgn » December 30th, 2010, 2:03 am

I'm surprised there has not been any more response to your post given the number of files you have created. I have listened to several of your files

Programmable Bottom (have not tried to trance with this one)
Gay Porn Default
Easy to Hack
Neural Remapping
Cog in the Machine
Mutual Masterbation
Karmic Itchy Anus
Gay Male by PeppermintT
Your Cum Belongs to Me
Long D/s Induction

I like the sound of your voice and I always trance deeply when listening to your files. I have not really had notable results but I honestly think that is because the slut in my head is not quite as adventurous as the slut in your head! :D Your files always seem to go just a bit further than I am comfortable with (except maybe Gay Porn Default, but I have not really listened to it many times yet and I am gay and already watch gay porn on occasion so its not much of a stretch for me). But I do think your files are cleverly scripted. And I always enjoy trying your new files at least once out of curiosity simply because I know I will have a great deep trance. By the way, I do like the interesting deepening countdown you do in Long D/s Induction.
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Postby ohyouknow » December 31st, 2010, 3:50 pm

I found the Girlfriend Experience more powerful than I really wanted, I found myself thinking about my friend so intensely that I got worried I'd say something inappropriate next time I saw her. This is the first file that's both worked, and been too much for me.

I notice it went from Premium to Buy $20 soon after it was uploaded btw.
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Postby shadowcat444 » December 31st, 2010, 6:16 pm

The Goldilocks version of Girlfriend was very good and I found it quite compelling too.
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Postby slutinmyhead » December 31st, 2010, 9:01 pm

Thanks so much for the feedback! I feel like I'm always begging for it :)
This will actually help a lot. I tend to write files around a theme, then include plenty of arguments to close you in to accepting the intended frame.

Maybe I go too far?

My logic has historically been that by pushing the envelope to the extreme, more will stick with you than would otherwise. I really don't expect complete acceptance of the suggestions. I just want the ideas to get more and more comfortable over time. If they're extreme enough, you'll reject the outlandish, but the more mild will seem like an appropriate compromise by comparison.

Maybe I should introduce shorter files that present my goals for you more incrementally?

Gotta think how to do that...

I've got two new ones scripted, Baby Mama and Chick Cuck. Baby Mama makes you want to get your girl pregnant, also making you suggestible to fertile and pregnant women. I'm waiting for Goldilocks to have some free time to read it for me. Chick Cuck is for women but takes them through being hypnotized to masturbate with another girl's panties in their mouth while her boyfriend has sex with that girl nearby. She is then made to suck his cock clean, lick the girl clean and is given suggestions to help facilitate MFF threesomes for her man and happily be up for anything. Goldilocks and I are going to record this one together. Again, waiting for her to have some free time...

Next idea I've been playing with has been a file that makes you enjoy licking cum off your lover, your hand or anything else it's on.

Again, thanks for the feedback. The more you give me, the more my files will reflect your tastes. I am nothing if not an attention whore. Hmm, maybe that's a good idea for a file... Attention Whore...

BTW, the way I've started handling the whole pay file thing is that I leave it up for about a week or so before I ask EMG to charge for it. I want people to have an opportunity to hear them. For the longest time, I posted every file free, but felt like I wasn't getting any feedback. The initial switch to charging came as a desire for recognition, though since losing my job, the extra money has enabled me to start my own site and buy the occasional file from other hypnotists... The earnings aren't much, but they do end up back in the community...

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Postby shadowcat444 » December 31st, 2010, 9:13 pm

Not too extreme, I would say just right. Your new line up sounds great :)
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Postby ftslave67 » January 1st, 2011, 7:07 am

I love your files--your voice & your style really work for me.

My all-time favorite is "submissive gay boyfriend", which, obviously, is hard to gauge the effects of, unless we should meet up in person sometime. ;) But I love listening to it & sometimes use it to "relieve the pressure", lol.

The new file is great, BTW. Thank you. Maybe a little long--I tend to get uncomfortable lying still for more than 20-30 minutes. But I did trance out to it pretty good, even the first time. Kind of drifted in & out. I do enjoy the countdowns. And the finger snap. Surprising how that works, even though i've not been trained to respond to it. I guess maybe we the expectation of trance helps.

Like others have said, maybe some of the suggestions are a little extreme. Maybe that puts the listener in the mindset of being skeptical or questioning when he or she is in trance.
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Postby ohyouknow » January 1st, 2011, 4:06 pm

I noticed that Girlfriend Experience does have a suggestion that it's her boundaries that are important, not yours, which is quite clever because it's a limit, but it's expressed in a submissive way.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 2nd, 2011, 2:26 pm

It's also to hopefully prevent any awkwardness... I want you to get the girl, not scare her off...
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Postby rgn » January 3rd, 2011, 2:22 am

I love the long trances and have not had any issues going 30 - 60 minutes with a file (a few times I have gone longer than 60 minutes using play list). Sometimes I think I just like the trance too much! I would not necessarily use the word extreme in regards to your files. They are very well constructed to encourage the theme of the file. For me its more like you have not created a file that I have embraced over 90% to want to make more permanent in my life (if that makes sense). When I hear suggestions that I really don't care for it tends to weaken my trance - sometimes it takes me immediately out of trance (I'm slowly learning to ignore things I do not really care for while in trance). And I'm still working through exactly what my main interests are so I'm hesitant to put a lot of effort into permanent changes at the moment. Which is why I love the non-permanent or experience types of files - allows trying out something without encouraging permanent changes. Then if I really liked it I could try files that encourage that behavior. For example, I think it would be quite interesting if there were a version of programmable bottom that merely took the subject through the experience of being a bottom (the desire, the arousal, the sexual sensations, the joy of pleasing the top, etc.) without actually suggesting that the subject become a bottom. A file like this might also be interesting with no awaken suggestions - it could be used when going to sleep, might trigger some exciting dreams!
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 3rd, 2011, 3:09 am

I know what you mean, though can honestly say I've never been too terribly affected by a couple of listenings. Now, that said, I have been EXTREMELY affected by files I've listened to off and on for a year or more. I suppose it can be a slippery slope.

What kind of file would you want to embrace more than 90%? What are your turn ons and what's holding you back?

For me, the big things holding me back are what my family and friends would think, as well as fear of stds. We'll assume it's pretty plain what turns me on...
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Postby rgn » January 4th, 2011, 4:29 am

What great questions. I wish I had great answers...

I would agree that I have not had any files make lasting results with 1 or 2 listens. I've gotton to the point that I can usually trance well on the first listen of most files and do have some effects with the first listen. But the effects usually fade quickly if I do not listen again fairly soon. I also notice with hypnotists that create several files consistently throughout the year that I seem to get conditioned to more readily trance and pick up suggestions from their files. Even though I may not listen to one file many times, just listen to several of their files over time.

I have used files that I listened to daily or several times a day that seemed to be having some effects, the effects getting more pronounced over a 2 - 3 week period, and then suddenly all effects stop completely overnight. Even though I still listened to the file. I guess I have not had huge success with files, just with trance. I seem to respond better to files that do not contain a lot of suggestions geared toward permanent changes or curses. I also seem to respond much better when the language in the file is not commanding or dictating - like your newly posted "only when I drink" file.

What are my turn ons?
At the moment, I seem to respond well to what I sort of think of as submissive themes (but not really master/slave or s/m) such as bondage; erotic teasing; heightened, continued arousal with no aches or pain (especially when the arousal is combined with the frustration associated with no desire to cum or strong desire to cum but unable to cum); triggered orgasm. But this leads into something I don't quite understand. These things in my mind are akin to allowing someone control over me. Yet I do not seem to respond well to files where the language is dominate or controlling. And I also like more sensual, erotic themes and the blissful feelings of floating deeply relaxed with wonderful sensations coursing through the body.

What is holding me back?
Maybe I just have problems dealing with my uncertainties about hypnosis. What if I condition myself to something that I end up not really enjoying consciously? What if I trigger a strong desire that I cannot comfortably accomplish? I believe what I have read about hypnosis - basically that you would not do anything you truely oppose doing. But I am not convinced that my conscious mind and subconscious mind are on the same page when it comes to what each considers acceptable. Some of my newly discovered turn ons would require a great deal of trust to perform in person and I am not sure I would ever be comfortable attempting them in person. I am in a relationship where my partner has lost his sexual interest (something I cannot comprehend). And I am not really interested in finding other sexual partners. So maybe I avoid conditioning myself with desires that would require a sexual partner. Maybe it is something completely unrelated to any of this, something I have not realized. And I know that part of it is related to what family and friends might think of me - but I really do not discuss sexual activities with any of my friends or family. I have never even discussed my use of erotic hypnosis with my partner (we have discussed hypnosis and I think he is aware that I have an interest in hypnosis but I do not think he really thinks hypnosis works, or maybe he just thinks he cannot be hypnotized which I guess would be true). But I must admit it has been interesting reflecting about this question and I am glad you asked. Even if I do not think I was able to really present an definite answer.
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Postby ftslave67 » January 4th, 2011, 7:02 pm

rgn, have you tried counseling? (either couples or alone)

shame to be in a relationship where there's no intimacy. maybe you could find out why & try to rekindle things. or if it's irreparable, there are two ways to go, i guess.
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Postby rgn » January 5th, 2011, 12:37 am

Thanks ftslave67, but its not really a bad relationship. Although it is an unusual relationship (many consider gay relationships unusual anyway). We live in the same city but do not live together 24/7, just on holidays and weekends. We have been together 12 years. There is some intimacy just not sex. I was having problems dealing with it at first when the sex stopped (several years ago). He sensed this and explained to me that something just does not feel right when he tries to have sex and told me he's discussed with his doctor. And I do not have any reason to doubt this. I have thought a lot about it and decided there is a lot of positives to our relationship - we don't argue, we have dinner together most nights, vacation together, do most things together. Most importantly, I enjoy being with him. But I also enjoy my alone time. So it seems to work for me. Besides, I learned how to satisfy myself many, many years ago - I seem to have a high sex drive (seems normal to me but my partner thinks otherwise). A couple of years ago I found erotic hypnosis and recently I have been able to intensify that sex drive and give myself more satisfaction than I ever imagined possible. Life is not bad at all! :D

But enough about me.... someone get this thread back on track!!!
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 5th, 2011, 5:07 am

My girlfriend and I don't have sex either. I think many of my gayer files might really be to distance myself from her rejection, as in, 'won't she be sorry when I leave her for a guy?' Sometimes open to that...

I do tend to think erotic hypnosis is in many ways about a desire for intimacy. We want to let someone in, want someone to want to get in and want to be able to trust. It's about lowering our boundaries.

For me, I tend to prefer the more gently persuasive hypnotists, but only because I need to feel they care about my welfare. For instance, I think Major Pixel is excellent at his craft, and yet, the humiliation aspect in many of his files prevents me from trusting him. If it means anything, I want you to know I actually am a good person and make files to get you off. I would never intentionally mess you up. On that note, I can enjoy dominant hypnotists so long as I feel we're on the same side.

Totally understand the concern about possibly going too far... It's not instant though. Thank god for that. There's plenty of time to turn back if things start to feel... off. It helps to have a couple different themes that interest you, so if it seems you're getting too into one thing, you can shift your focus onto something different. Mostly, though, I trust my subconscious.

Thanks for your long answer, btw. I sometimes think those of us into erotic hypnosis have deeper traits in common that led us here. It's usually interesting learning more about each other - and thus ourselves.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 6th, 2011, 11:01 pm

Snowball Effect should be converting to a pay file shortly. After 30+ downloads and no feedback, I got bored... If any of you contributing on this thread missed it being free, pm me and I'll send you a link... I'm thinking the induction on it, kind of like a college lecture, might be cool to try again. Maybe Jungian archetypes and thought processes next? The twisted part is that my 7-year old neighbor gets these lectures too (obviously in a different context than my hypnosis files - more silly and using our other neighbors as guinea pigs). The other morning I taught her mirroring, then how to use that to make others itchy. She's gonna rule the world by the time she's eight... Woo hoo!
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Postby rgn » January 7th, 2011, 1:33 am

Thanks for your reply slutimnyhead. I found it helpful in putting some of my thoughts in perspective. Others have also told me I should trust my subconscious. I do not really know why I have a feeling of distrust, that I think my subconscious will allow things I really do not want. I'm probably just adjusting to the feelings of being a bit out of control at times during or after a hypnosis session. I'm sure this will work itself out as I have more experiences. Its good to hear that hypnosis is really not so instant. This realization may help alleviate some of my concerns.

Feedback time!

I listened to snowball effect but have not tried to trance. I just too tired the day I downloaded it and was too busy last night (excuses, excuses). I did like the sound of the induction and even though I have never had an interest in eating cum or snowballing, I will likely try this one because I want to try this induction. I will comment on how the trance goes when I try it. I think you should try this induction style again.

OK, I admit I had to look up Jungian archetypes... and found there is really no short explanation. Might make an interesting file though. And yes, I had to look up mirroring as well... if we keep this thread going I may learn a bit about psychology. Sounds like your 7 year old neighbor is getting an interesting education!
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 7th, 2011, 6:09 am

Just wrote a new script with a very educational induction, thinking of you and trusting one's subconscious. The file's called Works Too Well and I plan to record and post it tomorrow. It's not really sexual. It's more to help my other files work better on you. Wa ha ha!

I almost feel badly wasting this induction on a file really about nothing, but then, it's probably less intimidating than my other files. Probably not a terrible thing to have one of those floating around my world wide web. Lures in the more timid among the flock...

It's five am. Been typing all night, feeling kind of giddy...
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Postby inferiorwoman » January 7th, 2011, 6:15 am

Nothing wrong with having such files around, if they are going to help people be more comfortable in listening to other files they really do want to listen to.
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Postby BillionSix » January 7th, 2011, 12:27 pm

slutinmyhead wrote:Just wrote a new script with a very educational induction, thinking of you and trusting one's subconscious. The file's called Works Too Well and I plan to record and post it tomorrow. It's not really sexual. It's more to help my other files work better on you. Wa ha ha!

I almost feel badly wasting this induction on a file really about nothing, but then, it's probably less intimidating than my other files. Probably not a terrible thing to have one of those floating around my world wide web. Lures in the more timid among the flock...

It's five am. Been typing all night, feeling kind of giddy...

I actually could really use something like that. I am good at going into trance, but am bad at accepting suggestion and incorporating it into my actual life. I have a fear of losing control or something.
Normal behavioral suggestions don't have much effect as far as I can tell, and triggers don't stand a chance.

Will your file have much in the way of submissive overtones? I wouldn't respond too well to that.
All I need is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.
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Postby rgn » January 7th, 2011, 10:49 pm

Thank you slutinmyhead. There is no way you could possibly think this -

'I almost feel badly wasting this induction on a file really about nothing'

about your file 'Hypnosis Works... Too Well' because this file is quite remarkable for me. And I hope for many others. I do not know how to express myself in words right now... It has been over 30 minutes and I still feel so calm and peaceful and dreamy...
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 8th, 2011, 1:49 am

I really like knowing that...

I actually just listened to it for the first time as a hypnosis session and got something out of it I somehow missed was there. Wow...

How did I miss that before? Exhaustion?

Wish it was longer...
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Postby rgn » January 8th, 2011, 4:13 am

For me, I did not feel exactly like I was exhausted. Definitely felt lethargic all over. My mind felt very tranquil and serene. An inner peace of sorts.
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Postby xavious » January 8th, 2011, 2:28 pm

Can I ask what the thinking behind Train Jealous was? It's a most interesting file.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 8th, 2011, 3:19 pm

Oh, no, the file wasn't what made me feel exhausted. I was referring to staying up all night writing and recording the file... That was the reason I hadn't actually tranced to it before it posted...

Train Jealous was written as an alternative to hypnotic cuckoldry files. My own fantasies about sharing my girlfriend began in high school when my first love cheated on me. Back then, I had been jealous. This anger and hurt had given me crazy, intense orgasms every time I thought about her, but left me feeling awful afterward. Over time though, I don't feel any of that anymore. I have no jealousy in me, not even a twinge. I kind of missed it, so made the file. It's only worked for me when under.
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Postby rgn » January 8th, 2011, 6:24 pm

:lol: That makes more sense! I guess I can see how I misread your exhaustion statement! I was pretty tired last night, its been a long and fairly stressful week and your file relaxed me to a stupor!

Just finished my second listen and it was still... wonderful! It did not take as long to completely recover - I looked at the PC time when I first opened my eyes and it took about 5 minutes before I was able to stand. I did notice I became slightly aroused towards the end of the file this time. And I seem to remember a bit more of my experience. During the first part of the file, my body just gets heavier as I continue to focus on your words. My body gets to the point that I start to not really notice it at all (notice feelings in my body I guess). But still mentally alert to a degree. Sort of like I can tell my brain is awake and hearing your voice but my body from the neck down is asleep or distant? I do not think I consciously remember everything said and do not seem interested to try to remember exactly what was said (which is different for me because after a file I always notice in the back of mind I am trying to remember what was said).

I come out in reverse. When you state to awaken, I can open my eyes and slowly start to move my head. My body lacks feeling - its heavy, immobile, numb. But I feel wonderfully content. I really want to close my eyes and savor this moment as long as possible (which I think is what I did last night and really prolonged my coming out of trance). After a few minutes of moving my head around, I slowly start to feel more sensations in my body. Starting with being able to move fingers and toes and spreading throughout the body from there. A fantastic mind/body experience! :D
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 9th, 2011, 3:46 pm

Definitely thinking there will be more college lecture type inductions. Not sure how great it'll be hearing the same one after 50 times, but was a lot of fun to write and gave me lots of little tangents to play off of. I'm thinking of doing a file called Memory Trader soon, where you trade one memory for your trance. It plays off some of the stuff I said in the works too well file. The idea will be to trade a memory that's given you a neurosis, ptsd, etc., so you can function in your life better. If you don't have any to trade, you don't get to remember the trance... Induction might be about mindfulness and the positive neurological changes that come from living in the moment vs daydreaming your life away. Read recently we daydream 50% of our waking life... Fascinating stuff...
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Postby rgn » January 9th, 2011, 11:00 pm

Great! The college induction worked well for me. Not sure if listening to the lecture many times would get old any more than listening to other types of inductions. But I guess we will find out eventually with your recent file! Memory trader does sound interesting.
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Postby ohyouknow » January 10th, 2011, 3:49 pm

Yes it does, I'd love to try that if/when it comes out.
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Postby rgn » January 15th, 2011, 1:59 pm

Its been such an unusual week. Not sure that it is completely due to your 'hypnosis works to well' file, I only listened to it 2 or 3 times last weekend. I do not seem to sense what I could only describe as a distrust with my subconscious anymore (I do not seem to be consciously questioning or evaluating suggestions in the back of my mind after a file). And that is a great feeling! However, I have been filled with lots of sexual desires this week, much, much stronger than usual. Which seems a little overwhelming at times, trying to figure out how to satisfy them (usually there are several at once and some conflict with each other a little). On the plus side, these desires and feelings are prevalent when I am alone or idle, and move out of the way when I have something I need to accomplish. And of course with each day I have a stronger desire to listen to 'hypnosis works to well' again! Its probably a desire to listen to one of your files again, but this is my favorite of your files at the moment. Your Harvard file satisfied this desire the other day... but its coming back.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 16th, 2011, 8:03 pm

I have so many new file ideas and have to say the replies here keep them coming. Some of the ones I'm playing with are a file that teaches you to be lucky, a file that takes you so deep it actually starts affecting the collective unconscious and another that makes you horny, but helps you channel it into creative energy and motivation. Recognize yourself in these? You're here...
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Postby rgn » January 16th, 2011, 10:36 pm

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Postby ftslave67 » January 18th, 2011, 8:07 pm

I am all about that last idea--sounds great. I've had a similar experience, recently, without hypnosis. It was pretty intense.
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Postby Jeshi » January 21st, 2011, 5:47 pm

All of those ideas sound great and interesting(I think I made a comment on one of your files which had the idea for that second one in there.)

I imagine the third one would be fantastic especially.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 23rd, 2011, 6:04 am

That second file idea was totally yours :D
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Postby botboy » January 29th, 2011, 12:12 pm

One more responce to RGN- I feel ya, A long relationship becomes complex, and about mutual support and less and less about SEX, My partner prefers gay porn, done in about 10 minutes. I, on the otherhand love erotic hypnosis and can while away an afternoon, as I am doing today, in a focused arroused state. I especially like the idea that no one knows about my "dirty secret", it's all mine. As far what I enjoy, I prefer files that are subtle, no humiliation, intimate with a kind voice, Dominant but gentle. As far as Sluts files, I am a total groupee- just the sound of his voice is a huge turn on.
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Postby ftslave67 » January 29th, 2011, 8:52 pm

Wow, 10 minutes--he doesn't know what he's missing out on. Why do some people settle for fast food when they can have a gourmet meal?
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Postby botboy » January 29th, 2011, 9:29 pm

Just efficient I guess. I am not. Can't balance my checkbook or remember peoples names, a dreamer I guess. People like me need efficient people in our life or the light bill would never get paid!
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Postby Pugugly001 » January 29th, 2011, 10:58 pm

In this incarnation at least (I had a login years and years ago) I'm a newbie here, but since I stumbled across the thread I wanted to mention that enjoyed 'The Girlfriend Experience' and would definitely be interested in any more F/m style files you write (albeit with a female reader).

I have a personal affection for what I consider 'Meme' style recordings, something that is done in such a way that it's not just a single woman hypnotizing a single man, but that it's intended to make all men submissive to all women in some way -- the collective unconsciousness idea you mentioned seems like it could be a great file from that perspective. If it takes that course I would definitely be interested.

Hope this feedback is of some use to you - Pug
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Postby rgn » January 30th, 2011, 3:51 am

Thanks botboy, I appreciate your response. Sounds like we like similar types of files.

I have made huge improvements in my hypnosis trance abilities in the past 2-3 months which I attribute to 3 things - I have been practicing trance with files for almost 3 years, ocntrl has graciously spent a LOT of his time working directly with me (I am sometimes surprised how much influence he seems to have with me :D ), and simh has taken the time to share his thoughts in pm and forum posts and also incorporated some suggestions in a few of his recent files to help address some of my trance issues. Saying thank you to ocntrl and simh almost does not seem enough - but I am very appreciative of both.

As far as simh's files, I have always enjoyed his voice and listening to his files. I just have a general problem with all files. When I hear a suggestion that I do not like for any reason - afraid of it, just not interested in it, does not apply to me at all, etc. - it tends to interrupt my trance slightly and spoils the effect of the file. But I think I am making progress in lessening this issue as well.
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Postby ftslave67 » January 30th, 2011, 7:46 am

I think that issue of coming out of trance when you hear something objectionable is probably very common and probably a good thing--it's like a defense mechanism. I guess what you want is to be able to disregard a suggestion rather than have it bring you out of trance. And you can do that. It might take some practice.
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Postby slutinmyhead » February 1st, 2011, 9:21 pm

I find for me, one or two undesirable suggestions can be ignored easily enough. It's when they pile up that brings me out of it. One thing about my files is that I genuinely want only good for you. Yes, my ideal world seems to be one big orgy, but I never try to tear you down. That comes through, I think...

Oh, and Pug, expect more files from Goldilocks. I've got three scripts waiting for her and she swears she wants to record them. I've got another girl who might start recording for me too. I'm a good cook, so bribe them with food...
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Postby rgn » February 2nd, 2011, 12:17 pm

Thanks ftslave67, I am noticing much improvement. I seldom get taken completely out of trance by a suggestion any more. What generally seems to be happening is it triggers conscious thought(s) about the suggestion and I am starting to learn how to acknowledge that and push it away. I am certain I will eventually be able to just reject things I dislike without any interruption.

I think some of my apprehension developed when suggestions really started taking hold. I got fair results for months from some files, then it seemed I suddenly started getting strong results from most files. It is exciting, something I had been trying to accomplish over 2 or so years. But it is a bit scary, feeling out of control at times, unsure how I might respond to a file's suggestions. And its taking a few months to learn how I react and what I respond to. I also find I can now pick up a suggestion that really strongly appeals to me on the first listen of a file or from a direct suggestion while in trance. I also seem to respond better to files scripted to provide an experience instead of a change in behavior. I do not respond well to curse files (files that use the word curse). I think the word curse is taken in a negative way in my mind and I just reject it. I will chalk it up to part of the learning process! And its all good!

Another positive note - I'm developing a strong trust in slutinmyhead... :D
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Postby ftslave67 » February 2nd, 2011, 1:00 pm

". . . strong trust in slutinmyhead . . . "--that's a GOOD thing! :D
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Postby ohyouknow » February 2nd, 2011, 3:17 pm

Good to hear Goldilocks is up for more recordings. You yourself are very persuasive, SIMH, but I find that a female voice can sneak certain stuff past my ego more easily than a male one.
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Postby slutinmyhead » February 3rd, 2011, 12:15 am

Also, there's certain kinds of files a male simply can't pull off. For instance, I've got a pretty hot script called Baby Mama all about "getting me pregnant." Somehow, it just wouldn't be believable in my voice... though I guess it never hurts to try, right? Right? Heh...
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Postby Jeshi » February 6th, 2011, 9:46 pm

slutinmyhead wrote:Also, there's certain kinds of files a male simply can't pull off. For instance, I've got a pretty hot script called Baby Mama all about "getting me pregnant." Somehow, it just wouldn't be believable in my voice... though I guess it never hurts to try, right? Right? Heh...

There are plenty of people into MPREG out there who it would work for. But I think people who are into MPREG and hypnosis is a very small niche.
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Postby radar » February 7th, 2011, 3:11 am

I dont know Jeshi, I kind of like the pregnancy files. :D
Not that Ive ever been able to take it with me outside of trance.
But during trance it was wonderful imagining the body changes necessary for the pregnancy through to term.
Slutinmyhead - I dont think that you should let the voice worry you.
As long as you you can bring us into trance and provide the wonderful imagery - The voice doesn't matter.
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Postby slutinmyhead » February 7th, 2011, 3:35 am

The way I see it, I haven't always had access to a girl willing to record for me, so it's kind of like a new toy. The hard part is cornering her into recording. She's always so freaking busy! Fortunately (for us), I have another friend who just lost her job and is having back surgery, so will have LOTS of free time. Someone sent me a $50 tribute a few days back (first time that's ever happened. I think I liked it). I just used $40 of it to buy her a headset like I use. Hopefully, she reads out load well. Not everyone does... But if she does, expect a few new files back to back. The scripts have been piling up...

The two I'm dying to hear are the Baby Momma one and another based on my love potion file, but with a lot of added content to make it more of a love potion pussy worship file. Goldilocks recorded a rough draft for me. It's got enough screw ups that I want her to re-record it before I post, but has been on repeat in my playlist pretty much since the moment I got it. Totally freaking hot... There is a feeling you get when you hear a file and just know it's worked. That's how it was with this. Ironically, I'm afraid to go down on my girlfriend now as our relationship's been rocky and feel like this could make it really difficult for me if we break up. I can't wait for people to hear it :)
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