Fake hypnosis becomes real hypnosis!

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Fake hypnosis becomes real hypnosis!

Postby Jeshi » January 22nd, 2011, 12:21 am

Have you ever seen one of those stupid videos where someone pretends to hypnotize you with 3 seconds of repeating "You are getting very sleepy!" a few times? Of course they aren't really trying to hypnotize you, they don't know anything about hypnosis. But of course they'll label it as hypnosis causing it to show up in search results.

So I had an idea, what if "You are getting very sleepy" and any variations of it were made into a generic trigger? Anytime somebody said it you could get pulled into an incredibly deep trance and find that their suggestions are absolutely impossible to resist.

It would be fun, imagine all the stupid things you would do!

I actually got this idea because while searching for hypnosis videos on youtube I found someone that had uploaded 30+ videos where he just said "You are getting very sleep, you are now under my control!" then proceeded to give suggestions as if he thought the person watching was actually hypnotized. And some of the suggestions were actually interesting ideas!

I'd write the script but this idea is so generic I doubt anybody would even record it. So I thought I'd just post it here, if anybody liked it they might write it, or if enough people showed interest it might show to worth writing myself after all.
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Postby ocntrl » January 24th, 2011, 10:20 am

That is a very neat idea but oh so dangerous :-)

I would even expand on it and make the suggestion such that any kind of attempt at hypnosis in any way with any wording would have an instant deep trance as effect regardless of the quality of the bad induction.

Suddenly all inductions would work! Bad or not.
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MistE already did it

Postby MyVoice » January 24th, 2011, 4:41 pm

In her Obey Women file, Mistress Elena sets the listener up so they will go into trance for any woman, no matter the induction - she can just announce that you are going into trance, snap her fingers and *BAM!* - you're ready for deepening or even simple light suggestion. Of course, this also leaves you with a really big secret to keep!
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Gives me a thought

Postby reallystupidfordoingthis » January 27th, 2011, 7:07 pm

Been meaning to record and put something on here. If I get the time, I'd make one as follows:

Title: Slave to stereotype
Type: Curse
Description: Besides real hypnosis, the Hollywood stereotype works just as well for you. As long as it is safe to do so, spirals root you in place, swinging watches must be watched, and staring eyes demand your total concentration. Even the most cheesy attempt at hypnosis, even on someone else, will work incredibly well on you. When hypnotized in this fashion you will obey all suggestions in the exaggerated style of the movies - zombie-like stare, intonations of "yessss master" and whatever else strikes your fancy; of course, people may think you're faking, which leads to all the more fun for you as they try and prove this.

I think it'd be a fun one to make. I figure anyone can try and make it if they wish, but it's definitely one on my to-do list regardless of anyone else making the same thing; seems appropriately silly and fun :)
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Postby mindphuk » February 5th, 2011, 5:33 am

If you include "security" then this would be a nice idea.
The "security" should include, that your subconscious mind decides on its own if it is okay and safe for you to follow the suggestion. We know, that the subconscious mind knows best what's good for you. That's why a suggestion like "jump from the roof of a high building" won't work (unless someone is already suicidial of course), since the will to survive is normally one of the strongest will in a healthy person and certainly stronger than a suggestion.

Of course, for most people it is impossible to give them suggestions that they don't want at all even at the slightest bit. But such security would still be helpful and if only for suggestions that are unclear or misunderstandable.

Another thing such hypnosis should have however, would be a way to get out of the suggestion's effect again somehow...
Just imagine a fake-hypnosis goes like "Watch my eyes, watch my eyes *snap* you're under, and now you are a pig" and then just ends...
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Postby mindphuk » February 5th, 2011, 5:42 am

Another exciting idea just came to my mind.

There are more videos on youtube for instance, that show how someone is hypnotized than that hypnotize you. Like videos from stage hypnotists or so.

So now what about a hypnosis, that put's you into the subject's shoes causing you having all the same effects the subject in the video has...?

Plenty of fun waiting :)
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Joined: April 5th, 2005, 12:00 am

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