Anyone have experience with psycadelics and hypno files?

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Anyone have experience with psycadelics and hypno files?

Postby Mino » September 15th, 2010, 8:47 am

I was thinking of taking some magic mushrooms/magic truffles/sclerotia/whatever before listening to an MP3.

I'm expecting that I will hallucinate the file working 100% and experience the description fully as if it was real life. And I've read reports that mushrooms increase susceptibility as well.

Has anyone had any experience with drugs and hypnosis?

Please do not fill this thread with opinions and arguments regarding drug use. I just want this thread to be used for sharing experiences and advice.
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Postby zzzzz » November 2nd, 2010, 4:37 pm

and, did it go well?
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Postby DKaiser » November 2nd, 2010, 4:43 pm

Well, I don't have much on the psychedelic side, but I have found that low doses of DXM(or the hangover of normal doses) is a great body relaxant, for people who have chronic pain and such that interfere with trance. As for higher doses, I tried it back when I wasn't as good at trancing(still getting there, honestly), so the fact I didn't get much from it shouldn't be taken as a sign that nothing comes of it, more a note to my inexperience.

Still, in theory it should help. If you're a good enough trancer to let the hypnotist guide your train of thought and imagination, then they should be able to continue doing so even in an altered state. Not sure how this would hold up with deliriants, as they might interfere with that, but it is just speculation.

General Disclaimer of Doom: Drugs should be used responsibly. If you decide to try something because of this post, that's your choice, and your responsibility. Be safe and sane, just like with hypnosis in general.
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Try asking Uncle Sam

Postby sleepyjosh » November 2nd, 2010, 7:52 pm

You should do some research into the CIA's experiments, codenamed Mk-ULTRA. Apparently they did quite a bit of work in the 60s or 70s trying to use LSD and other hallucinogens as "mind-control" agents (in combination with other conditioning techniques, like hypnosis).

You're bound to find as much insane conspiracy theory as actual fact, but if you can manage to separate the wheat from the chaff, you may just get the answers you're looking for.
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Postby wmm9 » November 5th, 2010, 12:30 pm

I'd recommend checking out:

It looks like psilocybin (mushrooms) are not very effective at increasing it, and apparently cannabis is the most effective.

Sadly, they have no information on anything legally obtainable, which is the stuff I stick to.

As for DXM, I find that when it's in full effect, it's really difficult to 'do' much, like listen to hypnosis. You find yourself not really interested in doing anything. By the time I was in the mood on the comedown to try it, I found it helped, but not by a lot.
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Postby DKaiser » November 5th, 2010, 3:10 pm

wmm9 wrote:As for DXM, I find that when it's in full effect, it's really difficult to 'do' much, like listen to hypnosis. You find yourself not really interested in doing anything. By the time I was in the mood on the comedown to try it, I found it helped, but not by a lot.

Hence why you limit it to a plateau 1 dosage, or the immediate hangover of a plateau 2 dose. You're aiming for the relaxant, pain relief, and closed-eye visual effects, not the stuff from higher doses.
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Postby DKaiser » November 27th, 2010, 5:43 pm

Not quite psychedelic in nature, but it was a finding worth pointing out: a small amount of alcohol is very helpful with hypnosis if you have troubles with trust issues(even subconscious ones where you accept you want the file, but your mind is still a little hesitant to go under all the way).

For the sake of full disclosure, this was tested with 1 shot of Smirnoff vodka, and a 140lb body weight, file listened to 3 hours afterwords(a combination of the required booze consumption of the 21st birthday, and listening to a file that night anyway).
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Postby DKaiser » December 4th, 2010, 2:11 am

More posts in a row, but since just editing the last post in a thread doesn't show that there's something new to look at, this seemed appropriate. Yell at me if it's not.

Today's topic: Pseudoephedrine

Upsides: A wonderful little thing if you're having trouble focusing on the hypnotist/keep getting distracted. It also helps if you're one of those people who fall asleep during a hypnosis session. A substantial minority report a vague euphoric feeling(I didn't have it, but there's enough responses to that effect to assume that it does happen with some people), which certainly doesn't hurt the trance process.

Downsides: It's quite common to get a jittery feeling, as one does when having too much coffee. Has a mild headache attached to the hangover, which can be annoying for longer trance sessions. Subjects with intestinal problems(such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome) may note minor convulsions in the abdomen area, though they are not painful and the boost to focusing helps keep it from bothering you.

Icky Stuff: The difference between a useful dose and a dangerous dose are far closer than you'd expect among psychoactive drugs. Dangerous doses start to kick in about 240-300mg. Also, tolerance builds impressively fast, and given the danger limit, the drug is not suitable for common use with trancing, as up-dosing can be hazardous to your health. Some people report impairment in reaction time, so don't take it at any time when you need to drive somewhere.

Nitty Gritty: Recommended dosage is 120-180mg(based on me being 140 lbs and somewhat resistant to its effects). Many pills also include Chlorpheniramine maleate at a rate of 4mg per 60mg of the Pseudoephedrine; there aren't any medical problems arising from taking pills with this mixture. The drug is legal, but must be purchased over-the-counter, and you must present ID to purchase(it can be used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, and thus the pharmacy is required to jot down your personal information, and keep it on file for 2 years, to make sure you aren't buying it in amounts that could be used to make illegal drugs). Duration of most effects is 1.5-2 hours, with all effects disappearing below notice around 6-8 hours.

Recommendation: Good as a crutch for people who just can't get into a deep trance. Use it in combination with an induction that has a trigger to bring you back down, so that you can use the trigger later on to counteract the fact you can't take this drug repeatedly in a short amount of time safely. Do NOT take in combination with DXM: while there's no documented health risks, most people who mix it report the experience being unpleasant mentally.
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Postby BiffWallop » December 24th, 2010, 12:04 pm

Back in the day I had a lot of experience with LSD, mushrooms and other psyco-active drugs. There is a difference between being tranced and being suggestable. On acid you are suggestable whether you trance or not. Also trancing is much easier. On my first mescalin trip I was surprised that it didn't involve great visuals. Other times it did. If you want to read about mushrooms instead, then start with Terence McKenna. If you want to know about LSD experience read "The Electric Koolaide Acid Test" by Tom Wolf. I'm sure you will enjoy your trip. "Bon Voyaage"
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 16th, 2011, 10:31 pm

I'm not sure I'd call it being hypnotized, but I have enjoyed listening to some of these files on mdma. Sort of felt like the hypnotist's voice was making love to me on some sort of psychic level.
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Postby autumnheart » February 2nd, 2011, 7:14 pm

I highly recommend not doing this.

Psychedelics are about the experience and the change in perception. Whats the fucking point of taking a drug that changes your perception of external reality and then listen to an audio file which tries to control your perception.

Your settings yourself up for a bad trip if you try this.

Just like how you always hear BDSM people tout safe and sane, the two things to remember with drugs are set and setting. Do it in a place where you are comfortable and do it in the right state of mind.

If you just jump into taking psychedelics without fully understanding what the power of these substances are then you are taking an enormous risk. being informed on the drugs and what they do can much better prepare you for the experience and allow you to actually just go with it.

There is a reason why they call it a trip. Because you are going on a trip, you just go along with it, no need to force you mind into a narrow view. Its possible have this information overload effect where your brain essentially gives you the middle finger and you'll be living a nightmare for the next 6 hours.

If you want my advice, I'd pop in some nature documentaries, some of your favorite munchies and some good music, and if the weather isn't shitty where you are, go outside! Nature is awesome when tripping.
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Postby sarnoga » February 3rd, 2011, 12:19 am

autumnheart wrote: Nature is awesome when tripping.

Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin are awesome when tripping.
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Postby AFA » February 3rd, 2011, 2:25 am

While they aren't really "Psychedelics" (or at least they aren't technically illegal) do you think diazepam (valium) and/or hydrocodone would have any effect if one or both were taken before trying to go into trance?
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Postby sarnoga » February 6th, 2011, 9:50 pm

AFA wrote:While they aren't really "Psychedelics" (or at least they aren't technically illegal) do you think diazepam (valium) and/or hydrocodone would have any effect if one or both were taken before trying to go into trance?

Whether or not something is legal or illegal has little relationship to whether or not it is a Psychedelic. I am not even really sure what the term Psychedelic means when referring to a drug. Are you using it as a synonym for hallucinogenic?

As for vallium and hydrocodone being "legal" that is not exactly true if you are talking about the USA rather than the free world. In various parts of the free world there are many different drugs that are legal. In the USA there are by contrast very few.

In the USA there are a very few drugs that are almost always considered unlawful and a very few that are mostly lawful.

The great majority fall somewhere between and are only lawful if one properly obtains through a licensed regulated source having jumped through all the bureaucratic hoops and red tape and have done so it in connection with a lawfully issued prescription that has also complied with the regulatory nightmare.

If you have them without having kissed the right ass and sucked the right butt then they are unlawful to buy, sell or possess. Vallium and Hydrocodone fit into that catagory requiring a prescription. I am not sure about Vallium, but I know Hydrocodone is also in that catagory where who gets it and how much they get is monitored even for those whom have a prescription.

The USA is definitely not the land of the free, despite government propaganda to the contrary.

As for whether either of those drugs will help someone go into trance or assist them in reaching a better or deeper trance, I suppose they possibly could depending on the individual. They might also detract from going into trance or reaching a useful trance state. Due to the nature of those two drugs I would consider neither of them likely to be beneficial in regards to trancing.

If you are looking for a substance to assist you with trance or hypnosis I would look elsewhere than those two drugs. They certainly would not be very high on my list.

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Postby DKaiser » February 7th, 2011, 4:02 am

AFA wrote:While they aren't really "Psychedelics" (or at least they aren't technically illegal) do you think diazepam (valium) and/or hydrocodone would have any effect if one or both were taken before trying to go into trance?

I've never used diazepam, but I did end up getting hydrocodone for a shoulder injury, and wasn't going to let a silly thing like that get in the way of doing hypnosis.
In short, it helps in the same manner as any other pain medication: if you have pain troubles, or sensations from your body distract you from trance, they help. If you're looking for something to help with mental state, it's not all that helpful(and in the case of the hydrocodone, can be limiting, as it sedates in higher doses).

sarnoga wrote:Whether or not something is legal or illegal has little relationship to whether or not it is a Psychedelic. I am not even really sure what the term Psychedelic means when referring to a drug. Are you using it as a synonym for hallucinogenic?

Psychedelic generally refers to a drug that induces an altered state of consciousness. It's a rather loose definition, and by it, even alcohol qualifies(in high enough doses). As for legality, people getting butthurt about such drugs in the 70's means that pretty much any psychedelic is illegal. Exceptions are things that are cultural in nature(salvia) or not easily replaced(cough syrup is psychedelic in high doses, but anything else that does the job is even worse, so they don't make it illegal). Hydrocodone is prescription only under the idea that lesser pain problems can be solved with lesser drugs, and if you have enough pain issues to need it, then you're seeing a doctor about such pain anyway.

Now, we could go into a massive discussion about what drugs are good/bad, but I'll just lay down the general ideas from what I've experienced for what's good with trance:
* Lessened inhibitions, such as from alcohol.
* Feelings of happiness/wellbeing
* Drugs that enhance a subject's ability to focus.
* Minimizing physical sensations, such as pain or tension

Likewise, things that are bad:
* Deliriants. A solid ability to focus is needed for hypnosis.
* Sedatives. This makes you more likely to fall asleep during trance.
* Loose Hallucinogens, for lack of a better term. If something makes you hallucinate, it needs to be related to your train of thought/focus. Something that makes you see random images/sounds will prevent you from using that visualization with the file in question.

As for drugs that apply to those, generally in the past people have sworn by alcohol(low doses only), marijuana, and ecstasy(which was in fact developed for use in 1-1 and group therapy). Some people also note that using hallucinogens, but not going into trance, tends to be helpful at visualizing in later trances, as your mind has more experience with what you want it to do. That said, I stay away from illegal drugs(being arrested doesn't really sound like my idea of a good time), so I can't give personal experiences to back that up.
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Postby mindphuk » February 7th, 2011, 6:38 pm

I once listened to a file while on Cannabis. And well, it was nice relaxing and deep but not really helpful. Maybe the reason is how I react on THC: my thoughts tend to go really wild.

A brief summary: I noticed occassionally that the suggestions in the file like "your body becomes heavy and warm" did work really well I felt it like 10 times stronger than normal. But at the end I remember that I while listening constantly drifted off with the thoughts imagining and fantasizing anything but not what's said in the file. Only when I came back focussing on the voice I noticed said 10 time stronger effect of what was said - but only while under. After wakeup I tried the posthypnotic things and it had no effect at all.

Oh and I just remembered that I once tried a small piece of valium and then being hypnotized. Well, I fell asleep deeply for 1.5hours but did not become hypnotized. (I did not wake on the wakener and no suggestions stood effective.)
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