I have a question.

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I have a question.

Postby owenroxan » March 1st, 2011, 4:23 pm

I've got a behaviour disorder or sumthing. I suffer from ADHD so it can be difficult for me to concentrate sometimes. So I'm curious.

Because I have ADHD wil it make it harder or even impossible for me to fall into a trance or be hypnotised?

If I could, could I get tips on how to concentrate and keep my mind from wanderign when listening to files?
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Postby Jeshi » March 1st, 2011, 7:59 pm

Well, what you should do is not worry about your ADHD and just try your best anyways. If it does end up interfering(and not because you were worried about it interfering the whole time) then there are probably certain styles of hypnosis that will work better than others. Some inductions want you to pay attention only to the hypnotist and block everything else out until you're no longer thinking. But other styles have your mind wander and think about whatever while the voice in the background makes suggestions. The latter sounds like it might work well with someone who has ADHD.
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Postby owenroxan » March 1st, 2011, 8:26 pm

That sounds better for me. I can pay eattention mostly its just my mind just suddenly switches toppics for a second before I actually realise it and focus again.

One of the files I'm trying is a furry transformation file by EGM and I guess its more of a listening to the speaker. Is there any way to be put in a trance by using a style where your mind is allowed to wander then listen to the transformation file?
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Postby soundexcess » March 2nd, 2011, 1:21 am

try sarnoga's adderall boy's induction it is specifically for people with adhd
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Postby owenroxan » March 2nd, 2011, 6:02 am

Thanks alot! I don't know how I ever missed that lol

I'll listen to it as soon as I can! :D
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Postby wqwqwqwq » March 6th, 2011, 11:57 pm

Oddly enough, there is research suggesting that ADD people are superior at trancing. Most ADD makes you have trouble focusing, unless it is something that you REALLY care about. That's not saying people with ADD just don't care when they cant focus. What it means is that they tend to be able to hyper-focus on things they like. I assume that if the file is something you really want, then it should be simple enough.

#1 tip for trancing: Visual focus. Be it on the center of a small dot ac cross from you (Even just a spec on the ceiling works), or, my favorite, focus on the darkness of your closed eyes. Sound silly, but actually staring while your eyes are shut for awhile clears your mind quickly.
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