masculinization? need help here

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masculinization? need help here

Postby winterwind » March 17th, 2011, 12:57 pm

Hi everyone, I'm new here, and also new to all the hypnosis thing. I came across to this site when googling for masculinization hypnosis.

I am gay and I have effeminate behavior, is there any way to become more manly with hypnosis? In my country it's just hard living like this, and no I don't want to stop being gay I just want to be able to hide it :P

I found out that while there's so many feminization files, I can't find any that increase manliness. Like the one that makes your voice deeper and change the way you walk and things like that?
Anyone can help?

and sorry for my bad English it's not my 1st language :)
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Postby curiousguy92 » March 17th, 2011, 10:14 pm

I think you're English actually sounds good. I've seen much worse. As far as masculinization files, I don't know if there are any on this site that specifically aim to replace effeminate behaviors and traits with masculine ones, but you might be able to find a file that can still get you there.

I might suggest one of the TrainTotalJock files. I haven't tried them myself, but they increase masculine behavior by encouraging you to exercise, build muscle, and act like a jock. I don't know what your body is like now, but gaining some muscle could possibly help other people see you as masculine and help you feel more masculine.

Most of the TrainTotalJock files have suggestions that are supposed to make you dumb, but if you aren't interested in that, use TrainTotalJock4. It's supposed to encourage muscle building and athleticism without making you stupid.

I hope this helps. :)

(I don't know if TrainTotalJock4 mentions being straight, but if it doesn't, it could be the right file for you.)
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Postby winterwind » March 18th, 2011, 12:41 pm

Thanks for the reply, curiousguy92! :)

Thanks for the info about the TrainTotalJock files. I'm considering to listen to TotalJock4, but I'm afraid that it will have negative effect on my life - I don't really want to change my perceptions and interests (like becoming obsessed with diet & exercises).

And what makes me look effeminate is mostly the way I speak. I guess it'll be kinda scary if I gain muscle & still sound feminine when speaking (and maybe people will make a joke out of this?). However If TrainTotalJock can change the way I speak maybe I'll start listening to it.

Or maybe I should start to learn how to make my own file?

Anyone has any suggestions?
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Postby sarnoga » March 19th, 2011, 9:41 am

winterwind wrote:Thanks for the reply, curiousguy92! :)

Thanks for the info about the TrainTotalJock files. I'm considering to listen to TotalJock4, but I'm afraid that it will have negative effect on my life - I don't really want to change my perceptions and interests (like becoming obsessed with diet & exercises).

And what makes me look effeminate is mostly the way I speak. I guess it'll be kinda scary if I gain muscle & still sound feminine when speaking (and maybe people will make a joke out of this?). However If TrainTotalJock can change the way I speak maybe I'll start listening to it.

Or maybe I should start to learn how to make my own file?

Anyone has any suggestions?

Hello Winterwind,

After reading your second post, it seems that you want a file to make you more stereotypically masculine in only one respect. You are looking for an hypnosis file that will train you to speak with a voice and style that is more stereotypically masculine.

Generally speaking people seem to identify a deeper voice with masculinity. However there is more involved than just tone. It is the timber of the voice as well as the forcefulness of it, the inflection, timing, and even the choice of words as well as the subject being spoken about. Try talking in an otherwise deep masculine voice about painting your nails, someone's new hair style or your latest trip to the hair dresser, dressing your barbie doll, or about how you cried over the love scene in some dreary soap opera or movie, etc and see how masculine an impression you make on others.

It is good that you narrowed the goal of the file. If you are thinking of making a file or having one made, the more focused the object of the file the better the results are likely to be.

I find that making my own files can be very effective. Others have trouble with files in their own voice. Perhaps you should give it a try.

Another option might be to commission a custom file from a hypnotist who's style works for you, or adding your suggestion to the voting page and hope one of the hypnotists on this site eventually makes it, or visiting a hypnotist in person.

Yet another option would be a voice coach or a combination of a voice coach and hypnosis.

Finally, another option would be to make yourself more comfortable and confident with the voice you already have. There is probably less wrong with your voice than there is with your perception of it. In fact your perception of your voice and your perception of yourself can greatly influence how others perceive you.

You may not be very confident and comfortable with yourself as you are. If that is true it shows to others. One of the qualities of a voice that people tend to perceive as masculine is confidence. Confidence in yourself and your abilities will be reflected in your speech and noticed by others. Having a confident assertive voice will have more influence on how masculine you are perceived to be than will how deep your voice is.

You will know what i mean if you have ever met a woman that people perceived as being butch or masculine simply because she was confident and assertive in the way she spoke, in a way that, coming from a woman, made some people feel uncomfortable? It had less to do with how deep or high her voice was, but rather in how she used it. The reverse is also true. Someone can have a very deep voice but if their speech is soft and timid they are more likely to be perceived as effeminate.

While there is nothing wrong with trying to develop the voice you want, remember that if you project an image of yourself that is too far from the reality of who you are you may end up living your life as if playing a role, but then so many people already do that perhaps it is not a concern for you.

I think it worth mentioning that, I do not endorse the perception, that some people have, that there is much, or any, correlation between being effeminate or masculine and one's sexual preference. Being sexually attracted to those of the same sex does not predict or dictate either feminine or masculine mannerisms. The same is true of those attracted to the opposite sex, or most other sexual orientations.

Anyway, those are my suggestions and observations. Maybe they help, maybe they don't, but they are offered with the best of wishes.


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