by mrblue » May 20th, 2011, 1:12 pm
mwm 47 w/kids, 9-5 work schd, so should be things that can be done before, after or lunch hour.
has to be within certain parameters:
generally speaking looking to have to do things that show my submission to whoever decided to email,
for example:
1) wearing (or not wearing) an article of clothing
2) carrying or wearing an accessory that is symbolic of being slave but must be discreet
3)forced to perform an act on myself or ritual (sexual or not)
4)mild interest in feminization, so something of a discreet nature to feminize me
5) mild to mid pain
6) some humiliation (perhaps photos of myself)
7)ordered to listen to specific hypno files (free)
8)NO "bathroom" activities
9)diet or excercise demands
Sorry if this was a lot to read. It's not set in stone, but hopefully it gives u some ideas.
Thank you