Hypnotizing a stubborn friend

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Hypnotizing a stubborn friend

Postby raptorautomatic » April 8th, 2011, 9:47 am

I am going to be hypnotizing my friend (and first person) soon. I've found her to be pretty suggestible but she says she's "not easily hypnotized or relaxed despite being easily influenced." While this has yet to be seen, any suggestions?

She's also mostly of the belief that hypnosis doesn't work but hopefully that will change. :twisted: Any general tips/suggestions are also welcome.
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Re: Hypnotizing a stubborn friend

Postby bandler » April 8th, 2011, 12:23 pm

raptorautomatic wrote:I am going to be hypnotizing my friend (and first person) soon. I've found her to be pretty suggestible but she says she's "not easily hypnotized or relaxed despite being easily influenced." While this has yet to be seen, any suggestions?

She's also mostly of the belief that hypnosis doesn't work but hopefully that will change. :twisted: Any general tips/suggestions are also welcome.

Don't let me stop you, but if you want to learn to ride a horse, don't start with a bucking bronco.

A lot of people are convinced they can not be hypnotized, and if you know what you are doing, it is easy to hypnotize them.

When you hypnotize a WILLING SUBJECT it is easier.

When a person says, "I can not be hypnotized." What they are communicating is, "I am afraid to be hypnotized."

Why waste your time on an unwilling subject?

There must be someone you know with an open mind willing to give this a try.

Also, if you think you are going to put her in deep trance instantly and turn her into your sex slave, she will pick up on that vibe and resist your attempts. (Unless she already WANTS to be your sex slave, and then who needs hypnosis!)

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Re: Hypnotizing a stubborn friend

Postby raptorautomatic » April 8th, 2011, 3:34 pm

We've discussed it before and she's willing to let me give it a try, but she still doesn't seem all that convinced it's going to work. On the other hand, she has seemed to have warmed up to the idea and is more open to it than before ("think it may be amusing" vs "hypnosis is bs and it's not going to work.")

I figure that while she's consciously willing, her subconscious may be a little more difficult to work with. I guess I will only know when it comes to it, though I'm fairly confident I will be able to work with her to some small degree.

And by no means am I expecting to work miracles on the first try. I'm fickle enough as it is when it comes to recordings so I know results are far from instantaneous in most cases. Even then, she's the first person I've felt comfortable with in approaching about this subject (at least in wanting to practice on someone) so once I get confident enough with that I hope to branch out to other people.
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Joined: April 7th, 2007, 12:00 am

Re: Hypnotizing a stubborn friend

Postby bandler » April 8th, 2011, 6:50 pm

raptorautomatic wrote:We've discussed it before and she's willing to let me give it a try, but she still doesn't seem all that convinced it's going to work. On the other hand, she has seemed to have warmed up to the idea and is more open to it than before ("think it may be amusing" vs "hypnosis is bs and it's not going to work.")

I figure that while she's consciously willing, her subconscious may be a little more difficult to work with. I guess I will only know when it comes to it, though I'm fairly confident I will be able to work with her to some small degree.

And by no means am I expecting to work miracles on the first try. I'm fickle enough as it is when it comes to recordings so I know results are far from instantaneous in most cases. Even then, she's the first person I've felt comfortable with in approaching about this subject (at least in wanting to practice on someone) so once I get confident enough with that I hope to branch out to other people.

You don't have to answer this question but, how do you plan to hypnotize her?

Specifically, what induction do you plan to use? Where will you use it? When?

In my first hypnosis class (many years ago) I was amazed and delighted when the induction script provided by the instructor actually worked on a fellow student. In a class of 20, about 5 students experienced hypnotic trance. Which means 15 of us did not.

Looking back on the class, I would have explained how to read a script a lot more carefully than the instructor did. And yes, eventually you memorize the script and don't need scripts to put people in trance.

But the first time would have been impossible without the printed script.
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