Files for women

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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Files for women

Postby Trancemanick » September 8th, 2009, 1:58 pm

Files for the women!
Men are not the only sexual beings or the only ones who like the feelings of submission, helplessness, loss of control and feeling their wills and ideas been taken from them.

I would like a file that includes all the best bits. A short induction with a good deepener followed by reminders of triggers and PHS from previous files. incorporating phrases like "Good girl" "Deep Sleep" "The deeper you go the better you feel" Orgasm now, 5 minute orgasm. etc etc.

Sort of like the best of all the female files put together. Here are some ideas.
I very much enjoyed Cum torture, Is Taken, the opening line for that gets me every time "You have always responded to strength . . ."
Enslave your pussy. which I felt was a bit tease and denial as you promised orgasm and said One could not until you said so. on command.
Do you  think You could make a file that encorperates, fractioning, Lulling, Seduction, light bondage I.E. Imobilizaton.  with Finger fucking or toying with ones Vagina/pussy?

Happy trancing javascript:emoticon(':roll:')

Postby Lobotaru » October 14th, 2009, 3:46 pm

Its true that there seems to be a lack of files directed toward a female audience. There must be at least 10 files for making a straight guy gay and only 1 that I know of that even mentions lesbianism. What about a curse breast growth lesbian file? As the woman visualizes her breasts getting bigger, the more and more she realizes how attractive women are, etc.

I also know that some women think about what it must be like to be a man, so files that cause the person to visualize themselves in the body of a (sexy) man with no strings attached wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Maybe even combine the ideas: Visualizing being a guy creates a stronger and stronger attraction to women, for instance. Or maybe visualizing being a guy makes them more boisterous and competitive.
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Postby Lissar » October 14th, 2009, 4:10 pm

As a woman on this site, I constantly find myself disappointed by files that COULD be gender-neutral, but aren't. So many files, including, believe it or not, feminization files, could be for people of any sex, but due to highly gendered language, they're really only effective for men. And while I know that plenty of people are going to say, well, ignore those parts! that's unfair and ineffective (I snap out of trance as soon as I hear something I don't like). It just feels lazy and privileged.

Like Lobotaru says, there are curse gay and curse straight files that are ONLY for men, and the curse bisexual file that's been suggested on the voting page? Also only for men (which makes very little sense). While I understand that many files are more effective if they're directed at one of the two mainstream sexes, I don't understand why one file (male) gets made while the female version is ignored.

So I guess that's two major problems I find as a woman here on this site: that many files that could be gender-neutral or not (many of them look gender neutral based on the description, but aren't, which wastes my time), and many files that have been made for men only have no women only counterparts.
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Postby dottie » October 14th, 2009, 7:45 pm

Are there any files in particular that you would like to see made more female-friendly? Certainly, this thread is useful as a complaint and perhaps some 'tists will take note moving forward, but there is a lot of content here, and aside from some of the slavery stuff, not much of it is really gyno-centric. Fixing that would be a big undertaking and would require a lot of research to find out which files really need tweaking to become gender neutral and which ones need female versions, and then making good recordings. So if there are particular files you would like to see feminized, it might be wise to call them out.
Is feminization an area you'd like to see made gender neutral? (I know a 'tist who might be interested in that) For files which need female targeted versions, would it make more sense for them to be male voiced or female voiced? (I know I like opposite gendered voices, but since I'm a dude, I don't want to make assumptions for the fairer sex)
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Postby Lobotaru » October 16th, 2009, 12:22 pm

I'd have to work under the assumption that the kind of voice (male or female) in a file depends on the file and the listener's preferences. As a guy, I know I respond better to a female voice for fetish files since we are talking about something viewed as sexual. For self help it can be either.
Considering these preferences, I would assume that straight women would respond better to a male voice for fetish files and either for a self help file. There are of course exceptions, such as the "turning someone gay" files which would probably be fine with a voice of the appropriate gender (female voice for women and male voice for men).
As for female feminization, I'd assume a male voice would work just fine, although depending on what other effects the file may have a female voice might be warranted.

To be honest though, it really depends on the person and situation.
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files for women

Postby slutinmyhead » July 7th, 2010, 2:10 am

I'd love to make more files for women. I just never thought there were very many here. I tend to get more feedback from men. The few files I've made for women seemed to not even get noticed. Perhaps I'll try again...
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Postby ocntrl » July 21st, 2010, 1:21 pm

Any woman interested in a specific topic can drop me a line.
I am always open to new ideas and my preferences are files for women anyway.
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Postby bentoverslut » April 8th, 2011, 11:25 pm

ocntrl wrote:Any woman interested in a specific topic can drop me a line.
I am always open to new ideas and my preferences are files for women anyway.

I loved your bondage file and have listened to it several times...quite wonderful thank you and I enjoyed the way you did it. It seems to have worked the best of all of them. I did wish for more nipple time, but that's just me! The delayed orgasm half drove me out of my mind, too. I have to tell you lately, that I've been using our penis gag literally and it has enhanced the experience.

If you're in the mood, would you please consider doing one where one is bound, blindfolded and be roughly vaginally fucked using the helpless and under your control suggestions?

this would be more helpful to both myself and my husband who is in the military and deployed overseas for such long periods of time. I do so miss him. from his perspective, he doesn't want his little slut to not be fucked, on command, whether she wants to or not. If he tells me to listen every day, I will do so.

can you help please? Thank you for listening,

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Postby bandler » April 9th, 2011, 12:41 am

Does anyone know offhand how many women there are on this site? I have heard CraigsList casual encounters is 10 to 1 male to female and it would not surprise me if WMM had a similar ratio.

The file IDOJ 3 Trading Places puts the (assumed male) listener into a female body for all sexual action. Would this be of interest to female listeners?

Also, Pink Collar 2 The Right Stuff makes no assumptions about the listener's sex and does not differentiate between male or female listener as the emphasis is on submission, and penetration is not described in great anatomical detail.

And finally, many of the files on WMM are what I (and many others) consider pretty wild. It is great to be able to trance to wild ideas, but my (limited) understanding of women leads me to believe Love & Romance files would be more in line with female fantasy than 'fucked by a diaper dog' files.

It would be nice to hear what actual females have to say about this. :-)
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Postby HypnoZorro » April 9th, 2011, 6:13 am

Yes I would also like to hear from the females on this site what they would like . I can do things like preference adjustments , memory adjustments , some phantom experiences , inhibition management , pleasure enhancement , bodyshaping , personality adjustment .

At this time , I can write up the patter and you can find someone else to record it .
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Postby Jeshi » April 9th, 2011, 10:44 pm

[url=] If you click here you'll see every single file geared towards women sorted by popularity. [/url] It definitely is a lot less than the ones for men I admit, but it's not completely lacking.

I think it's funny how WMM, arguably the largest hypnosis community on the internet, is geared more towards men. But if you look for hypnosis anywhere else(like youtube, which I admit is a lot harder to trudge through.) you'll find tens upon possible hundreds of straight male masters desperately trying to find women to hypnotize and eventually giving up after only finding men.

Although if a woman wants to be hypnotized but not enslaved then it seems her options are very limited.
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Re: more

Postby bandler » April 23rd, 2011, 3:07 pm

HypnoZorro wrote:Yes I would also like to hear from the females on this site what they would like ...

Ladies? Don't be shy...
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Postby missypuss » May 27th, 2011, 7:48 am

Im a lady :o and while I havent been around for a while I still love listening to some very select hypnosis files.
The voice always has to be male and an American accent is so sexy.
The prime thing I am loking for in my trance is a long induction and deepening - I usually listen to files in bed with headphones and so I love files with sound effects which seem to take me deeper for longer .

I have a particular file I love which links hypnosis with arousal - the deeper I go the more aroused I become and the more aroused I become the deeper I go .
Im also keen on Bondage Dominanace and Submission so the darker the subject the better for me .
Finally I have had many hours of submissive fun with a particular gentleman on here who shall remain nameless . Im in a trance by the time he says "Ok......"
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Postby bandler » May 27th, 2011, 3:12 pm

It seems we have heard from all 3 females on WMM now... and it only took six weeks.
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Postby juniper » May 28th, 2011, 5:41 pm

bandler wrote:It seems we have heard from all 3 females on WMM now... and it only took six weeks.

And maybe the majority of the rest of us just don't talk a lot. I'm female, and I listen to files sometimes. Honestly, for me, if the topic is interesting and not going to completely screw up my head permanently, and the quality is ok, then it's fine. I've gotten to the point that if it gets to a point in a file where they're talking about "your cock" and not "your pussy", then my brain will just replace it. It undoes a bit of depth, but it still works.

Just the two cents of one of the many more than 3 females here.

One by one the penguins steal my sanity... hehe
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Postby kitsukat » June 1st, 2011, 7:27 pm

I would love to see more female oriented files. I've had fun with what I've had, but many of the files I find are gender neutral.
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I'll make files for women with whatever they want...

Postby jmbgood » June 5th, 2011, 1:51 am

I have over 5 years of success making files for my wife. She's been able to overcome low sex drive. learned to love oral sex, nipple play and more.

She's now asked me to help her learn to enjoy porn more. It's an interesting challenge because there are some latent jealousy issues there with my desire for the body of other women. So, we are attacking it from the angle of she's the one in the videos. She sees herself and knows that I am being aroused by her and the things she is doing with those other actors.

Wow was it fun the first week. S started wanting to reenact the scenes with me. I've never had a blow job like that before or seen her play with my cum after.... anyway I'm getting sidetracked.

I you have any ideas PM me and I'll make them and put them up. I'm not into all the curse stuff or any heavy S&M or pain... so let me know.
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Re: I'll make files for women with whatever they want...

Postby bandler » June 5th, 2011, 10:51 am

jmbgood wrote:I have over 5 years of success making files for my wife. She's been able to overcome low sex drive. learned to love oral sex, nipple play and more.


I you have any ideas PM me and I'll make them and put them up. I'm not into all the curse stuff or any heavy S&M or pain... so let me know.

For starters you could share the files she used to learn to love oral sex, nipple play and more... There is nothing like proven successful files!
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Postby rgn » June 10th, 2011, 12:14 am

kitsukat wrote:I would love to see more female oriented files. I've had fun with what I've had, but many of the files I find are gender neutral.

That's the great thing about gender neutral files. They tend to work for almost everyone, irregardless of sex or sexual orientation. And if cleverly scripted they can be extremely erotic for everyone as well!
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Postby bandler » June 13th, 2011, 1:47 am

Okay ladies... I just completed a female fantasy adventure. Designed and scripted with only real natural born females in mind. According to many (9+) studies, what women want, and what they SAY the want, are different! (raise your hand if you are shocked)

Consequently, I would like to 'test' this fantasy adventure before releasing it. If you are female, and always have been, and would like to give me feedback on the fantasy adventure designed just for women, PM bandler and I'll send you the link to the download.

This is a limited time offer... so act before midnight June 15th.
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Postby Haxsaw » June 13th, 2011, 9:02 pm

And so the debate continues.....
I am Haxsaw. I have some gentlemen write, upset my files are geared toward the gentle ladies. I started writing for the gentle ladies long ago. Why? Now many else were. I am impressed with the girls here who told what they wanted in a file. It gives me more ideas!
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Re: more

Postby lobomojer » August 15th, 2011, 12:20 pm

HypnoZorro wrote:Yes I would also like to hear from the females on this site what they would like . I can do things like preference adjustments , memory adjustments , some phantom experiences , inhibition management , pleasure enhancement , bodyshaping , personality adjustment .

At this time , I can write up the patter and you can find someone else to record it .

There are many male-to-female transformation and sex change files, but I don't see any masculinization for female-to-male transformation and sex change. I would very much like to see this for myself, as this is the only place I know of in this focus area that has a community of contributors, so when I make the leap I can always go back and also for the natural born ladies (biological) to have the opportunity to transform into a physical male if their hearts so desire and they feel that inside they are a man trapped inside a woman's body. I have tried and have not found even close to sufficient hypnosis, subliminals, etc. for female-to-male sex transformation/change and that just isn't fair because surgery is not only way too expensive, but also very unsafe and risky and takes much more time and is much less effective.

Also to the webmaster/site manager of, I would like a new category to be added in the file search for masculinization, because there is one for femininizatioin but not for masculinization. And if anyone here knows how to do a poll here please create a poll for the call of both masculinization being added in the file search and to have files dedicated for masculinization of biological females to male, a.k.a. female-to-male transformation/sex change files. I would like for every male-to-female sex change files to have a female-to-male counterpart, i.e. a where there is a file for male genitalia to change into female genitalia I want one that is only modified in that it is geared to the female audience to change their genitalia into that of a naturally born biological male's genitalia. Thank you and I do realize that is a monster of a task/project and I am willing to help, but I am not an experienced hypnotist and have only limited experience with creating subliminals and only for own use.

Also to have female-to-male transformation for personality, mindset/thought patterns, gender self-identity, memories of past, lifestyle, clothes/cross-dressing, etc. Thank you in advance and I know the women here who identify as or believe their true/inner nature to be male will greatly appreciate this as well.
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Re: more

Postby ShounenBat » November 1st, 2011, 10:06 am

lobomojer wrote:
There are many male-to-female transformation and sex change files, but I don't see any masculinization for female-to-male transformation and sex change. I would very much like to see this for myself, as this is the only place I know of in this focus area that has a community of contributors, so when I make the leap I can always go back and also for the natural born ladies (biological) to have the opportunity to transform into a physical male if their hearts so desire and they feel that inside they are a man trapped inside a woman's body. I have tried and have not found even close to sufficient hypnosis, subliminals, etc. for female-to-male sex transformation/change and that just isn't fair because surgery is not only way too expensive, but also very unsafe and risky and takes much more time and is much less effective.

Also to the webmaster/site manager of, I would like a new category to be added in the file search for masculinization, because there is one for femininizatioin but not for masculinization. And if anyone here knows how to do a poll here please create a poll for the call of both masculinization being added in the file search and to have files dedicated for masculinization of biological females to male, a.k.a. female-to-male transformation/sex change files. I would like for every male-to-female sex change files to have a female-to-male counterpart, i.e. a where there is a file for male genitalia to change into female genitalia I want one that is only modified in that it is geared to the female audience to change their genitalia into that of a naturally born biological male's genitalia. Thank you and I do realize that is a monster of a task/project and I am willing to help, but I am not an experienced hypnotist and have only limited experience with creating subliminals and only for own use.

Also to have female-to-male transformation for personality, mindset/thought patterns, gender self-identity, memories of past, lifestyle, clothes/cross-dressing, etc. Thank you in advance and I know the women here who identify as or believe their true/inner nature to be male will greatly appreciate this as well.

I agree wholeheartedly with this one. I haven't found a single masculinization tape, which is a real letdown. What about ladies who want their breasts to disappear, facial hair to grow, voice to deepen, etc.?
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Postby just_moi » November 2nd, 2011, 3:12 pm

Hi, a woman here. For me, most important things is the sound quality. A clear, without noise and good intonation voice really got me. Love it when told to focus on the voice and to let it dominates

Also love fantasy genre and all files that let me imagine to be in a graphic situation .

For woman, it's also important to insert many emotion-play, FEEL this FEEL that
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Postby angel123 » November 2nd, 2011, 5:30 pm

bandler wrote:

And finally, many of the files on WMM are what I (and many others) consider pretty wild. It is great to be able to trance to wild ideas, but my (limited) understanding of women leads me to believe Love & Romance files would be more in line with female fantasy than 'fucked by a diaper dog' files.

It would be nice to hear what actual females have to say about this. :-)

I want to be fucked senseless, as do a lot of women ........ :wink: :D :lol: :twisted:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Lady files.

Postby Haxsaw » November 9th, 2011, 6:37 am

Dear Ladies,
Try the files, Way Down, Who Do You Serve, Using My Girl, Sex Doll V, Secret Lover and Gently Raped. Perhaps something here will offer violent enough sex for you?
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Postby bandler » November 9th, 2011, 12:35 pm

angel123 wrote:
bandler wrote:

And finally, many of the files on WMM are what I (and many others) consider pretty wild. It is great to be able to trance to wild ideas, but my (limited) understanding of women leads me to believe Love & Romance files would be more in line with female fantasy than 'fucked by a diaper dog' files.

It would be nice to hear what actual females have to say about this. :-)

I want to be fucked senseless, as do a lot of women ........ :wink: :D :lol: :twisted:

Hello again angel123,

Your answer is typical of what women say to men...

However well intentioned your words, they convey no actionable information. Seriously. What useful information is conveyed by the words, "I want to be fucked senseless."

Enthusiasm, perhaps.

Anything else is just a guess.

The usual retort from a woman is, "You know what I mean."

And, if a man has spent enough time with the woman in question, he might just know what she means. But NOT because she explained it to him.

By contrast, just_moi has a lot of useful information in her post. Coincidentally, it matches what I found on the internet when researching what women might want in an erotic hypnosis recording. I created just such a recording, and tested it on live females.
I incorporated the feedback I got, and the end result is quite good by all accounts.

However, very few women have downloaded it.

Is that because women prefer to read Romance Novels?

Or is it because they have never heard of Erotic Hypnosis?
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Postby TangTing » November 11th, 2011, 3:24 am

bandler wrote:
angel123 wrote:
bandler wrote:

And finally, many of the files on WMM are what I (and many others) consider pretty wild. It is great to be able to trance to wild ideas, but my (limited) understanding of women leads me to believe Love & Romance files would be more in line with female fantasy than 'fucked by a diaper dog' files.

It would be nice to hear what actual females have to say about this. :-)

I want to be fucked senseless, as do a lot of women ........ :wink: :D :lol: :twisted:

Hello again angel123,

Your answer is typical of what women say to men...

However well intentioned your words, they convey no actionable information. Seriously. What useful information is conveyed by the words, "I want to be fucked senseless."

Enthusiasm, perhaps.

Anything else is just a guess.

The usual retort from a woman is, "You know what I mean."

I'm not angel123, but I can answer that as a woman, if I say I want to be fucked sensless, I mean I want a man to pick me up, tear off whatever clothing is barring the way, throw me on whatever furniture is nearby (table, desk, even just the wall-face down or faceup doesnt even matter) grab my throat or hair and proceed to pound his cock into me like he is drilling for oil. Sure romance is great, but sometimes women just want a pure animalistic fuck.
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Postby bandler » November 11th, 2011, 10:22 am

TangTing wrote:
bandler wrote:
angel123 wrote:
bandler wrote:

And finally, many of the files on WMM are what I (and many others) consider pretty wild. It is great to be able to trance to wild ideas, but my (limited) understanding of women leads me to believe Love & Romance files would be more in line with female fantasy than 'fucked by a diaper dog' files.

It would be nice to hear what actual females have to say about this. :-)

I want to be fucked senseless, as do a lot of women ........ :wink: :D :lol: :twisted:

Hello again angel123,

Your answer is typical of what women say to men...

However well intentioned your words, they convey no actionable information. Seriously. What useful information is conveyed by the words, "I want to be fucked senseless."

Enthusiasm, perhaps.

Anything else is just a guess.

The usual retort from a woman is, "You know what I mean."

I'm not angel123, but I can answer that as a woman, if I say I want to be fucked sensless, I mean I want a man to pick me up, tear off whatever clothing is barring the way, throw me on whatever furniture is nearby (table, desk, even just the wall-face down or faceup doesnt even matter) grab my throat or hair and proceed to pound his cock into me like he is drilling for oil. Sure romance is great, but sometimes women just want a pure animalistic fuck.

Now that is communication! :D

Your partner must be very pleased to have such a clear picture of what you want.
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