New Files

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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New Files

Postby DKaiser » April 9th, 2011, 11:18 pm

The ability to work on hypnosis comes and goes, depending on budgetary needs(boo). But at the same time, working on commissions with individual people is no fun, as then the rest of you don't get to share with them. So, I've come to a little compromise:

Alternative Files: Generic files from me will still be free(that would be mean), but I'm working on files that tend to be less widespread. Files with heavy dominant overtones, strange transformations, heavy mental changes, and that sort of thing. And since they won't be private commissions, the fee gets to be much smaller, as it's spread out over a few people. At the moment, I have one sent to the site, as a test to see how many people bite: Depending on what happens, the price of that file may wiggle about, and I'll know what to set on later ones.

Here's where you come in! While they won't be private commissions(and thus can't be made uber-specific to your exact needs), throw up suggestions of files you'd like to see, but are too specific to merit a generic file from the hypnotists around the site, or deal with subject matter that a general audience might find strange. I make no guarantees as to whether a file that's suggested will get made, but if other people show support for an idea, that's a good indication that it will be crafted.

Here's the test file, for those who are interested in what's coming down the pipe(it's not available yet). It's an induction/training file, that caters to those who are very submissive/want to be very submissive, but don't want to limit themselves to a specific hypnotist. Test price is $15, which as mentioned, may move around depending on demand.

Description: This file takes a rather direct approach to helping you with hypnosis, by merrily breaking down your ability to resist until you find yourself happily obeying whatever suggestions come down the pipe. Boosts the subject's desire to be hypnotized, as well as making future files you listen to all but irresistible. Includes no suggestions relating to any specific hypnotist or hypnotist's files, so as to work equally well with whomever you wish to listen to afterwards. Good for those people who don't seem to do well with permissive files.

Any interest/thoughts on files that should be smelted? Throw comments around here!
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Posts: 178
Joined: January 7th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby Jeshi » April 10th, 2011, 12:41 am

That sounds like a great file but it also sounds like your other great file "Subservient to hypnosis" and so I probably wouldn't pay $15 for it since you already have a similar enough sounding file for free(or premium)

Although I think the general concept for charging for files sounds pretty good, I don't have any requests but I'll keep my eyes open in case anything else comes up that interests me.
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Postby DKaiser » April 10th, 2011, 1:20 am

Jeshi wrote:That sounds like a great file but it also sounds like your other great file "Subservient to hypnosis" and so I probably wouldn't pay $15 for it since you already have a similar enough sounding file for free(or premium)

It's mainly a matter of tone. This one is of the "You Will/You Are" sort of dominating tone, forcing the listener to lose their ability to resist, while the other one is much more permissive. Also no focus on any one hypnotist, it's designed to be able to work with whomever the subject wants to listen to. There's also better production quality(if I'm going to be charging money, might as well make it the best I can, right?)

I admit they are somewhat similar in effect, but I did need a file that wasn't specific to any one kink to test demand(and thus determine pricing).
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Postby DKaiser » April 16th, 2011, 11:13 pm

So, the winners of the latest batch of files are the feminization fans. There's a free one focusing on giving a transformation to a female body without any serious mental changes(so many cross-dressing and bimbo files on here, why not just have someone be a dude in a girl's body?):

Here's a little something for the guys. Imagine, if you will, the idea of transitioning. Sliding from that masculine frame you've wandered around in all your life into a small, almost petite, feminine one. Not overbearing: the breasts might seem a little on the small side, and there's nothing screaming out that you're as girly as can be... yet. But you know that could be coming, and there's that little voice in the back of your head, wondering what it would be like if you keep going with it. Oh sure, you keep dressing like a guy, but you can see how the breasts push out against your shirt, notice the lack of a bulge in your pants... and you still find yourself wandering back to that file... the file that started those changes, and keeps pushing you on further and further. as well as a pay one for a curse transformation.

Also a pay one; a curse file for those who wanna go all the way, in mind and body:

Here's a fun little feminization file for you. Listening to the file might not seem to do all that much, but as time goes on, your thoughts just might start slipping back to it, popping up when your guard is down. Perhaps you sit down to pee, or find yourself fantasizing about that hot guy on the street, or your mind seems to want to replace your name with a girl's name. Of course, you might catch your mind trying to do those things, but everytime it happens, it's just proof your mind has changed a little bit more, until not only do you find it harder and harder to stop doing those things, but your body seems to be shifting ever so subtly into a girlish one with every little thought. Now, you can simply stop listening, but your mind might just be curious as to what it might be like to change all the way...

They're not recorded yet, but expect them soonish.
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Postby DKaiser » May 8th, 2011, 7:33 pm

The free feminization file has been uploaded. Next is a cheap payfile that improves submission, as well as installing some Pleasure/Displeasure triggers to help your Master/Mistress reinforce what they see as proper behavior. I'm not interested in personal slaves/pets at the moment, it's just a little tool for those who have already found someone controlling.

So cmon, shout out ideas on what attracts your fancy. The quicker ideas enter my brainmeat, the faster they can come out to you hungry little folks.
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Posts: 178
Joined: January 7th, 2009, 1:00 am

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