Offer: Stuck Shoes

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

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Offer: Stuck Shoes

Postby Kimberly_tv » April 11th, 2008, 8:37 pm

I recently downloaded virtual hypnotist and have had my biggest success so far, and I'm willing to make an mp3 of the file and put it on here, (altered induction because now I'm triggered into trance!)

Basically, the file makes your shoes stuck to your feet with no way to remove them for the whole day - you will even have to sleep in them! Once you have, however, you will be able to remove them.

That's basically it, and I've added it to the voting page, but its waiting approval.

Just wondering the general interest?

(It's working so far, and I'm wearing some mary jane style heels, and I can't even undo the buckle!)

K xx
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Postby dziedzicadam » April 12th, 2008, 8:18 pm

Hey i would love this file it sounds perfect for me and for some friends of mine. 8O I even have virtual hypnotist and would love the file for that even.
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Postby dharden » April 13th, 2008, 5:17 pm

It sounds like it might be useful as a "hey, this really works!" type of file for some folks
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good idea

Postby sissydave » May 27th, 2008, 9:55 pm

That's a good idea :D Would love that file. Actually would love any file where something you put on is stuck and you can't get it off.
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Postby darkrayner » July 14th, 2009, 10:31 pm

how about as the day wears on they "become" smaller and smaller?
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Postby MacGyver » January 24th, 2010, 7:37 pm

as the day wears on the shoes become smaller and smaller? probably would be better they get tighter and tighter.

hell, that gives me ideas for files, LOL. :twisted:
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Postby 5HA99Y » April 12th, 2011, 8:55 pm

Sounds interesting. U could make the where they feel there feet getting small and shoe becomes bigger and heavier
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Postby wolf010203 » December 5th, 2011, 4:25 pm

I love this idea. Is it a trigger phrase that activates it? or does it happen automatically?
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Postby pczelda » July 2nd, 2014, 4:17 pm

You could even make a version force the user to put a pair of shoes on in each morning, and have how long they have to wear them depend on what type of shoes they are. Very high heels or pumps have the shortest time penalty, maybe 6-8 hours, with extra hours added on for each inch lower the shoes could be, in women's shoes of course, where they could be stuck in women's flats for 2 days maybe. If they choose to wear men's shoes they're stuck in them for 3 days. This would be for either gender. If a person decided to wear men's shoes they'd be cursed not to wear any men's shoes for the rest of the week (as in 4 days after they finally got the shoes off), or until the first morning of the new week that they're finally able to remove the shoes they had on.
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stuck shoes

Postby thansel » January 2nd, 2015, 12:37 pm

can you email me the script for your stuck shoes file.... also a question.... does your file work with all types of shoes.. meaning shoes.. boots.. dancing shoes.. pants with build in soles.. and socks with soles my email address is update 9-6-2015....are you or are you not....going to sent me the script for you stuck shoes file ....if you are not going to sent me the stuck shoes file please sent me a email telling me why....thanks
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Re: Offer: Stuck Shoes

Postby Jibberish » May 29th, 2016, 10:12 pm

Though I am sort of resurrecting the dead here, I do like the idea of wearing mens shoes. You cannot take them off for x time and your feet grow and grow the more you wear them.
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