Infinite Arousal

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Infinite Arousal

Postby PhantomDog » April 18th, 2011, 6:06 pm

Ok, I thought there was something along these lines on this site, but have YET to find it, after spending some time looking.

There are alot of files that make a person HAVE to obey, then others that just make the listener AROUSED to obey.
But that leaves an opening: what if you prefer the later, but you have a problem maintaining a high level of arousal without adverse effects (ones you don't want)?

The idea I thought of/was looking for, is a file that makes the listener actually ENJOY the arousal... as much as the orgasm itself!
Yes, they may still feel tortured, but in a blissful manner, where they still WANT to build their arousal up, even if there is NO relief in sight.

Reason I bring this up, is because my wife recently listened to a really good file that makes her obey, but she has a problem with staying aroused.

She currently feels like arousal is ONLY good if she is about to get laid...
And besides the fact you obviously can't do a wife EVERY time she obeys, you also obviously want the option to allow them to get aroused more and more, but ENJOY it this way, as much as the orgasm...

This will allow the listener to enjoy staying aroused to the point of orgasm, thus further enjoying files that make you aroused, to be able to stay just before climax by always obeying.

Please give any thoughts! :)
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Postby JadynMC » April 18th, 2011, 11:00 pm

lol the key to the arousal is through the little things... such as sensitive nipples.. just constantly brushing up against her shirt turning her on... or just walking having her panties rub her in just the right way.. and even a step further.. but its getting close to the "evil line" would be connecting arousal to breathing.

But it would have to depend on her everyday actions.. if she worked at an office.. there could be a connection of standing up and sitting down each time feeling something in her pussy...

and the ideas are endless... anything is possible : )
Because Authority knows...
Obedience is a Lifestyle.

more free trixs:
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Postby PhantomDog » April 18th, 2011, 11:23 pm

To clarify, I am NOT looking for things to connect to make her MORE aroused in its own sake as you are saying...

To try again, simpler this time:
I'm looking for a file that makes the listener enjoy being AROUSED and looking forward to arousal as much as they do enjoy an ORGASM.

Basically in a way, training the listener to enjoy arousal rather than simply find it as a stepping stone to orgasm.

A comparative example would be similar to making a file that causes the listener to enjoy the WORKOUT as much or more than the end result of getting FIT itself.

Though, in this case, its arousal that needs to learn to be enjoyed, without it being solely for orgasm.

That clear up the request a little better?[/b]
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Postby ocntrl » April 19th, 2011, 1:04 am

You hit a good point PhantomDog.

I have been working with someone to achieve just that and initially I made the mistake to oversee the fact that it is more than just arousal. It should be fun too.

So over the course of a couple of weeks I think we have it tuned a lot better now where the arousal can be enjoyed by itself without the need for orgasm. Eventually over time the need for orgasm will build and then it will be available to release the tension.

The one file that comes closest to that (as far as I know) is Five Minute Arousal and Focus Boost (

It is the goal of this file to make the arousal enjoyable and the need for orgasm less pronounced.

Feel free to contact me about this. I am always available to make someones wife enjoy arousal :-)
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Postby PhantomDog » April 19th, 2011, 4:33 pm

I will give it a run and see how it goes...

Nonetheless, I would still like a potent file that completely focuses on enjoying arousal in itself...

Perhaps a good file for that could contain commands where the listener enjoyed arousal itself more than orgasm, seeing orgasm as a point where arousal cannot be built up anymore, and needs to be released...
At that point, the listener starts to build up arousal again, each time they are capable of building it up to a higher level before orgasm than the last time.

Basically in principle, I guess a good file for this could be partially similar to TrainUltimateOrgasm... each time building up further for a stronger orgasm.
But in this case, the orgasm is to allow the buildup of stronger arousal, which the listener is encouraged to enjoy more.

Any takers?
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Postby rgn » April 21st, 2011, 1:32 am

The thing about continuous arousal is that there are a lot of other things in the body influenced by increased arousal that need to be dealt with. It is more involved than simply encouraging someone to want a continuously increasing arousal level with less emphasis on orgasms. Some of these things become more of an issue after a few weeks pass. And I am sure this would likely be different for each person. It can be addictive having all the wonderful sexual energy building up and coursing through the body continuously. It can become disruptive to normal activities if the focus on arousal becomes more important than work or other obligations. Over a period of time it is possible to desire the strong arousal over orgasm, after all, orgasm tends to reduce the level of arousal, at least for a short period of time. Denial of orgasm can lead to other issues for some, including painful sensations at times (at least for men, unsure of this for women). Or some mental conflicts when the desire to maintain the high level of arousal and the desire to have an orgasm both become very high. So there would be some interesting challenges in creating a file for this.

But you know PhantomDog, it could be quite interesting for you if in addition to conditioning your wife to wanting increased, continuous, arousal that you condition yourself to have increased arousal every time your wife obeys as well!
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Postby PhantomDog » April 21st, 2011, 2:35 am

On if I am aroused when she obeys, that is automatic lol.

Now for the rest, the aspect lies in where many wouldn't understand not being in the situation, but do to your obvious wisdom, you would possibly.

The issue IS that she constantly becomes aroused. It DOES create pain for her, but it's actually on a mental level (not going into detail, but it's established). Which is where the problem is, considering it's caused her to have some severe issues with... behaviors... lol.

One of those, though not the main topic, and this not to be referenced, is that alone is not the main issue, is that for example that a file that makes her ENJOY submitting and obeying is by giving her arousal as a reward trigger... so if you are upset at being too aroused, why would you want to do that then?

But the more important fact isn't that in a nutshell, it's the breakdown that a file that makes the listener enjoy the arousal itself should be in order: if nothing else, to support files that use arousal as a reward.

Because I'm sure there would many people who would SURELY love a file to love the means itself, rather than just a requisite for the ends.

Just as a person could be trained to enjoy working out for the sake of working out, and not just as a requisite to get fit... which getting fit in turn allows the listener to work out more strenuously and enjoy it more, creating a cycle; so could a person be trained into enjoying arousal for the sake of arousal, and see orgasm as an opportunity to enjoy a higher level of arousal...
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Postby MrPleasure » April 21st, 2011, 10:31 pm

I'll try to give this a shot, over the next day or two
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Postby rgn » April 22nd, 2011, 12:22 am

PhantomDog wrote:On if I am aroused when she obeys, that is automatic lol.

lol - I sensed it arouses you... so now imagine how interesting it might be for you if that arousal level stayed steady. And the next time she obeys, it increases a bit and stays steady at the new level. Both of you becoming even more aroused every time she obeys! But let me get back on track...

PhantomDog wrote:One of those, though not the main topic, and this not to be referenced, is that alone is not the main issue, is that for example that a file that makes her ENJOY submitting and obeying is by giving her arousal as a reward trigger... so if you are upset at being too aroused, why would you want to do that then?

I do not think its a matter of being upset at being too aroused exactly. Its more to do with dealing with all the effects that being strongly aroused for an extended period of time may cause. Its just easy to become overwhelmed with it all. At least this is my experience with extended arousal. No matter what issues arise, I still want to address those issues and not stop the arousal. Even though stopping the arousal would in effect remove the issues. The arousal is just too blissfully glorious!

So I am not really trying to discredit the idea of a file. On the contrary, it appears you are on the right track. But I think you may find that simply instilling the desire to remain aroused with less desire to orgasm may not completely resolve all issues. But its a great starting point! And I would love to hear how things work out with this.
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Postby PhantomDog » April 22nd, 2011, 7:51 am

You may be correct in assuming that MOST people don't dislike being aroused, but until she listened to the 5 minute arousal file, she DETESTED the arousal, except as a step towards arousal, there are no other ways about it.

It is one of the reasons I used the example of working out:
A descent amount of people don't like to work out. Some do, but most don't (at least us lazy Americans), except for that we know the end result.

Now, some people do like working out already... a few to the point where they love to exercise to the point of exhaustion where they cannot move, so getting more fit means they can push themselves harder.

Regardless of if you think the same thing could be applicable with arousal, that people would enjoy it, or that it is not what a fix for what I'm talking about. I assure you that the core issue here IS that (at least in my relationship) there has been fights because she is too aroused to do what she is supposed to, because she NEVER liked feeling aroused, she always saw it as an annoyance until orgasm.

On the note of a file for me, I try to stay away from some sexual-related training files, because unfortunately I have a health condition that limits how much I can have sex. Trying more than my body says I can has had some bad effects on me... that's one of the reasons I want my wife to be able to enjoy the arousal itself, until my body is restored and ready for next time.

In addition to that point, I think many would find it a nice addition to trigger or training files including arousal... You may not think of it the same way, just because you may not enjoy the same things as others.
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Postby rgn » April 22nd, 2011, 10:22 am

It appears I may not have conveyed my message well. I'm not trying to make assumptions. I was trying to explain that the solution for your wife may likely be more involved than suggesting she would want to be highly aroused with less desire to orgasm. And the fact you have replied that she detests being aroused and it has caused arguments between the two of you makes me feel even more that you will get a better outcome from a file if you identify what it is about arousal she detests and work from that point.

But lets look at your exercise example. Say we have someone who really detested exercising. Simply suggesting they will love exercising and desire to do it daily would likely not be that successful. The person has to want to exercise at some level for them to accept the suggestion. Now that want could be based on some other desire, but nonetheless there really needs to be something there to make the person accept and implement the behavior change.

Honestly, I am starting to questioning in my mind why you wish for your wife to experience something she has stated she detests. Unless she has stated she really wants to have the high arousal without the feeling or the experience of _?_. Your solution could be as simple as conditioning to reward her with a great sense of pride and satisfaction (or any feeling that she really enjoys more than arousal) when she obeys. She could even be conditioned to relate increased arousal suggestions with some feeling that she finds even more satisfying. Best of luck with your endeavors.
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