Ok, I thought there was something along these lines on this site, but have YET to find it, after spending some time looking.
There are alot of files that make a person HAVE to obey, then others that just make the listener AROUSED to obey.
But that leaves an opening: what if you prefer the later, but you have a problem maintaining a high level of arousal without adverse effects (ones you don't want)?
The idea I thought of/was looking for, is a file that makes the listener actually ENJOY the arousal... as much as the orgasm itself!
Yes, they may still feel tortured, but in a blissful manner, where they still WANT to build their arousal up, even if there is NO relief in sight.
Reason I bring this up, is because my wife recently listened to a really good file that makes her obey, but she has a problem with staying aroused.
She currently feels like arousal is ONLY good if she is about to get laid...
And besides the fact you obviously can't do a wife EVERY time she obeys, you also obviously want the option to allow them to get aroused more and more, but ENJOY it this way, as much as the orgasm...
This will allow the listener to enjoy staying aroused to the point of orgasm, thus further enjoying files that make you aroused, to be able to stay just before climax by always obeying.
Please give any thoughts! :)