Months and nothing... :(

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Months and nothing... :(

Postby Deemreo » May 26th, 2011, 5:58 pm

I can hardly take it any more... I've grown an addiction to hypnosis, and I'm sick of it. Not an addiction in the sense of a curse, or being forced by a file... but an addiction of trying... trying to get a file to work.

It's been months now, since mid last year, I have been trying, and trying, and trying to get a file to work. And I haven't seen any result. It's not from any lack of effort or belief, no... I've been listening to files daily, often multiple times a day. NO effects, ever, not once.

I've tried different inductions, I've tried different files; I've tried the same damn file over and over again, even if I'm sick of it, just to see if I could get a result. I've tried the accelerator; I've tried listening while I sleep; I've tried chat hypnosis; I've tried triggers, curses, training... Nothing works!

I spent a couple hundred dollars so I could get quality recording equipment so I could make my own files ;I tried making my own files, I tried listening to other files... I would be meticulous to make sure that there were no errors or issues in my file that would bother me...

I seem to be able to trance, but that's just about it... I just kind of lay there, just listening to the file, my whole body feeling... different...

Long sessions, short sessions, multi-file sessions, sleep sessions, file-repeat sessions.


You'd think that after damn near a year of trying I would have something; a smidge... the tiniest excuse of a reason to continue... but there's nothing.

I'm sorry, normally I'm very patient, very controlled. But I just lost it a few minutes ago, when I tried, I really tried, but I didn't get anything. And now I'm afraid, because I don't have any drive to continue anymore, but I don't know how to continue if I stop.

Why doesn't anything like this work for me?
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Postby Korusi » May 26th, 2011, 6:35 pm

If they offer a money back guarantee you could always try a hypnotist who is up to a challenge; surely you have some in the book or you could always see if one of the mods would be interested in doing a 1 on 1 with you.... the forums are for the most part dead sooo try actually contacting or reaching out to somebody another way.

On a side note; make sure you are using an induction that works for you... I know you've said you've been doing this a while without much luck but hypnotism doesn't quite work in leaps and bounds... not for everyone anyway. Try a new induction; something you've never tried; maybe look outside this site for inductions; or as I said have a pro take a good look at who you are and do something that is tailored to fit your needs to put you into trance. (as that's probably why you are not seeing progress.)

I myself feel like I've had some minor successes which have spurred me into wanting more... wanting the desired effects of files... so look for the tiny successes.
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Postby Deemreo » May 26th, 2011, 6:50 pm

Thanks for the response.

I know that hypnotism doesn't work in leaps and bounds, I never expected to see changes within the first few days, and I have tried looking for the smallest change, but there just isn't anything to go on. That's why I made this thread, because there just isn't anything there.

I've used many different inductions... first EMG's, which I didn't really like, then I tried making my own, then I tried Cardigan, then Bubble, then back to Cardigan, then finally back to an EMG one that was working pretty well so I decided to slightly alter some of the words in it, and re-record it, which is what I've been using. I've tried a few other less known ones here and there, but none of them really worked.

This website has the best methods in my opinion, the most advanced and developed files... but I'm not really looking for these super-fetish kind of changes; which hasn't stopped me from wanting or trying a few. Hypno-Files doesn't really have what I'm looking for either. Are there any other sites like this one, that aren't dedicated feminization sites?
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Postby Korusi » May 26th, 2011, 9:31 pm

I wouldn't say THIS one is a dedicated Feminizing fetish site....(Though it does have a good selection of them) what are you looking to do? If you have a pro help you out maybe they can cater to you; after all if you don't WANT the effects they won't work.... of course how do you KNOW unless you try one? I suppose is the thought...

Anyway there are many other 'self help' hypnosis file sites but few with what I would call erotic files. Also many are paid. I still say get professional help so you can work out exactly what it is YOU want out of hypnosis.

I know what I want; Ultimately I would want to work my way up into Swimmer's body File from the hypno-files site which sadly isn't on this side... cause I'd love to have the subliminal of that one.

If I find myself interested in other files. (Which I've played with the idea of the furry transformation ones but of course I have read and from experience know that they are the hardest files to make work.)
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Postby bandler » May 26th, 2011, 10:27 pm

Korusi wrote:If they offer a money back guarantee you could always try a hypnotist who is up to a challenge...

This piece of advice is inaccurate.

As a professional hypnotist, I can tell you there are many good reasons to demand non-refundable payment from a client. One of the good reasons is proof of motivation and commitment to the process. When I first started out, I offered a satisfaction or money back guarantee. What I got was a bunch of people who wasted my time. They didn't want any real changes so they didn't want to spend any real money.
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Postby bandler » May 26th, 2011, 10:34 pm

Deemreo wrote:Thanks for the response.

I know that hypnotism doesn't work in leaps and bounds, I never expected to see changes within the first few days, and I have tried looking for the smallest change, but there just isn't anything to go on. That's why I made this thread, because there just isn't anything there.

I've used many different inductions... first EMG's, which I didn't really like, then I tried making my own, then I tried Cardigan, then Bubble, then back to Cardigan, then finally back to an EMG one that was working pretty well so I decided to slightly alter some of the words in it, and re-record it, which is what I've been using. I've tried a few other less known ones here and there, but none of them really worked.

This website has the best methods in my opinion, the most advanced and developed files... but I'm not really looking for these super-fetish kind of changes; which hasn't stopped me from wanting or trying a few. Hypno-Files doesn't really have what I'm looking for either. Are there any other sites like this one, that aren't dedicated feminization sites?

So far you have told us a lot of the things you do not want.

Could you tell us the things you DO want from hypnosis? Then we can discuss the steps you must take to make them happen, if they are indeed possible.
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Postby Korusi » May 27th, 2011, 1:01 am

bandler wrote:
Korusi wrote:If they offer a money back guarantee you could always try a hypnotist who is up to a challenge...

This piece of advice is inaccurate.

As a professional hypnotist, I can tell you there are many good reasons to demand non-refundable payment from a client. One of the good reasons is proof of motivation and commitment to the process. When I first started out, I offered a satisfaction or money back guarantee. What I got was a bunch of people who wasted my time. They didn't want any real changes so they didn't want to spend any real money.

Fair enough I can see that point of view. Still I like to think the best of people myself gets me into trouble I know.
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Postby DKaiser » May 27th, 2011, 1:39 am

Well, now is your chance to run away from a kindred spirit in that regard. I can make files, but I'm rather bad at using them(back troubles and a problem with trancing on a single file for long periods of time cause issues). Have a spiel of what works best for me, perhaps it can help you:

1. Since you sound like the type that bounces around on inductions, don't worry so much about working with just one. Focus on the file you're listening to, and just go with whatever induction. Cycle through various ones, if it helps keep your interest.

2. A bit tricky, but find a file you like. Like, really like. Something that grabs your attention nicely. If you sprung for that much recording equipment(which I could throw you around to lots of fellow VA's telling you that it's a bad idea, but hindsight and all), then you probably know how to edit out bits of files where you like the idea of the file, but there's one or two niggling things that you dislike. So go ahead and do that.

3. If you're flittery about listening to files, don't try and force a rhythm of listening to it. That works for some people, but in your case, I'd recommend doing it when the mood strikes. Spend 5-10 minutes pondering(fantasizing, if you will) the effects of the file in question before listening.

If you're feeling up to it, sharing what you're actually interested in in regards to hypnosis would help us help you(though if you don't wanna run around announcing it, I'm open for a PM discussion on it). Mainly, accept that you're not the sort of person that is naturally good at hypnosis. The amount of time it can take for people like us to get good with hypnosis can be off-putting, and trying to force it just makes us annoyed with it. As long as you obsess over getting a proper trance, or trying to make it work, it's not going to work very well. Instead, focus more on what you're trying to make work, and leave the rest up to your mind. You've got trancing down, you say, now you just need to let it work; it can't do that very well if you don't give it the chance.
Enjoy my files? Donate!
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Re: Months and nothing... :(

Postby oraprog » May 28th, 2011, 3:27 am

Deemreo wrote:Why doesn't anything like this work for me?

What would "work for you" look like? What results do you want?

I understand you're frustrated. Could that be because you're not willing to be hypnotized because you insist on being in control?
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Postby Deemreo » May 28th, 2011, 2:38 pm

Korusi wrote:I wouldn't say THIS one is a dedicated Feminizing fetish site....(Though it does have a good selection of them)....

....Anyway there are many other 'self help' hypnosis file sites but few with what I would call erotic files...

I didn't mean to say that this was a dedicated fem site, rather, any other site that I've found has pretty much been a dedicated fem site. In any case, I'm more looking for the kind of stuff that you would find on, but the forums are completely dead there. Still, I'm not looking for your typical weight loss or stop smoking files, so that rules out the vast majority of hypno .mp3 sites.

DKaiser wrote:If you sprung for that much recording equipment(which I could throw you around to lots of fellow VA's telling you that it's a bad idea, but hindsight and all)....

....(though if you don't wanna run around announcing it, I'm open for a PM discussion on it)

I wasn't citing the example of buying the equipment as a mistake; rather, that it's quality stuff, and there isn't anything that I don't like about the files. No worries about hidden messages, no quality issues, exactly the words that work for me. It's actually been fun messing around with the stuff.

And actually I've just sent you a PM.

oraprog wrote:I understand you're frustrated. Could that be because you're not willing to be hypnotized because you insist on being in control?

Not really, I don't have problems with that, I did early on, but I got over it. I generally listen to a file once before I trance with it, and most of the time I have no problem giving up control... especially if it's my own voice. :)

As for what I'm looking for, mostly self improvement... improved memory, increased intelligence, more effective sleep, faster learning. I've tried files that have had good reviews and results; both the original files, and re-recordings of the files with sometimes with slightly altered language.

I'm trying it for some help with a personal problem of mine.
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Postby CharredSoul » May 31st, 2011, 4:55 pm

this is for everybody that have troubles with hypnosis withou having any formal experience and only listening to files. GO SEE A HYPNOTIST. they do know of many roads to guide you down to achieve trance. not only will you achieve trance they can build in a trigger or help you to learn to revivify that experience at a later date so you can do your own work.
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Postby Mutazoa » June 13th, 2011, 5:09 pm

You might want to explore other hypnotists, such as Mistress Joanne and her Basic Seduction file. Some people have better results with male hypnotists, others with female.

The biggest piece of advice I can give...relax. The more frustrated you get, the more of a mental block you set up with in yourself. Getting too anxious about it will make it harder to relax, and thus harder for the file to work.

See if you can find a hypnotist to put you under in person, rather than trying a file. Generic files don't always work for 100% of the people who try them. Professionals charge though, so ask if they would like a volunteer to help teach a class or something. Teaching Hypnotists love showing their class how to hypnotize some one who claims they can't be/have trouble being hypnotized. Makes them look good.
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