Why are paid hypnosis files always so expensive?

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Why are paid hypnosis files always so expensive?

Postby kitsukat » June 3rd, 2011, 4:51 pm

I mean, when you want to buy a song off the internet, usually it costs around $1, but when you want to buy hypnosis, it's always somewhere around $30, $40, even $100+!

It's ridiculously expensive for stuff that you have no idea if it's any good, if it's what you want, if it's even what it says it is. There's also usually little to no feedback on paid files, so you have no idea if it's even worth the money.

I know that it probably has something to do with length or effort, but if you're not sending a physical copy of the file to the customer why make it so expensive? Wouldn't you make more money if the files were more affordable?

I mean, I can understand a file being $5-15, but not anything more.

BTW, I'm not talking about WMM's premium service because not only are there ways to get the service for free, but premium probably ends up paying for itself over time. (like netflix)
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Postby PhallicComplex » June 3rd, 2011, 10:22 pm

Even the payfiles on WMM are quite cheap compared to most of the stuff out there, which is often more around $50.

I think particularly many of the hypnodommes price their files high because they have few, but loyal customers. It's not an easy service to market, so they don't attract many new customers on a day-to-day basis, but the customers they do manage to lure in will often stay loyal and be willing to pay the somewhat high prices. By this I'm also implying that many hypnodommes make their customers more loyal through their files.

I also agree that it's a little hard to justify the purchase when you don't know the exact contents of the file. Just with free files here on WMM, I've experienced many files that were a little off from how I imagined them when reading the description, which, in the case of a payfile, could mean that money was wasted on a file I wouldn't be interested in listening to.
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Postby DKaiser » June 3rd, 2011, 10:42 pm

My thought on such things is to price it by the file. Ones that are more niche I put higher in price, ones more general are lower(and ones that are very general are premium/free). Still, I try to keep most at 15 dollars(which drop down even more when a sale happens).
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Re: Why are paid hypnosis files always so expensive?

Postby bandler » June 4th, 2011, 2:16 am

kitsukat wrote:I mean, when you want to buy a song off the internet, usually it costs around $1, but when you want to buy hypnosis, it's always somewhere around $30, $40, even $100+!

It's ridiculously expensive for stuff that you have no idea if it's any good, if it's what you want, if it's even what it says it is. There's also usually little to no feedback on paid files, so you have no idea if it's even worth the money. ...

Recording a song is a totally different skill set from recording a hypnosis file. How many people do you know that can sing or play a musical instrument compared to how many that can hypnotize you?

Still, there are a lot of crappy hypnosis files around. Some are free and worth every penny. There are also a lot of crappy files from famous names like Studio Jezebel, Mistress Candice, and Isabella Valentine. They do charge outrageous prices for their products, from my perspective, but they are still in business. Its a mystery.

But then again, some people pay hundreds of dollars for a bottle of wine. I can't tell the difference between $20 and $200 wine, but I know a lot of people who think they can.
They like to pay $200 because it makes them feel they are special, and the wine is special, and they enjoy it more because they paid $200 for it.

There are a lot of good hypnosis files around too. Authors like Cardigan, MsJ, and Sarnoga make high quality files. If you like one of their products, chances are good you will like their whole product line. Try the free ones first. Very little risk.

Making a purchase can be a risk. If you have never heard anything from the author, if there are no credible reviews. It really is hard to imagine coughing up $40 for a hypnosis file that might be a dud.

But then again, the last time I went to a movie, it cost me $18 for tickets, it had previously successful actors, a famous director, got great reviews, and it still sucked. How does that work? Its a mystery.
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Postby kitsukat » June 4th, 2011, 2:03 pm

If it sounds like I'm bitching, I'm not. It's an honest question about hypnosis in general.

I can see some reasons why somebody would price their files so high, such as a feeling that there's no way to turn back, a way to add subliminals to keep your customers, or to add to the illusion that it's of better quality than the cheaper stuff. Kind of like how bottled water is priced. People swear that the higher priced stuff tastes better, but in the end, it's just water. Not that you can't put genuine effort into making high quality water, but people tend to take the easy shortcut.

When talking about hypnosis, many people tend to compare it to things like movies, but if you want to see a movie, you expect to pay about $20 to see it. Imagine if you had to pay a separate price to see each individual movie depending on quality or effort.

I guess instead, you could compare it to book prices instead. The more effort and quality put into a book, the higher it's priced. A book will put you into a better trance than a movie will and taps into your subconscious so you can learn from the information given.

However, even books tend to employ strategies to gain a bigger following, like libraries, or dropping the price if it's not selling.

EMG is actually fairly smart when it comes to gaining a following. I don't think I would have gotten as far into hypnosis as I am if it weren't for this site.
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Postby bandler » June 4th, 2011, 2:29 pm

kitsukat wrote:...
When talking about hypnosis, many people tend to compare it to things like movies, but if you want to see a movie, you expect to pay about $20 to see it. Imagine if you had to pay a separate price to see each individual movie depending on quality or effort...

You expect to pay about $20 for a movie. Why is that? How have you been programmed to EXPECT to pay $20 for a movie?

As far as I know, you do have to pay a separate price to see individual movies depending on quality. I go to the artsy theater for foreign films and pay a different price than I do at the metroplex for new releases, and I pay even less at the mall on Saturday for a Matinee.

It seems what you are really saying is that hypnotists need to spend more time, effort and money on marketing to program people's expectations.
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Postby kitsukat » June 4th, 2011, 3:27 pm

I meant you'd expect to pay $20 on average. There's a theater here that sells tickets for as low as $5. There are movies that sell for cheaper and there are box sets that are more expensive. However, the more expensive box sets have lots of extra content, and the cheaper ones just have the movie. Not to mention there are ways to rent movies for cheaper too.

Also, movies go down in price over time, but, from what I can tell, the only place that does that is with WMM's premium files that become free after a while. Maybe I haven't been into hypnosis long enough to notice a huge fluctuation in prices.

I'm saying that hypnotists should understand that not everybody can afford to pay $50-100 per file for what is on the surface fap material. It's fairly unrealistic to expect regular customers to come back and spend that much money unless you make sure to put a "buy my shit" suggestion in the file.

I think that the tists would get more money if their files were more affordable for the average person because not everybody who wants the file is going to be able to buy it for the price that they ask for.
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Postby EMG » June 5th, 2011, 6:06 pm

There is a secondary issue here. Market size. If I write and publish a song my potential marker it millions of people. If I do an erotic fetish file my marked is probably in the hundreds. I need to charge more to get a return on my investment of time and energy. Still, some authors do charge $10-15 while others charge more. That decision is mostly their own choice.
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Postby kitsukat » June 5th, 2011, 9:46 pm

That's true. I can understand the supply/demand dealie.
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Postby HypnotizeMike » June 6th, 2011, 6:13 pm

The answer is that the authors want to make money. It would be an interesting experiment to create two similar files and price one very cheap and one very expensive and see which one makes more money in the long run. Now, for this to be successful, people couldn't know that the two files were part of an experiment and be able to impact the results.

When it comes to a song, the recording artist potentially has millions of fans who can buy the song, but for hypnosis, there may only be 100 people who would download any given song. A recording artist could be paid $.70 for each song sold and still make millions while the person who creates a hypnosis file may struggle to make $100. It doesn't mean that either piece of work is really more valuable to the individual customer.
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