Contemplating forced gay file

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Contemplating forced gay file

Postby ranmafan » June 10th, 2011, 8:24 am

Hello. My past fetishes have always sort of prevented ke from having a sexual life. In fact im a virgin.. :( see im a furry and so id masterbate to illustrated pictures and because of that real life stuff diesnt arrouse me. I have been listening to furry files with little sucesses..but im currently living with my boyfriend who is in a similiar situation to contemplating listening to forced gay so that maybe we will be able to have a sexual relation as well..i love him dearly and even tho i do still want to be a fox furry, he should come first..maybe if/when this file works ill go back to working on furry tf files..wish me luck? ^^
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Postby facemugger » June 10th, 2011, 9:07 am

If that's what you want, man. There's no reason why you can't use furry files AND sexual orientation files. Or you could even try writing a file that combines both if you keep things simple enough. If it turns out to be a complex file by combining both topics then maybe two files listened to separately would be better.

Either way, you shouldn't really feel ashamed about being a virgin. It will happen when it happens, and that time isn't the same for everyone.
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Postby ranmafan » June 10th, 2011, 9:31 am

facemugger wrote:If that's what you want, man. There's no reason why you can't use furry files AND sexual orientation files. Or you could even try writing a file that combines both if you keep things simple enough. If it turns out to be a complex file by combining both topics then maybe two files listened to separately would be better.

Either way, you shouldn't really feel ashamed about being a virgin. It will happen when it happens, and that time isn't the same for everyone.

Well how would i listen to both? Listen to one file, then when its done listen to the other one? They wont interfere with each other?
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Postby facemugger » June 10th, 2011, 9:36 am

It depends on the files, the person, their experience with hypnosis, etc. Some people can go under, then listen to multiple files, and come back. Some people can do so without much trouble, and some need training to do so. Some people can only do so if the voices in the files are the same. Some people don't care about that. Some people put in files that you should trust the next file, etc., and that could help as well.

As basic steps, you'd want to make sure that the first file you listen to doesn't have an awakener, and that the second file you listen to doesn't have an inducer. You can either get scripts, modify them as necessary and use TTSReader (or similar) or you could write your own. Or you can edit the audio for files already out there. Or you can see if you can download just the body for files already out there and pair them with an inducer and awakener (and whatever deepeners or other stuff helps you)

Anyway, point is, everyone is different. No two people are not on fire.
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Postby ranmafan » June 10th, 2011, 9:51 am

True but ive been having such a hard time with just a fox file i doubt itd help if i introduced a whole new file in it.. :(
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Postby facemugger » June 10th, 2011, 10:01 am

It might be the case that keeping things separate is best for you, but have you tried to figure out what is causing the problems you're having?

Maybe you are not getting into a deep enough trance? You could need more practice, or maybe a different induction would work better for you, or perhaps you should find a deepener that works for you. There are multiple types, and not everyone works well with all of them.

Maybe your mind is resisting for whatever reason?

Maybe something in the file is worded in a complicated or unclear way?

Keep the phrasing easy to understand, phrased in as positive a way as you can. Keep the repetition going. And, most of all, want and believe what the file is telling you. Once you get that down, just practice, practice, practice. (There's more advice that can be given about what to write in a script, but I do not consider myself capable of helping anyone with that... yet.)

I am not a hypnotist myself (though creating my own files is something that I am looking into) so perhaps you'll be able to get more advice from those who are. But I hope what I've told you can help you out anyway. Pretty much everything I said is basic, but I feel that getting tripped up on the basics is very easy to do.
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Postby ranmafan » June 10th, 2011, 10:41 am

Well i think i am not going deep enough. Though ive been at it fir 3 years my fursona has changed alot and ive tried many differently files..according to a scale i found i think i go into a medium trance..thats without subliminals and gonna try binaurals and sublimals too..i thought about making a playlist with a deepener but i usually cant trance for longer than 30 mins or i start to figit and waje up :S
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Postby facemugger » June 10th, 2011, 3:39 pm

Good luck. And stop worrying about everything. You'll find things happening on their own if you just stop worrying about them. Keep this in mind: when you want to go to sleep for the night, you don't achieve it by thinking "gonna go to sleep, gonna go to sleep, gonna go to sleep..."
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Postby ranmafan » June 10th, 2011, 4:27 pm

facemugger wrote:Good luck. And stop worrying about everything. You'll find things happening on their own if you just stop worrying about them. Keep this in mind: when you want to go to sleep for the night, you don't achieve it by thinking "gonna go to sleep, gonna go to sleep, gonna go to sleep..."
true but it's not really good to just totally forget about it either?
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