Penis and ball shrinkage

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Postby pypr420 » May 30th, 2011, 8:43 pm

I use that stuff for face wrinkles, works great. I've read that plastic can shrink male parts so I had a theory about plastic wrap, never experimented.
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Postby soundexcess » May 31st, 2011, 11:32 pm

I take saw palmetto for bph, just so happens, the 600-900mg i take also it seems to mess with my hormones, and may lead to shrinkage, sometimes hotflashes have happened to me aswell as an overall more feminine feeling. I am not a doctor this has just been my personal experience .
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Postby Alien4420 » June 11th, 2011, 7:44 pm

Estrogen can shrink it, quite rapidly.
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Postby pypr420 » June 11th, 2011, 8:00 pm

it would be difficult to shrink your penis and balls with estrogen alone, and the estrogen would only be partially responsible, it would in actuality be caused by a lack of testosterone and erections, an anti-androgen would be more effective. in any case you shouldn't play with your hormones without the participation of an endocrinologist and preferably a gender therapist
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Postby Alien4420 » June 11th, 2011, 9:13 pm

Actually, it happened to me, beginning within days of when I started taking estrogen as a kid. T-girl sex workers watch their hormone dosage to prevent that from happening. But if the dose is high enough, your penis will shrink, and so will your balls, because your body will shrink them to reduce the overall level of sex hormone. (The same thing happens -- to the balls, not the penis -- to body builders who take large doses of testosterone, for the same reason.)

That isn't to say you're going to want to do it! Estrogen is hazardous and as you point out, blood levels should be monitored by an endocrinologist. One has also to be willing to accept or want the other effects of estrogen, including permanent breast growth and more feminine features.

BTW, I find the notion that someone who wants to do this should see a "gender therapist" insulting. Nobody tells me what to do with my body or my life, least of all some halfwit witch doctor who believes that anything but missionary position sexuality constitutes disease. Rather than seeking out judgmental ineffectual frauds, those who want to change their sexuality would be better advised to come here, where there are hypnotists who actually know how to do it, and people who understand that personality isn't a disease.
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Postby pypr420 » June 11th, 2011, 10:04 pm

unfortunately if you wish to be on hormones in the states legally you have to have a psychiatric recommendation in order for a doctor to prescribe anything. these recommendations are required for just about everything regarding sexuality and medical intervention, orchidectomy, srs, etc.. regardless of how you feel about it if you wish to be safe and you'd like a psychiatric recommendation you're best bet is to seek a gender therapist.\

i believe you have a very distorted view of what a gender therapist does. therapy is therapeutic.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2011, 11:04 am

Actually, when I used hormones, I just stole my Mom's. Then I bought them. I didn't mention that because as you say they should be taken under medical supervision so your blood levels can be monitored. I think though that there are doctors who will prescribe them without the asinine, insulting, meddling requirement to see a "gender therapist." At least, I think I remember having read some accounts online.

"Therapy" implies that there is illness, something to be cured. But the only illness involved here is the tendency of half-witted idiots to refer to anything that doesn't fit their popish bourgeois hypocritical concept of sexuality as a disease. (Airport bathroom sex, anyone? Dirty emails? Our society's hypocrisy about sexual matters never fails to astound me. "Oh, my, Congressman Zit was caught doing the same thing I did yesterday at the office when no one was looking, better act horrified and pretend I'm one of those *normal* missionary position guys who well I've never met but must exist somewhere or we wouldn't be so upset at Congressman Zit, right?)

Our sexuality is part of our personality, and personality isn't a disease! Calling it a disease is just making a moral judgment, a new way for the godly and celibate Father Pedo to declare it a sin while diddling the choirboys.

I did see a sex therapist once, and a stream of psychologists, because I had issues that interfered with my ability to form relationships -- something certainly worth changing. They did *nothing* for me. *Nothing.* They can't change people. They either judge or, just as bad, tell people to accept what they shouldn't have to accept. This despite the fact that any fool can come here and be turned on by Martians, if that's what he wants. I've read about some of the techniques they've used in an attempt to change peoples' sexuality and they make me think of leechings and the rack. Their understanding of sexuality is so primitive and so hobbled by social constraints that you might as well be talking to a guy with rattles and a mask.

If you hear some resentment, you're right. Had I known what I know now when I was still young, I could have had a much happier, much more fulfilling life.
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Postby pypr420 » June 12th, 2011, 11:50 am

All that said, if you wish to be on hormones and/or anti-androgens with a doctor's supervision, you're probably going to need to speak with a gender therapist. It sounds like you may have had a negative experience, if that's the case, I suggest trying a different gender therapist.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2011, 12:26 pm

I was referring to the OP, for myself, if I wanted to take hormones again I'd just order them and screw the stupid doctors. I would not recommend that to anyone else, but from my purely personal perspective all they can do is give you a blood test, if you're gonna clot and die you're gonna clot and die whether a doctor prescribes the patch or you buy it from a pharmacy in New Zealand. However, I understand the issues and risks. People who haven't researched it of course do not and should certainly consult a doctor, and, really, everyone should, since it's marginally better to have that blood test than not. Unfortunately, the insulting and costly and quite possibly painful requirements to get a sign off from a witch doctor discourage many from doing that, which is why if you check out a transgender site you'll see lots of t-girls trading info on DIY hormones and doctors who will perform SRS without the Benjamin idiocy.

As to gender therapists, perhaps there's a good one out there, but I've seen enough of their musings on treatment modalities and the etiology of sexual variations to believe that most of them are profound idiots. I don't know why I would bother giving those frauds my good money when I have found the tools that let me change my sexuality any way I like. No thanks to them. Kind of a sad statement that some Internet hypnodommes and a site like this can do more to change your sexuality than the putative experts in the field -- without the insulting assumption that sexual variation is a disease.

Again, some justified resentment here. I did try going the official route. It's like entrusting your life's savings to a Ponzi scheme.
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Postby pypr420 » June 12th, 2011, 2:02 pm

this has clearly gone way off topic, so i'm going to stop at this post. i highly doubt anyone here really cares about your life story. you always fall back on your opinions instead of factual *ahem* facts. and your opinion is a distorted one, you obviously are very confused as to what a therapist does. you wouldn't go to kfc and order a cheeseburger. what you claim would be like me saying, "All politicians are just trying to get you to think like them." or "All women care about is money." it is confusion, cynicism and paranoia at it's best.

in any case, there is no way to determine the authenticity of a drug not obtained from a legitimate pharmacy with a prescription, and there is a possibility and a number of ways that you could die by experimenting on yourself without proper supervision.

if you're planning on going the online pharmacy route, you just have to ask yourself, "This could potentially end my life, is this worth it to me?" for some the answer may be yes.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2011, 3:35 pm

I will reiterate: I am not planning to take hormones again. However, if I did, the risk would be little higher than it would be if I saw a physician, and, er, the "sex therapist" I'd have to see before taking a medication I first took when I was 15.

The risk of being offed by counterfeit estrogen is laughably low, particularly when compared to the substantial risk of deep vein thrombosis.
In fact, far more people die because they're unable to afford the bloated price of American drugs than die because they get counterfeit medicine from an overseas pharmacy. But more to the point, if you were genuinely concerned about the possibility that some unknowing transsexual would be harmed through self-medication, you would ask yourself about the benefits of a system that forces so many transsexuals to go the DIY route -- often with untested herbal remedies of questionable safety, or, lacking medical knowledge, in forms and doses that increase risk, or underlying conditions that make hormone therapy unusually hazardous.

It is the system here that is sick, not the offshore drugs, with their trivial incremental risk.

By the way, you speak of facts, and yet you yourself present none. Your own arguments consist only of unfounded generalities, e.g., maybe you saw an inadequate therapist. I did not set out to write a footnoted paper, but to post a reply to a forum, and it's hard not to conclude that you've chosen to attack my discussion technique, rather than the actual facts, for the sam reason you use so many ad hominems -- to deflect attention from the fact that you have no effective counterarguments.

That being said, what really astounds me is that you yourself have argued in the same generalities. The hypocrisy astounds.

You descend then into ad hominems and logical fallacies of the sort that a shyster uses to convince a not-very-bright jury, the kind that's been culled with peremptory challenges to have a sixth grade education and an average IQ of 85.

Do you seriously think that the folks here are naive enough to be convinced by "I highly doubt anyone here really cares about your life story?"

Ad hominems are for the simple. So are unfounded accusations -- not generalities or undocumented claims, as some of mine and some of yours were here, but completely baseless ones, ones that neither you nor I could possibly know, such as "nobody here really cares." Maybe folks do, maybe they don't. I don't know. More to the point, neither do you.

But, of course, the whole thing is a deflection, a red herring, and you sink even lower. You seek to wound. You use suggestion in a simpleminded shyster way. You use hyperbole, a lie if there ever was one, believing that by exaggerating the few facts I've given about my personal experience into "my entire life" you can convince the jury that I've done something bad, when in fact all I did was mention some facts that call into question some kind of establishment -- widely reviled in the transsexual community -- that you apparently wish to protect.

And you do that all for no other reason than to distract attention from the facts I've presented here, namely, MY OWN FUCKING EXPERIENCE AND MY OWN FUCKING LIFE. Because you have no real argument against that. You can't contradict it. All you can do is convince the good ladies and gentlemen of Fuckyourcousinville that my experience -- anecdotal, but damning nonetheless -- is of no interest, and a waste of time. It's an appalling performance, and one that does not speak highly of your character.

Oh, and what about "obviously very confused about what a therapist does"? Uh, right, yeah, sure, obviously, your evidence of that is? Oops. Note the "obviously." I can see the earnest moron-jurors nodding in assent at your remarkably silly accusation, because you said "obviously." "Gawrsh, if that thar fancy city slicker lawyer says that thar confunction is obvious, ah better say that thar confunction is obvious too."

The simple confused such tricks with evidence. The educated see them as evidence too -- evidence of disingenuity in argument. "Ladies and gentlemen, this fellow, who is seeking visiting rights with his children, is *obviously* a pedophile and a child-beating drunk (knowing look) (knowing nods)."

Uh, right.

Oh, I almost forgot all the stuff about fried chicken and politicians. Uh, OK, lots that has to do with sex therapy. Oh, and confusion, cynicism, and paranoia! I almost forgot, because you've stuffed so many insults into your little pillow of a post that it's hard to keep them straight.

OK, so we've established that I'm confused, cynical, and paranoid. Time to call off the argument, right? Because er it's off topic. Oh, wait, that's not it, it's because nobody's interested. Oh, wait, no, that's not it either. You're calling off the argument because you have none. None of that fancy dan evidence you accuse me of not having, none of the understanding that might allow you to present a cogent argument, whether factual or a matter of opinion. To present some kind of expertise -- you do have that, right? -- that might convince me, or others, of your position.

It goes with the ad hominems. "You're a doody and you lost so bad I'm *not* going to argue with you anymore."

In the words of the immortal Pickwick, you, sir, are a humbug.
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Postby pypr420 » June 12th, 2011, 3:50 pm

does anyone actually read flame posts this long? if you'd like to continue this discussion you can do it via pm.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2011, 4:26 pm

Your technique of argument hasn't changed, has it: you refer to my post as a "flame post" when in fact it was a defense against your attack, and you question whether anyone reads it. I don't know and I don't care. I do appreciate your offer to continue the discussion, since while you didn't reply substantively you leave that option open. I am always willing to discuss the issues, but any such discussion must address the issues, not empty insults. So if you would like to continue it on those terms, I will be glad to. However, I would like to do it here, in this or if you're concerned about topicality in another thread, because I do believe that these issues are important to some others here.

I was thinking of my 15-year-old self walking up and saying "Hi, Dad, I'd like to see a sex therapist so I can grow breasts," and that laughable scenario was a reminder of how wrong, how insensitive, and how destructive the whole process is. And I wasn't one of the kids who was at risk of being beaten up or kicked out of the house and forced into prostitution.
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Postby pypr420 » June 12th, 2011, 5:05 pm

this is not relevant to the subject of penis and ball shrinkage and really hasn't been since you gave your "opinion" of gender therapists. the only advice that you have offered up that "has" been relevant to the subject has been possibly dangerous and/or illegal. nobodies attacking you, i could care less bout you as a person, i care about the safety of my peers, seriously, get over yourself.

and again, it isn't necessary to drag this thread any further off topic, if you'd like to continue the discussion of what you think of gender therapists, feel free to pm me.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2011, 7:50 pm

"I highly doubt anyone here really cares about your life story."

- pypr420

"You always fall back on your opinions instead of factual *ahem* facts. and your opinion is a distorted one."

- pypr420

"You obviously are very confused as to what a therapist does."

- pypr420

"It is confusion, cynicism and paranoia at it's best."

- pypr420

"Get over yourself."

- pypr420

"Nobodies attacking you."

- pypr420

Too rich.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2011, 8:22 pm

I should add, since you misrepresented my actions, that I did not offer the OP "advice." I merely stated, after someone mentioned saw palmetto, IIRC a biological estrogen mimic, that, and I quote, "Estrogen can shrink it, quite rapidly." I did not suggest that the original poster do so, and I certainly did not suggest that the original poster engage in any illegal activity. You replied with misinformation, "it would be difficult to shrink your penis and balls with estrogen alone . . . ," which I corrected. You also stated that "you shouldn't play with your hormones without the participation of an endocrinologist and preferably a gender therapist," to which I replied, "That isn't to say you're going to want to do it! Estrogen is hazardous and as you point out, blood levels should be monitored by an endocrinologist." I did find, and continue to find, the notion that someone who wishes to do this should consult a "gender therapist" pointless, stupid, and insulting. An endocrinologist is better qualified to explain the side effects of hormone treatment and offer advice. But I offered no advice, except insofar as I concurred with your assertion that someone wishing to do this should be monitored by an endocrinologist and be aware that estrogen has numerous side effects, some of them potentially lethal -- and, insofar as I referred to my own historical hormone use, advised that "I would not recommend that to anyone else."
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2011, 8:24 pm

tanyaslave wrote:...argument aside- Good News! :D
When flaccid, my penis is a little more than a full centimetre shorter (utilizing multiple rigorous measuring techniques), and almost 3 centemetres shorter when erect!

Unfortunately, I think that's about tall the progress that there will be... but who knows? Over time, maybe the vasoconstriction will surprise me?

Hey, cool. BTW, did you know that there's a Yahoo small penis group? At least there used to be, I saw it years ago. Those guys try everything.
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Postby CycoMelody » June 13th, 2011, 7:19 am

I just know I am going to regret this...

The reason a Gender Therapist was is needed is because legally you need to have seen a Gender Therapist for x amount of time. They will give you a note that you can show your doctor to get you on hormones. Then they will refer you to an Endocrinologist. This is not anyone's opinion, this is the rules according to the World Health Organization which based on the severely antiquated Harry Benjamin Standard of Care.

Harry Benjamin was the first Doctor to really look into Transsexuality and the Gender situations in general. His methods were super advanced for their time but now they are in need of being updated. Its like going an paying 20 bucks at the movies to see the new Green Lantern movie but they show you gone with the wind instead. Its still a good movie but its not the one you wanted to or payed to see. The difference is you can yell at a movie theater to get a refund. You can't yell at anyone for a refund when it comes to this sort of thing.

Aside from the movie bit, I have given facts. This is stuff that I have researched before I started my transitioning. I wanted to be well informed of anything and everything that could have happened concerning life after I started this road.

Now my personal opinion... *cue the day time soaps music*
First off hypnosis is great! It is wonderful and it is like an old friend that encourages you to keep going. Especially feminization hypnosis. I would be amiss if I even half thought that hypnosis wasn't useful in transition. In fact in my opinion, it has helped my development into the woman I am today. As far as shrinking the 2 piece and a biscuit... This has intrigued me to no end and Frankly I am tempted to run out and get some preperation-H now just to see the results I get! >.< Aside from Estrogen I have done one thing that had made everything down there shrink a lot! sadly it was temporary but I was shocked to say the very least. I had taken my meds as I should. Originally I wanted to keep my size as I wanted to make sure I had enough for a deep pussy when I have surgery. (Depth is NOT gonna happen now >.<) So I decided to use a cock and ball pump to work on the size issue. Concentrated, estrogen charged blood in an area designed to work off Testosterone... The night I did this, I went to bed a quite a bit bigger then normal. I woke up the next morning half the size of normal. The concentrated estrogen shrunk everything for about a day. Anyway stories aside, I think the best thing you can do is use your best judgement. If this is just a means of letting your feminine erotic fantasy spring to life, Go You! Just have fun with it. I wouldn't suggest estrogen because it is a life changing thing. If this is what you want to be. If you truly in your heart desire to be female, I suggest seeing a Gender Therapist. As much as I hate the antiquated law about it, a therapist is the gate keeper. Then get the backing of your Primary Care Doctor (the one that is going to watch you change from male to female) and the endocrinologist. Life will be so much easier with there support.

Remember, Enjoy your journey no matter which path you take. This is your life, Live it. Define your Reality.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 13th, 2011, 8:22 am

tanyaslave wrote:Haha really? What else is there besides hormones, anddumb ideas like mine x-p I wonder?

Yup, there are guys into everything! I don't remember the details at this point but they were doing some really weird stuff. I think the only thing that really worked was hormones, though.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 13th, 2011, 9:01 am

CycoMelody wrote:The reason a Gender Therapist was is needed is because legally you need to have seen a Gender Therapist for x amount of time. They will give you a note that you can show your doctor to get you on hormones. Then they will refer you to an Endocrinologist. This is not anyone's opinion, this is the rules according to the World Health Organization which based on the severely antiquated Harry Benjamin Standard of Care.

I agree. The Benjamin Standards are as you say outdated. They harm a lot of people. But those who can afford the process are best served by humoring it. The sad thing is that maintaining these ridiculous rules forces people who can't afford the rigamarole to take hormones without monitoring, use untested herbal remedies, or fly off to Thailand to get SRS. I think they've basically been kept in place for the convenience of the people who profit off this. There's certainly no law that says a doctor can't prescribe hormones or do SRS without them, but if he did, he'd open himself to a lawsuit.
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Postby CycoMelody » June 13th, 2011, 9:26 am

Alien4420 wrote:
I agree. The Benjamin Standards are as you say outdated. They harm a lot of people. But those who can afford the process are best served by humoring it. The sad thing is that maintaining these ridiculous rules forces people who can't afford the rigamarole to take hormones without monitoring, use untested herbal remedies, or fly off to Thailand to get SRS. I think they've basically been kept in place for the convenience of the people who profit off this. There's certainly no law that says a doctor can't prescribe hormones or do SRS without them, but if he did, he'd open himself to a lawsuit.

That is not entirely true... Doctors /can/ prescribe hormones especially if not doing so would break their oath. Sadly a lot of Doctors forget that part about Do No Harm. My Doctor is actually about to get an earful when I see him again. I am one of those lower case people that can't afford much. I have been on hormones unmonitored for 2 years now. I was pushing to get a script for them and my Doctor referred me to a Gynecologist. 20 miles and an hour later, I was promptly kicked out of the Gynecologist's office because of being transsexual. So the Doc is going to deal with a pissed off woman in spades. For me, if I go off my estrogen I turn into what can only be described as a hell spawn with the unilateral purpose of destroying all I touch. So yeah... Either the Doctor will uphold his oath and do no harm or he will not and well the stakes are high. I have 2 weeks of meds left with no means to get more at the moment **shameless plug** on a side note if anyone is looking for a custom file >.>.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 13th, 2011, 9:57 am

Hi CycoMelody,

I'm sorry to hear that. What you went through is precisely what makes me angry about the current system.

For what it's worth, I didn't mean to suggest that doctors don't have the legal right to provide hormones or peform SRS without following the Benjamin standards. Legally, they can do anything they want, though they might open themselves up to a malpractice suit or license challenge if they didn't cover their asses by following accepted procedure. But there used to be a few doctors who would prescribe hormones without any kind of referral. I'm guessing there are still some out there. Maybe you can get some names from one of the TS groups?

Sadly, you also need a doctor who's TS friendly. You'd think that doctors would be professional enough to lay aside their personal prejudices, but not all are. Anyway, wouldn't an endocrinologist be the right person to go to? AFAIK, that's who a GG would go to if she had some kind of hormone imbalance.
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Postby CycoMelody » June 13th, 2011, 11:30 am

Hiya Alien,

Sadly no. The best way to get hormones is going through the system sadly. An Endocrinologist is not the one who will prescribe hormones, they will check your hormone levels though. That is the most important thing after you are on them. Your Primary Care Doctor (PCD) can then adjust things accordingly. So the person you really need to convince is the PCD. If you get him on your side, regardless of a psychoanalysis, They will write the scripts you need. Thankfully I am hoping to start getting my T Blockers this next trip to the doctors. Here is hoping! **crosses fingers**
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Postby Alien4420 » June 13th, 2011, 11:41 am

Cool, that's great!
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Postby CycoMelody » June 14th, 2011, 9:16 am

tanyaslave wrote:hahaha lucky Cyco!
Whats the process like? Speaking to a professional? Seeking one out? Fiscal constraints? Etc?

Well, At times its very taxing. I am an outgoing person so I don't really get too nervous talking to people. My first therapist, I pretty much explained exactly what I was feeling and why I wanted to be a woman. It felt great to be honest. I found a website that listed all the gender therapists in the state. Sadly I ended up driving out of state to see a therapist. It was well worth it though. Moving though, sabotaged everything for me. The absolute most difficult thing I had to do was come out to my family. Keep in mind even though it is your body and your life, that this affects them too. My mother told me it would be better if I were gay. My brother told me I am going down a path of destruction. My dad acts like there is nothing wrong in the world but will not speak of it. Its not easy. In fact it was the single most difficult thing I had ever done. Saying you are gay is pretty much something that affects you socially. Saying you want to be a member of the opposite sex... it affects you socially, physically, and mentally. I will say this though, for me, the best day of my life (so far) was the day I first took estrogen. It was like I could feel it moving through my body and for the first time, I felt right. That was two years ago and I have no regrets about it. While I was younger and dealing with this issue among others, I turned to food to help me along so I was and am still overweight. the funny thing about that though, is as a result I am the proud owner of a pair DD boobs which can't be missed :p Any way, I hope that answers your questions. Please, feel free to PM me if you have any more, I don't really want to take the topic further off topic.
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Postby pypr420 » June 18th, 2011, 11:10 am

i had a theory about a preparation h condom
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