Newbie with some questions:

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Newbie with some questions:

Postby Trance750 » June 21st, 2011, 10:21 am

Despite my name (which I chose long before I ever thought of hypnosis), I am very much a newbie when it comes to self-hypnosis and had some general questions, if I may.

By nature and design, I am very skeptical and cynical, and even if I WANT to believe, the skeptical side of me often takes over.

I know that having the right mind-set greatly effects the results.

1. I have always been told that hypnosis only works on the (if you forgive the expression) 'weak-minded' or 'weak-willed'. Is there even a shred of truth to that?

2. Would you recommend listening to the files on the speakers, or would I be more receptive if I listened to them via earphones?

3. Should I be sitting upright or lying down in order to get the best results?

4. Will I get the best results when I am awake and alert, or tired and sleepy?

5. And I know everybody is different, but on average how long before a person usually has noticeable results?

6. What files should I use, to give me the most out of the experience and make myself more open to hypnotism?

Thank you for your time.
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Joined: June 20th, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby Storms » June 21st, 2011, 11:06 am

First thing, under the Help With Files forum, there is an announcement at the top by DKaiser that will probably answer alot of your questions.

But I'll still share my two cents, even though I am far from an expert on the subject.

Part of being hypnotized is allowing yourself to go into trance. It won't work very well unless your relaxed and ok with the idea of being hypnotized.

I've heard it mentioned a few times on the site here, being in a hypnotic trance is a bit like driving to work or school, and not remembering the drive. You were awake for it obviously, but in a relaxed state.

Obviously though, you shouldn't trance to hypno files while driving.

Generally speaking, you'll have much better success if you use headphones. I've found noise blocking ear bud headphones help me tune everything else out. You don't have to get anything expensive, just the earbuds that have the rubber gaskets instead of foam. That and a decent MP3 player. I got a little RCA mp3 player new for I believe $18, and that was a year ago.

Question 3, I'll guess is just a personal preference.

Question 4... I've heard just a bit after you wake up is usually good. The trick is being able to go into a deep trance, without falling asleep. Try out different times though, your mileage will probably vary.

5.The more you do it, the easier it'll get to go into trance. Not sure how results go. Alot depends on what your wanting too. For me, getting into any good trance usually leaves me feeling like I had a valium for the rest of the day.

6. Try out several of the different induction only files. It'll help you find out what works for you. The first one I tried was G file by Sarnoga.
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Re: Newbie with some questions:

Postby zapnosis » June 21st, 2011, 5:09 pm

1. Um... not really. The whole point of the art of mind control (for me) is not to put someone in a situation where they can't resist. It's to put someone in a situation where they WON'T resist. It's not magic but it's not just fantasy either. For every inch you give it takes a mile, but you have to give that inch and that is very difficult for some people.

2, 3 and 4. Personally I recommend lying down from reasonably alert with good quality headphones, but at the end of the day you have to try it and see.

5. Depends on what the file is trying to do and how your mind works. For example, I am crap at visualisation, so those kinds of files are never very effective for me. If you get the right file for you, once you are "going under", you can expect to feel something from 3 or 4 listens I guess. Give or take. Perhaps. There are a lot of "ifs" in this stuff. It will never be absolute, so don't expect that.

6. Good ones, i.e. look for files that are highly recommended with positive comments on them.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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