Anyone have any experience with the PMS/ period files?

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Anyone have any experience with the PMS/ period files?

Postby kamundo » July 23rd, 2011, 5:11 pm

I've been trying to find info on them, but all I could really find were some old topics that didn't say much. I'm wondering if anyone has has any experience with them since then and if so, what can you tell us about these files?
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Postby MuxMG » December 30th, 2011, 10:54 am

Tried it for several days listening 2 or more times a day now.
I prepared myself with an Accelerator (also from EMG). I am addicted to the file that's for sure.

I am feeling queesy now and having very mild cramps. Don't know if that's it but I hope so. I just can't wait to get this for 7 days every 28 days. I want this! I really do.

Please, if you have any tips or experiences, let me know.
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Postby nishacutie » January 2nd, 2012, 9:07 am

What about the Curse PMS/Period file from Jocelyn? Is it really one time thing thing or its also a curse like EMG's? I want to experience Periods but don't want to get cursed. I was skinning thru it and couldn't find the 1 week deal and the file was addictive. I hope someone cane shed some light
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Postby MuxMG » January 3rd, 2012, 4:05 am

I don't know about Jocelyn's file but as it's a TTS I know I'm not going to like it.

There's an alternative: LR Curse PMS Period. This is by Lady Rio who should know best first hand about the subject matter! An absolutely great description of PMS/Period (a part from one aspect I really dislike) and quite a different approach to EMG's.


But after all I've decided to stick with EMG's curse for the moment as that's the one I started with and I don't want to confuse my subconscious with two different curses. Who knows what would happen.

For now no results a part from 'false alarms' so I'll just persevere and I'll post if there's news.
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Postby MuxMG » January 3rd, 2012, 12:33 pm

Ok latest info: O M G!

During last hypnosis session it kicked in, in full glory - hard.

As the script was being read and the symptoms to be expected where 'hammered' in I went through all PMS & Period symptoms in quick succession again and again - the sensations are for real.

As EMG says: It's not gonna be fun.

And the file is definitely addictive. I'm afraid I'll have to listen again...

Now, sometime after the session I'm stuck with the sensations I was 'thaught' and shown to feel during the PMS days. Cramping, queasy feeling, not feeling quit right. And it doesn't stop.

I know, I just know, I will have my first period 3 days from now. The session showed me the sensation I willl feel - something warm between your legs and dripping (and not out of the tip of the c..k!).

I will stick for this for now and see how long I will be able to stand all of this. I think I'll be able to cope but me getting PMS & Period is not the biggest problem:

How am I going to explain this to my wife? Help!!!!

Oh no! What have I done?
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Postby nishacutie » January 3rd, 2012, 6:06 pm

its sounds cool and kinda scary. Hey i would suggest that you weigh yourself coz the file said about fluid retention. I wanna know if it will really happen and i would love to hear more when your periods kick in. And keep the pads handy. :D
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Postby MacGyver » January 5th, 2012, 8:23 pm

yeah, i made a mix file with all the pms period files layered, had mild cramping for about a week and that was it. my mind is pretty resistant to most hypnosis.
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