Curse BedWetter....crazy it's working!

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Curse BedWetter....crazy it's working!

Postby alexis1313 » December 16th, 2010, 11:38 am

So I've just restarted listening to this file again. A few weeks in, And I think I must have finaly figured out how to get into trance because this has started to work. First of all the wetting in bed has always been hard for me. This realy helped me focus on getting past that. I listend so much it kinda scares me a bit. I've tried other files but like I said never realy tranced yet. The scary thing is I want it to happen realy bad....but I also know it's probably not the best thing for me to happen. I have inner dialog constantly about how I'm a bedwetter, how I love wetting my bed and other random stuff circling through my mind. It wasn't a sugestion but I even started chanting how much I love being a bedwetter while masterbating.

Last night was the first night I had a barly awake wetting. I can't remember much except that when I kind came out of sleep I had rolled onto my stomach and was wetting.....more like flooding. But lucky for me I get some great all night cloth/velcro bedwetting diapers. They took two wettings with out even a tiny leek. This was my first cloth diaper and though not as swishy as my bambinos, are very nice.

Also I don't know if it's the fact that I've heard over and over that my muscles responsible for holding back a wetting are getting weaker. But after a few weeks I've noticed if I try to stop a flow when wetting it hurts! The muscles are all cramped and then I end up wetting a little more and pinching and wetting more.....untill I can finaly stop and hold it which is still painfull for a few minutes.. This scares me a bit because I only wanted to experiment with night wetting because I'm alone at night. But this urge is the same during the day!! It also has made it so I can't feel any signs of a full bladder....then all at once that muscley pain thing happens and I feel like my bladder is evacuating it's self. I was on the computer wearing a Goodnight because of the new wierd feelings. didn't want to wet my pants by accident. So I had been getting up every time I needeed to pee and going to laydown on my bed to help reinforce that peeing while laying is comfortable and ok. And of coarse since a Goodnight is realy only worth one med. wetting I was just going to start and stop the flow to get to wear I'm totaly comfortable with wetting in bed while laying down. Well I barly make it to my room befor the urge starts to get quite painfull to hold back. I laydown and instantly start soaking the diaper. I kinda new it was gonna leak tried a little to stop and then decided's ok to wet the bed. I wet a spot on the back of my pants about 15in down both inner legs.I lover diapers and have no real desire to wet the my pants or bed.....unless I'm in diapers. :P Well I think some of the file made me actualy feel ok with wetting the bed....which would make sence. So I guess between thinking it was ok and the pain involved with stopping the flow. I soked my bed. :/ Although I know diapers leek and if I'm totaly asleep I wouldn't be able to stop the flow if leakage accured either. So It's just letting me see into future situations.

All in all this is definatly the file that has worked the most for me. I'm excited because I think with the half awake wetting that I'm on my way to actual bed wetting. maybe tonight? :P I'm a little worried about my day time security. I'm not sure why this part has started happening except for the suggestion that those muscle are to weak to hold back your pee. It didn't say to weak only at night. The instantly having to pee after feeling the first urge is kinda scary too. So today I've decided to wear a bambino during the day as well as night just because I don't want a surprise voiding in public with only a good night or worse nothing.

Happy/confused/scared :P
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Postby Ladon » December 16th, 2010, 10:47 pm

This looks like a spammer cracked adby's account maybe? :s Just looks a little worrisome.
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Postby alexis1313 » December 16th, 2010, 10:54 pm

Thank you that’s was super sweet of you to look up all that for me!!! I enjoy both the how to's and the how to undo. lol Cause I do believe this is a spiritual matter. And as much as I want to experiment I also don't like one way streets. I read a lot of people talk about how it's so much harder to retrain then it was the first time and I think it's kinda a scare tactic. As a child I could find a muscle I never knew I had and make it work, with the help of parents. I know which muscle to pull and though it may get weaker. I’ve been in a gym and enough anatomy class to know even a very atrophied muscle can be built up. And if I already know which muscle then it will make it much easier.

I just have to say this, I smoked some spice, I prefer nature gonga for the most part but spice is actually legal here so I went with that. I put on Cursebedwetter and tranced so hard the he was there talking to me and rather then just listening it was like he was making me sign a verbal contract with him. I swear it scared me so bad!! He kept talking about how I would wet the bed for 6 months with no choice. and all though I have listened to this file numerous times, I was transing so hard that it felt like if I continued and agreed that that would be the binding moment. I'm not above saying I am a little suggestive. I have an open mind which is what makes hypnosis work best. So before we got to the meat of the file I turned it off. Seriously terrified not because of just the bed wetting but it felt sinister....I don't want to upset the hypnotist because I've never met them and I don't know them but his projection turned almost to a devil contract kinda feel. lol fun now but during the trance it was like ok turn it off.......ok maybe just a little no off turn it off! So finally I abandoned it at least this time. It's like for him to say he would give me what I wanted I had to follow his rules. If I thought in the back of my head....I'll get out of this latter after the effects take place would actual make the affects not work. I think the little bit of scary makes it seem more real.

So after that I did a lucid dream file to settle me down.
I had a revelation while listening to it. Once you really know how to stay in a lucid dream, one thing that kicks you out is needing to pee. any body that’s had the pee dream knows the bladder is still connected to the sleeping mind. But if you could diaper up and just pee in the dream toilet you could stay in for much longer times. But my bladder training was pretty strong. I think if you are shamed into stopping instead of encouraged that you could lock up a bunch of muscles that have nothing to do with the bladder. Cause now I can be so relaxed down there and still have control. I also think it made me sleep really shallow. I wasn't reaching the deeper levels of sleep.
More Latter.
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Postby demigraff » December 17th, 2010, 4:17 am

Ladon wrote:This looks like a spammer cracked adby's account maybe? :s Just looks a little worrisome.

Nah, he's just pasting the results of searching for some words in the original post, without any thought to whether the results are relevant or not. Most of his posts are like that; I'm guessing from the context (and constant non-sequiturs) that either adby is just a spambot, or he has no understanding of English, and is posting through an automatic translator without knowing what the site is about.
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Postby Abdlforever » January 24th, 2011, 12:27 am

What do I do to undo the curse?
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Postby seattleworld » January 24th, 2011, 2:05 pm

Abdlforever wrote:What do I do to undo the curse?

You have to buy the undo file
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Curse Bedwetter is working

Postby alexis1313 » July 17th, 2011, 9:37 pm

Ok so it has been a while since I have updated my activity's. So after getting scarred the last time I had really tried to use this file I have found it has started working much better! So after I stopped last time I continued having the pee dream for a while even after stopping the file. Though i never actually pee'd in real life. I remember one time sitting on a dream toilet in my diaper and just flooding it forever. I woke up from it and had wet a little before i stopped it. I wasn't wearing a diaper because It hadn"t happened yet and had decided even though the dreams had come before that it wasn't going to actually work for me. lol i was wrong. I luckily did still have some molicare's left over from the last time I tried this route. I think last time i had listened for almost 2 weeks before the scary time while high on spice. So it ended up only happening a couple times. it was incredibly weird to wake up and know that you had completely pee'd your self with no knowledge at all. I think besides the curse just learning to pee lying down was the biggest help to me.

so after limiting my self water before bed and basically doing mantras over and over in meditation I didn't see it happen again.....untill last week. I had only been listening to "curse bedwetter" for the 3rd day this time and it happened! I was diapered but was pretty sure that it would take a couple weeks like last time.

So know Ive had at least 2 accidents this week and one day that i pee'd a little before bed but woke up much wetter! So most liely 3 times in a weeks time? It's a bit scary and kinda a rush at the same time. I'm worried that I might just sucomb to the whole curse? Because i stopped it last time after it had happened a few times I though the 6month curse wouldn't work. It it's obvious it is still some where in my head and when reintroduced it worked way faster.

I was drawn to this file because it had alot of response from people as a good file. But there's no way I want to be a bedwetter for 6 month! But i don't want to turn it off yet! I'm realy enjoying it right now.....but if I let it keep going and keep listening to the file....whos to say if I can turn back later? I'm not sure what to do....but I think I am enjoying it to much to stop now.

I'm not sure if it's related to any of these files but some times the minute I get in a bath room or some times the minute I decide I need to go I all the suddon have an almost unstoppable urge to pee befor I get to the toilet. It hasn"t resulted in a accident but it is out of the normal..

I really wanna hear others results on this file. I'll keep you updated the next couple weeks to see where this all takes me?
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no going back?

Postby alexis1313 » July 18th, 2011, 12:57 pm happend again last night. I lisened to the file and pee'd when I was suppose to.... ended up drifting off to sleep wjile lisening. Woke up this morning and had leaked out of my diaper pretty badly! i guess a diaper isnt enough....i realy need to get a bed protecter! I guess thats part of it all it is a bedwetters curse....but I kinda want it to be protected by my diapers! !I keep hearing that you cant go back and it scares me a bit. I thought you could at least get the curse fixer file....but if you have been having acidents every night for doesnt seem like theres any going back. that file would have to be way more addicting and be wired to pleasure even more then this one.

So id say after multipul times of trying this file over the has attached it self to my brain. I've already decidecd to just stay in my diapers all day. the wetting is soooo easy lying down now. watching tv lying in bed....have to just lets go more urgs to go but unable to because of my position.

Ok so I know I signed up for this and want to see it through.....but day time wetting? I keep hearing this more and more from other. "after you start wetting the bed day time accidents may just randomly start happening.......Is that why im getting those intense pains when im going to the bath room? I'm a little scared of that and yet i've seen it multipule times from different people. I CAN"T!!!! have day time accidents!!! That's totaly not going to work out!! I think i should maybe not wear diapers any more during the day......but ....I realy want to still. even though that might be helping things along. Now Ive never had a day time accident, and hope it stays that way!!!

Any way I'm trying to decide about this whole 6month commitment. Ifeel like if I stop now I might be able to revert back with no problems. But i think the file has made me WANT it to happen....even though I'm scared at the thought of having no control for more then 6 months....the short term of bedwetting now is so pleasurable! Which is wierd because part of my brain asks.....whats so pleasurable about it. lol

Babby pee pants...... when didyou start having daytime accidents? It's funny cause like I've said I Don't want day accidents....but I always read the file called accidents. which is like fear to reality except its for day time. and wonder if it worked.... wondering if something works might be my problem in life. Hummm can hypnosis realy make me want to wear diapers and even start to wet the bed? Its weird to think these urges seem natureal... but they were all built there over a few years.....
Like i said cinfused about whether I sould continue or not.....

Accustomed to Wetting? never tried it what do you think of it? I'm gonna have to go read about it! :)
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Dry Night

Postby alexis1313 » July 19th, 2011, 11:10 pm

Didn't lisen to file last night and woke up dry.....
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last 4 days

Postby alexis1313 » July 24th, 2011, 11:58 am

Well I wanted to see the first two days if I didn't listen if It would still happen. And ended up dry both days. The third day though I listened and woke up wet again. So last night I didn't listen and and ended up wetting again. So I'm not sure of any pattern. I'm not sure if I quite if it would stay at this level or slowly fade. I mean it would be awesome if it only happened when I listened but it still leaks over into the next day. I've also found being a side sleeper pretty much means your gonna leak no matter how good your diapers are. All though I love molicare or bambinos. A full unconscious wetting floods to much for being on your side. I've tried to use pillows under my legs and make back sleeping more comfortable....but I've still ended up rolling over on my side and leaking a few nights.

I'm still not sure that I want to go any farther. Which has lead me to a thought. I totaly didn't want to where diapers or wet the bed befor I started coming here. I'm transexual so those files brought me here and started my journey. I'm not even so sure that the files cause the bed wetting.....they just make you want to do it! I mean even with out hypnosis if you wake up and pee your diapers in bed every night for a whille you will end up becoming a bedwetter again. It's wierd to see that it did make me want something that I normally would never even consider.....hypnosis is still just being understood. this has been an interesting journey!! Don't know where it might take me?
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A random one?

Postby alexis1313 » July 29th, 2011, 10:42 am

So ended up only listening twice in the last 4 days. days. I woke up two times to almost immediately start wetting. But I was awake while i actually wet. I did remember having the pee dream very vividly on one of those nights. I was at the mall searching for a bathroom. I couldn't find one no matter what. People kept directing me to place's that I couldn't find a toilet. It was very weird because When I finally made it to a restroom I had to go pretty badly. I stood out side the male and female bathrooms and couldn't decide which one I was suppose to use. Some how I relised I was wearing a diaper. But there where so many people around that I felt embarrassed to do it in front of people. So I started to try and find a place alone. When I finally got away from the crowd i started to wet my diaper in the dream. I woke up and had only slight control over if I was gonna wet. If I would have wanted to I could have stopped it. Last night got a bit drunk and stoned. Dont' remember any dream but woke up wet. I'm not sure how side sleepers are suppose to solve leaking problems. I have tried every type of disposable and seem to leak. I guess I need to try cloth. Which isn't very covenant. It would be easy to sneak a disposable on at a friends if I had to stay the night. But what do you do with 5lbs of wet pee drenched fabric? I'm kinda still enjoying this. I am a bit scared. But I talked to a number of people on another sight that enduced bed-wetting and where able to stop it on there own. I know it maybe some work.....but something irresistible about achieving this goal. I know that that is the true power of hypnosis. Not that it cause's the wet bed.....It has just made me want to wet the bed so bad that I would wake up in the night enough times and just do it until that it becomes a habit. of coarse it did program the dream which is pretty strong I imagine after it fully takes hold. Again I'm wondering how far this file will take me. I wonder if I shouldn't be scared yet and try to get a deprogram file. But for some reason it does feel relay good, kinda exciting, and yet a bit scary as well. I talk my self in and out of this a hundred times a day.....but in the end the talking into it voice keeps winning......even though my first reaction to waking up wet is to slightly freak out. I end up getting realy turned on by it? Hypnosis is weird.....but very interesting.
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Unpredictable loss of control

Postby alexis1313 » July 31st, 2011, 9:56 am

I guess I though once it happens once then all night control would be lost. lol that's what alot of people warn you about. Well Last night I listened to the file earlier in the evening and then right before bed. I drank a good amount of water......then slept through the night with out wetting or any dream that I can remember. so I wet my diaper as soon as I woke up.I've been wearing to bed every night because it's still hit or miss with knowing if an accident might come. I've thought about retrying "bed-wetter fear to reality" That was the first file I started listening to a year or so ago. IT never made me wet the bed. But it did install a fear that for a while I felt like I had to wear a diaper to bed. I'm not sure, but I think the use of the word bed-wetter in files has made me want to try a real night time accident with no diaper. I think I might just not wear one the next couple nights . Give the old plastic sheet a work out. lol any one else made it to this stage? I want to be able to control when I have an but I guess that isn't an accident. I'm trying to decide if I truly want to start listening every night again....and not stop until I'm having an accident every night. I have to admit that's a bit scary.....but is a turn on for some reason.?? keep ya updated as I keep experimenting.
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wish i hadn't started reading this thread

Postby boy_arthur_tx » July 31st, 2011, 2:42 pm

also wish hadn't listened to the accustomed to wetting file mentioned in the thread, wow, Sarnoga hit that one right on the head. Total Bullseye.

all of my training is for diapered when home alone or when someone puts me in a diaper. allowing nothing to interfere with my working or family life

now, i am on my third diaper tonight and hoping to stop in the morning before going to work.

if you want to be a bedwetter, let the file work, just think about how you want the file to work and then listen one more time. good luck
Very respectfully,
Trainer ba, boy arthur, ba
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still off and on?

Postby alexis1313 » August 7th, 2011, 1:39 am

Ok so I had a few results this week. At least 2 night this week I had total accidents! I cant believe after finding this sight more then 3 years ago. That I'm now wetting the bed. Not every night. But it has happened enough that.....I know I'm a bedwetter. I'm not sure if I'm supper happy or a bit scared. I mean I know I haven't lost all control. I still woke up most of the nights either right befor, or just starting wetting. The dreams that I can remember have been very interesting. I'm almost always in a diaper in the dream. Some times searching for a bathroom only to remember that I'm wearing a diaper. Other times searching and searching for a bathroom unable to find it. The last couple I've had others in the dream that knew I had a diaper on. A friend that knows nothing of me wearing diapers in real life explained to me why it was ok to wear my diapers in public. Which was kinda weird, and cool too. I'll try and keep posting my results. I'm still thinking of quitting. I mean I dont want to be a bedwetter forever. and 6months seems like forever. I wish Emg would tell story's of other who had to buy the curse removal. Part of the taboo of it is that he keeps telling me I'll keep up my bedwetting for 6months. when I know I'd never want to do it for that long. I mean it's fun an pleasurable. But I dont wanna get stuck in a loop because of my sexual desires. oh well I'll report back later. I've only talked with a few people that have stuck it through and kept trying till the files worked. I'd love to hear from others trying the same thing. maybe even with other files as long as you have given it a good go. Not the I tried it twice kinda folks. lol :P
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Postby alexis1313 » August 23rd, 2011, 9:23 am

Well i gave it some time. it's been nearly 2 weeks since I posted last. I've been in diapers every single night since then. It's still very hit and miss. But it has started happening enough to not trust my self without a diaper at night. 2 nights ago I feel asleep on the couch watching some tv. Woke up about 430am with a totally soaked diaper!! I was glad it didn't leak on the couch my room mates would have found out that way. So in the last 2 weeks I'd say I unknowingly wet the bed no less then 5 times. There where quite a few mornings of remembering slightly waking up. If I wake up at any time needing to go I do just that. I am still having mornings where i wake up having to go but didn't wet my diaper? I'm not quite sure why some days I wake up wet and others with a full bladder. It's kinda fun to wet in your sleep. I'm still kinda scared. I need to order new diapers here in the next week. about to open my last pack of Molicare. Does any one have any suggestions for a diaper that fits better for side sleepers? I've tried bambinos and they seemed really good. But they almost always only have the ones that say Baby all over it. Just not my favorite. If you have any ideas for a better brand let me know. :) Also has anyone been stuck in this in between phase of waking with full bladder some days and already having wet others? I'd rather not wake up to full bladder.....would rather just wake up wet and rested. Hoping for at least 4 wet nights this next week. :P Wish me luck!!
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Postby sarnoga » August 24th, 2011, 12:53 am

alexis1313 wrote: Does any one have any suggestions for a diaper that fits better for side sleepers? I've tried bambinos and they seemed really good. But they almost always only have the ones that say Baby all over it. Just not my favorite. If you have any ideas for a better brand let me know. :)

No matter what the ads say, I have never heard of a disposable diaper that will not leak if someone is sleeping on thier side. The two best disposable diapers are Dry 24/7 and Abena Abriform X Plus. A good set up is to put on an Abena Abriform X Plus Air Plus. That is the one with the cloth like backing. Cut some slits in the backing and put it on. Then put a Dry 24/7 over that. The capacity will be astounding. But even that will leak if worn by someone who sleeps on thier side.

If you sleep on your side and wet in your sleep, if you want to be sure to be free from leaks then you should wear the set up discribed above. Then on top of that wear an appropriately sized cloth pull up over the disposables. Gabby's makes a good one. They can be purchased from AdultClothDiaper. Then wear plastic pants over that. Try article 1232 in the appropriate size from B4NS. That should be enough to protect most side sleeping bedwetters from leaking. Really heavy wetters may want to put two cloth pull up diapers over the disposables. It is the disposables that hold most of the wetting, but the cloth pull ups soak up the leaks and the plastic pants keep the damp cloth pull ups from getting the bed wet.

If that is leaking it is because you are soaking the two disposables to capacity and the cloth diapers are trying to hold overflow rather than just leaks. If you are actually wetting enough for that to happen you can either add a booster inside for aditional absorbant capacity or replace one of the cloth pull ups with a pin on cloth prefold and maybe a soaker inside that.

Anyway, for side sleepers the trick is to have high capacity disposables and a cloth diaper and plastic pants over that to catch the leaks.

Both the X Plus and the Dry 24/7 can be purchased online from XP Medical. They seem to have the best prices, free delivery on cases, and prompt delivery on most items. The powder white are the thickest and most durable.

Good pin on prefolds:

Get the standard weight rather than the medium, heavy, or extra heavy. It is better to put on more layers of a lighter weight diaper than a heavier diaper. It will work just as well and will wash and dry better.

Hope that helps.

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Postby alexis1313 » August 24th, 2011, 1:48 am

I hadn't done much doubling up so I'll try it. I'm not sure i have the money to wear 2 a night. :( I have found when I could sleep on my back that the diaper held fine. like when I was on the leaks because I was lying on my back. I use to have a velcro cloth diaper and it did work realy well. I might have to check that out.

IT's wierd I'm never sure if I'll wake up dry or wet...even if I drink tons of water might still wake up dry. some times make no effert and it just happens....I guess after setting the habbit all you can do is wait for it to become set in your mind.
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Postby alexis1313 » August 30th, 2011, 5:08 pm

I wanted to see if I stopped using the cd if it would stop the results. I have only had one almost accident since stopping. I remember something about starting to pee in a dream to waking up right as i had started to release. I'm currently wonder if this cd only works when you listen to it. Or if maybe there's a tipping point where your doing it now and again and then it gets more and all the sudden you just start having it happen every night? I do still crave the cd. I'm tempted to continue the cd. I did get what I was looking for already. I had a few accidents that I had no recollection of, which where very interesting. But what if I continue and then the file does what it say's?

Any one have any ideas? Experience would be nice....I know that it has started to work at least. I mean people that relearn to wet the bed say they just do it every night even if it's while awake. The slowly it changes to half awake then a little awake to full blown Bed-Wetting! So I guess I proved it worked least to my self. lol

So I'm kinda wondering if I should go forward? How far do you think would be to far and I'd have to start to retrain my bladder to not Wet the Bed again?
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ideas to try.

Postby brieri » October 16th, 2011, 10:02 pm

Hi Alexis. Great posts! They show just how exciting and scarying getting what you want can be. For so many in the scene, the bing and purge cycles in the first year ot two can be strong. One month throwing everything into garbage bags and great big dumpsters. The next month, buying everything back and having at it again.

In some ways that is what you are doing to yourself. But, you are reporting here that you are having some success with the hypno files. THAT is the first place to be so glad. So many here have not had any luck with ANY of the hypnosis files for many years of trying.

To have such rapid "success" is very interesting and makes me jealous, I will admit to that.

But, all that jealousy asside, I wanted to share with the readers the program that I am using and that is FINALLY taking me to trance. Just this morning I was just taken away and it was so peaceful and a huge VICTORY for me.

I set up a play list with BLANK version 2. I use that file to simply set me up to be blank and open to the next file. Blank V 2 is taking me to trance. Today I lay there in trance and just letting it sweep over me. Not a care in the world.

In my play list today I had:

Blank V 2
Sarnoga Surrender.
Sarnoga Acustomed to Wetting.
Blank V2
Callimore Acellerator
Callimore AntiPotty training
Blank v2
Landon Multi Voice Bedwetting
Landon Baby Dreams
Blank V2
Sarnoga Comfortable in Diapers.
Sarnoga Acustomed to Wetting.

I tend to stay with this format and today was pure bliss. I was taken away with Blank and just went out there to never land each and every time it played and then I transistioned smoothly to Callimore, Sarnoga and Landon who are the most amazing hypnotists in our venue.

Sarnoga got into my head and stepped around in there carefully like he never has before.

For me, I know I am gone when my arms are just so heavy on my diapers, sink in the bed and the voices are not in each ear, but rather on the top of my head, combined into one.

Today was a rapture that I had not experienced before and I look forward to this week to have the chance to repeat the performance again.

It has been a 15+ year struggle with CRAPPY hypnosis stuff in the past and this new, modern technology is simply stunning with its multiple tracks and layers.

Keep up the hard work on your end, feel free to share how things are working for you, I will be here to support you. B
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Stopping and starting

Postby alexis1313 » July 18th, 2014, 2:51 am

I have took a break for a while and ended up coming back for some more. It's weird that I want to be a full time Bed-wetter and yet I can get so scared I end up taking years off trying to not want what i want. I'm scared of getting stuck as a Bed-wetter and not being able to stop it my self once its an ingrained habit. I managed to ease my self off pretty easily as of yet. But what If I end up really enjoying it one of these times and really letting my self go only to want to stop again? I'm driven forward because I do realy want to be a Bed-wetter but I get so scared!

Even though I haven't had any more accident in quite a while, I still have moments when I'm at some one else house with out a diaper and I'm so scared that it might happen then. In some ways it might be easier to just have to bring a Diaper every where. instead of being afraid I might wet some ones couch.

Does any one else have this happen? How can I want something so bad and yet be so afraid of it! Is there a file that might help me not want to quite this time? The files here have helped me a ton and have even allowed me to feel what its like to be a Bed-wetter. But now I know how much i like it, and just want to do it and take away any blocks in my way to my goal. It's weird it took me this long to come back after freaking out about my success. I really do enjoy being a Bed-wetter! I just need the help to push over the edge so there's no coming back, then I couldn't get scared and go back.

Is there away for me to take away my fear of being a Bed-wetter the rest of my life and just do it?
The files I've used and loved in the past are.
Curse Bedwetter
Bedwetter fear to reality
Babypants BedWetter
and a few others a long time ago.

I'd appreciate any advise on helping me reach my goal and then not being a scaredy pants AND QUITING! I want to be happy with my goal and start Bedwetting again!
Please help! :P
Posts: 27
Joined: March 8th, 2009, 1:00 am

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