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Please help mee!

Postby ranmafan » August 18th, 2011, 4:15 pm

*sighs* I am a wreck, I really need to talk one on one with a professional hypnotist (online would be fine) to determine if I even have been going into trance and where I can get a good file or something..cause I've been at it for 4 years now and haven't ever had not one success. :( Every file i've tried never one ever responds or helps when I ask for help, I even doubt if I have ever actually gone in trance as opposed to just lying there..I dunno! Cause I can never find a professional or someone who knows about it to talk about it too. I keep getting my hopes up again and again (oh maybe it was the guy, maybe this file will do it) and guess what? nothing ever happens! I see countless ppl have successes after a few listens, here I've been at it for four dang years and nothing to show for it! Maybe my mind is just too messed up or not messed up enough I duno, I'm just sick of nothing ever working for me. Please can anyone help me? or at least show me someone who can? *goes off to cry alone*
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Postby mistermano » August 18th, 2011, 5:36 pm

Have you tried recording your own stuff? I mean, using your own voice to try and induce you in a trance?

It's what I'm doing right now with myself and, thus far, i'm having good results. However, I also use alpha binaural beats to help enter a trance state, which usually takes 8-12 minutes on me. Sometimes, the beat alone can do that.

If anything try (if you haven't already) going to sleep while listening to yourself or just a plain BBeat to enter a trance and, 12 minutes in, start telling yourself to do some physical action, like sitting somewhere else or to lie down on the ground and to remember what you're doing. You know, just in case you still don't remember, if you notice yourself in a different place/position, you'll know it worked.
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Postby bandler » August 18th, 2011, 7:19 pm

The first time I chatted with you, several years ago now, you desperately wanted to be turned into a Fox... Permanently.

Can you see where hypnosis might not be able to accomplish that?

I suggest you set your sights a little lower.

Try Samantha Sez for starters.
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Postby Jeshi » August 18th, 2011, 8:31 pm

If you're still trying what Bandler mentioned then I think you've misunderstood what exactly hypnosis is even capable of doing.

It is not magic, it is psychology. When it comes to post-hypnotic suggestions it can convince people to believe things they have no reason not to believe and to follow suggestions they don't have reason not to follow. Without hypnosis usually people wouldn't have reasons to believe or follow the suggestions either, hypnosis is a method of convincing them otherwise.

You can use it to motivate yourself to do things or to warp your perceptions of things. Your hands will never actually look like paws to you or anyone else, the best you can get is to see your hands and have them register in your mind as "paws" but they will still be hands.

You can use it to have a sort of "controlled dream" while you're under, to experience things otherwise impossible. You can have a trance where you experience being transformed, but the post-hypnotic effects will not compare.

With enough conditioning you can achieve some amazing things with hypnosis, the area it isn't very good in is transformations. People flock to it for physical transformations and hallucinations but hypnosis isn't that effective when it comes to the physical.
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Postby ranmafan » August 18th, 2011, 8:38 pm

well I've talked to ppl who have phantom ears and tails sensations..that alone I'd be happy with..maybe have my my register seeing my body as a fox, I know I can't physically change into a fox. And who/what is Samatha Sez?
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Postby bandler » August 18th, 2011, 10:11 pm

ranmafan wrote:well I've talked to ppl who have phantom ears and tails sensations..that alone I'd be happy with..maybe have my my register seeing my body as a fox, I know I can't physically change into a fox. And who/what is Samatha Sez?

Your comments remind me of problems that kids can develop from playing too much D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) or other role play games. There is great allure in escapism, especially these days in Amerika.

Samantha Sez is a file to train you to go into trance.
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Postby qv » August 19th, 2011, 12:47 am

bandler wrote:
ranmafan wrote:well I've talked to ppl who have phantom ears and tails sensations..that alone I'd be happy with..maybe have my my register seeing my body as a fox, I know I can't physically change into a fox. And who/what is Samatha Sez?

Your comments remind me of problems that kids can develop from playing too much D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) or other role play games. There is great allure in escapism, especially these days in Amerika.

Oh, for the...
Look, it's not like I'm going around trying to find your posts and harass you about them, but I've been extensively involved with D&D groups in the past, and about the worst 'problems' that 'developed' were bouts of 'WTF' at each other for, say, being crushed to death by an elephant your friend accidentally summoned, or 'accidentally' shooting a quadraplegic character with a pair rocket tonfas.
There is indeed great allure in escapism, but there always has been... why do you think people write?
I understand that sometimes people wish they were their characters, as the characters are preferable to real life. However, this is easily the minority.
And have you considered that our friend is suffering from a case of Species Identity Disorder?
In such a case, shouldn't he receive help the way those suffering from Gender Identity Disorder should?

...ugh, I should stop posting when I'm so tired, I get snippy.
Sorry, if it helps, I'm more venting at society than at you, so don't take it personally.
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Postby Jeshi » August 19th, 2011, 7:47 pm

ranmafan wrote:well I've talked to ppl who have phantom ears and tails sensations..that alone I'd be happy with..maybe have my my register seeing my body as a fox, I know I can't physically change into a fox. And who/what is Samatha Sez?

Phantom limb sensations for limbs you wouldn't normally have sounds pretty difficult. How would you know what it's supposed to feel like if it's a limb you've never had and the body isn't trained to have?

Humans have ~25 senses(the five senses thing is an ancient starting point that was never meant to convey every sense.) One of those senses is about knowing where you are relative to yourself, AKA knowing where your hand is without looking at it. It's why you can touch your nose with your eyes closed.

Another sense is knowing which of your limbs are still attached. And then there's the sense of being touched.

Normal phantom limb sensations are caused when these senses malfunction. Someone may lose a hand but their senses don't catch up on it so they still feel like it's there. Or you'll think a limb you do have is somewhere else than it is. Or you'll feel something touch you that's not there.

All three of these senses would have to be heavily modified in order to have phantom limb for limbs the brain doesn't know anything about. It's not biologically possible and if it is possible it would be very very difficult to pull off with hypnosis.

Either these people you've talked to are lying, in denial, or heavily exaggerating.

Hypnosis can modify subconscious thoughts not the actual processes with which your brain processes information such as sight and touch. The best you can get is to vividly imagine seeing something or feeling something and that is not a passive thing that you could just have all the time without actively thinking about it.

You have unrealistic expectations. Also, Species Identity Disorder is not in the DSM-V. I'm pretty sure it isn't a real mental disorder.
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Postby qv » August 19th, 2011, 10:03 pm

Jeshi wrote:
ranmafan wrote:well I've talked to ppl who have phantom ears and tails sensations..that alone I'd be happy with..maybe have my my register seeing my body as a fox, I know I can't physically change into a fox. And who/what is Samatha Sez?

Phantom limb sensations for limbs you wouldn't normally have sounds pretty difficult. How would you know what it's supposed to feel like if it's a limb you've never had and the body isn't trained to have?

Humans have ~25 senses(the five senses thing is an ancient starting point that was never meant to convey every sense.) One of those senses is about knowing where you are relative to yourself, AKA knowing where your hand is without looking at it. It's why you can touch your nose with your eyes closed.

Another sense is knowing which of your limbs are still attached. And then there's the sense of being touched.

Normal phantom limb sensations are caused when these senses malfunction. Someone may lose a hand but their senses don't catch up on it so they still feel like it's there. Or you'll think a limb you do have is somewhere else than it is. Or you'll feel something touch you that's not there.

All three of these senses would have to be heavily modified in order to have phantom limb for limbs the brain doesn't know anything about. It's not biologically possible and if it is possible it would be very very difficult to pull off with hypnosis.

Either these people you've talked to are lying, in denial, or heavily exaggerating.

Hypnosis can modify subconscious thoughts not the actual processes with which your brain processes information such as sight and touch. The best you can get is to vividly imagine seeing something or feeling something and that is not a passive thing that you could just have all the time without actively thinking about it.

You have unrealistic expectations. Also, Species Identity Disorder is not in the DSM-V. I'm pretty sure it isn't a real mental disorder.

Logical reasoned debate makes me sad. :(

There's a few things though.

Jeshi wrote:Phantom limb sensations for limbs you wouldn't normally have sounds pretty difficult. How would you know what it's supposed to feel like if it's a limb you've never had and the body isn't trained to have?

First, some people are in fact born with tails. Crappy vestigial ones, sure, but existent nonetheless, so... a limb you've never had and the body isn't trained to have? Well... only mostly true.
...though I suppose the point is moot if there aren't any nerves or muscles in those anyways.

Jeshi wrote:All three of these senses would have to be heavily modified in order to have phantom limb for limbs the brain doesn't know anything about. It's not biologically possible and if it is possible it would be very very difficult to pull off with hypnosis.

Either these people you've talked to are lying, in denial, or heavily exaggerating.

He didn't say what kind of sensations his friends have. It probably isn't a case of perfectly hallucinated tails/ears... I know I've done some files, and if I focused, I could crappily feel some stuff, but yeah, nothing lasting or all that extensive.
And of course it is technically biologically possible, seeing as there are documented cases of people who had phantom limb sensations for non-existent parts. Like a third arm, or something. It's called a Supernumerary phantom limb. The problem is nobody knows why it happens, and in any case, you may be right that that wouldn't happen in the case of tails.

Jeshi wrote:Hypnosis can modify subconscious thoughts not the actual processes with which your brain processes information such as sight and touch. The best you can get is to vividly imagine seeing something or feeling something and that is not a passive thing that you could just have all the time without actively thinking about it.

Well, but you can get a person to sniff smelling salts as if they were roses. This is stuff that smells bad enough to wake up people that are freaking unconscious, so it seems evident that there is a legitimate perceptual change as opposed to simply acting out the suggestion.
As for whether you could have that all the time without actively thinking about it... well, that I don't know.

Jeshi wrote:Also, Species Identity Disorder is not in the DSM-V. I'm pretty sure it isn't a real mental disorder.

...bawww. I was hoping this wouldn't come up.
No, it's not in the DSM-V, no, it is not officially recognized as a clinical disorder. But its existence is theorized, and...
...okay, so there's not really anything I can say about that.
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Postby Jeshi » August 19th, 2011, 10:46 pm

qv wrote:

He didn't say what kind of sensations his friends have. It probably isn't a case of perfectly hallucinated tails/ears... I know I've done some files, and if I focused, I could crappily feel some stuff, but yeah, nothing lasting or all that extensive.
And of course it is technically biologically possible, seeing as there are documented cases of people who had phantom limb sensations for non-existent parts. Like a third arm, or something. It's called a Supernumerary phantom limb. The problem is nobody knows why it happens, and in any case, you may be right that that wouldn't happen in the case of tails.

Supernumerary limbs though aren't that difficult to imagine though. Your sense that keeps track of if your limbs are missing(its real name is way too long to remember) is usually going "Two arms. Two legs. Two hands." but if it malfunctions, then it wouldn't be hard to imagine it going "Three arms. Two legs. Two hands." and creating the sense of one being there. Once that sense of a third arm(and since our brains are mapped to know what arms should feel like anyways) is there, other senses would probably work around it.

People's senses malfunction at all time. It's called minor hallucinations and they're more common than people think because they tend to associate the word hallucination with huge obvious stuff. Seeing things in the corner of your eye, hearing someone say your name before falling asleep, it's all very normal. It happens for similar reasons as tripping or suddenly losing balance. Just with your senses.

qv wrote:
Well, but you can get a person to sniff smelling salts as if they were roses. This is stuff that smells bad enough to wake up people that are freaking unconscious, so it seems evident that there is a legitimate perceptual change as opposed to simply acting out the suggestion.
As for whether you could have that all the time without actively thinking about it... well, that I don't know.

See, this is where a lot of people misinterpret the effects of hypnosis. You're jumping just a step too far. The brain processes the chemicals and scents of smelling salts the same. Hypnosis makes the conscious reaction be that of roses and have the thoughts process it as roses. It still smells terrible, you just think of that smell as what roses should smell like and hypnosis convinces you that the smell should smell good.

It's similar to the placebo effect. When you have symptoms of a disease, you usually expect certain things and exaggerate the sickness and your reactions. It makes sense to do this on both an evolutionary and social level. If everyone around you thinks you're sicker than you are, you'll get higher priority treatment.

When you get the "treatment" you stop exaggerating the symptoms because you have no more need for the attention. So you say "yeah I feel better now" but really you're just as sick as before.

If you smell something bad, you exaggerate your reactions to alert everyone about how bad it smells, hypnosis can convince you not to do this and then from there push your reactions to another extreme, those of telling everything that this thing smells like roses.

qv wrote:
...bawww. I was hoping this wouldn't come up.
No, it's not in the DSM-V, no, it is not officially recognized as a clinical disorder. But its existence is theorized, and...
...okay, so there's not really anything I can say about that.

Even if it was in DSM-V, whether that warrants being supportive of it is still another debate. Pedophilia, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths are all in the DSM-V. We are not typically supportive of these people(although maybe we should be more supportive of sociopaths since most of their problems stem from the fact that they feel human emotions but are incapable of expressing it, resulting in people assuming they don't have emotions and treating them like shit. Which causes them to develop more mental disorders.)
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Postby qv » August 20th, 2011, 1:12 am

Jeshi wrote:
qv wrote:
Well, but you can get a person to sniff smelling salts as if they were roses. This is stuff that smells bad enough to wake up people that are freaking unconscious, so it seems evident that there is a legitimate perceptual change as opposed to simply acting out the suggestion.
As for whether you could have that all the time without actively thinking about it... well, that I don't know.

See, this is where a lot of people misinterpret the effects of hypnosis. You're jumping just a step too far. The brain processes the chemicals and scents of smelling salts the same. Hypnosis makes the conscious reaction be that of roses and have the thoughts process it as roses. It still smells terrible, you just think of that smell as what roses should smell like and hypnosis convinces you that the smell should smell good.

But the reactions people have to it are involuntary. If you still smell the salts and just think roses, you'd still probably have a physical reaction to it, even if you don't realize or understand why. In fact that's why this suggestion was impossible to fake; non-hypnotized volunteers couldn't fake the 'not gagging' bit. Even unconscious people respond that way, and they certainly wouldn't normally be said to be aware of their senses.
Yes, the brain processes the chemical the same way, but hypnosis (or other methods of hallucination) can let the part of your brain responsible for sensory integration to override and replace the raw input, hence changing how it is perceived by the rest of the mind. The thing is, non-hypnotic methods (like LSD) don't typically let you decide what the input being replaced with.
So all due respect, but why again is having phantom sensations via hypnotic suggestion unfeasible?
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