Visualizing my suggestions

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Visualizing my suggestions

Postby splatterboi » August 24th, 2011, 7:14 am

So I've been using EMG's "Enchanted Keyboard" and I've been trying to develop a little series for myself, but I'm having a small issue. I've been trying to make it so all five of my senses become included in the effects, so if I write a master into my life, I can actually see him, smell his musk, taste... things :twisted: , hear his voice outside of my head and feel him touching me. I'm wondering if I'm expecting too much out of the file, or hypnosis in general, or if I'm just having issues getting the suggestions to work. Quick rundown of what I've been doing: I have Enchanted Keyboard, Accepting Hypnosis, Hypnotic Sensory Training, and a couple of deepeners, focuses, and reinforcers mixed in a playlist about 2 hours long, I generally listen to them when I sleep (schedule is a little hectic to try and take time out to just trance right now), and I've written myself to be more susceptible to my files, and be able experience them better, which has been working to a degree just not quite enough for my plans. Any help would be appreciated, even if it's just something to use with the "Keyboard" file
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Postby Jeshi » August 24th, 2011, 10:16 pm

Well, first of all, the five senses thing is ancient Greece. Humans have way more than five senses.

But more importantly, you expectations are really high. Hypnosis can barely succeed at any sort of true visual hallucination at all, let alone in such an intense passive way.

While under hypnosis you might be able to feel touches that aren't there or taste tastes or smell smells. But hallucination is an active suggestion. When you are tasting that imaginary ice cream you are being really immersed in the descriptions of eating ice cream.

When you're awake, that is not the case. Waking hallucinations caused by hypnosis are not actual sensual hallucinations, they are your perceptions being warped.

If someone is hypnotized to see a banana as a chocolate bar, every single time they see a banana. They won't actually hallucinate the banana as a chocolate bar in any sort of major way. They will see the banana as a banana, but then register it in their mind as a chocolate bar.

Our brain's remember certain shapes and appearances and associates them with things. That's why you can see a banana and immediately think banana without having to analyze it. Hypnosis can mess with this so that you can see the appearance of a banana and have it register as a chocolate bar. When you eat it, your tongue still sends the signals of it tasting like a banana, but you think of it as what chocolate is supposed to taste like.

If someone asks you what you see, you would respond with "chocolate bar" and if they ask what you taste, you would say "chocolate." You are saying that because you've been conditioned to do so, it is not actually the case.

No matter how much conditioning you go through, you will not be able to completely manifest a master.

You won't actually hallucinate a person standing there. You might be convinced he is standing there, but he will be invisible.

You won't actually smell him. You will smell whatever is in the room and believe that to be what he smells like.

You won't actually feel him, at all, you will go right through him because feeling false sensations is difficult to pull off if it isn't an active suggestion. You would need to see a professional for this, enchanted keyboard wouldn't cut it. You would probably go right through and break whatever illusions you have.

You wouldn't hear him either, you would just think him.

As for taste? I doubt you'd get that far before you just get disappointed.

Hypnosis can be a very powerful tool, it is not that powerful. It is not magic.

Hypnosis's strongest area is in affecting behavior. It is very well as making people believe things and do things they wouldn't normally think to do. It can change someone's thought process under conditioned situations.

It can condition someone to testify that something is working when it is not. This results in the high expectations a lot of people seem to get.

I'm sorry for being so blunt.
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Postby splatterboi » August 25th, 2011, 1:08 am

Thanks, I wasn't sure if I was expecting to much, which I apparently was, or if I was just doing it wrong and needed to fix something. Some of things you repeated back to me did sound really difficult without some sort of help from an active person or intense hypnosis, so I feel a little dumb for that now :oops:.Thanks for the assistance, now I know at least it's not me doing something wrong, and now I might have a better way to word some less impossible things I was working on that were still kinda fuzzy, and blunt usually gets through really well.
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