Would be Woman with problems being hypnotized

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Would be Woman with problems being hypnotized

Postby Kingfisher » August 29th, 2011, 2:37 am

Hi. I’ve been a member here for a while. Rarely posted, just downloaded a file every once in a while. I’d like some advice for how to pursue my hypnotic goals.

I’m not into hypnosis for hypnosis’ sake. I came here seeking a way to hallucinate having a female body. In fact, mind control has always been a bit of a fear for me, which is part of my problem. [Domination, humiliation, bimbofication, also not for me, though I don’t consider my disinterest in them problems. No offense intended to those who like them.] Other problems I had to deal with are a feeling that there’s something wrong with believing what isn’t true (what my body looks like, for example) and problems with hypnotist’s statements I can’t quite fit into my experience. Examples: Trance for me is more about relaxation, so instructions saying how being made to remember something made me excited often don’t work and takes me out of trance a bit. Also, when people say “remember when you were the most (for example) surprised,” and I can’t tell which moment counts as the “most” and I’m knocked out of the experience.

Since coming here, I’ve tried some WMM files, some files from other sites, and a couple of text messaging hypnotists. I’ve been able to be hypnotized but not enough to experience my desired hallucinations. I know I’ve been going for the hardest thing to achieve.

I’m trying to give it another try now, and I’d like some advice on whether I could build up from simple things to more complex things. And if there is a regimen that might work.

I have two basic ideas for what I’m hoping for. One is the old standby, being able to hallucinate having a female body when I want to. Maybe that means the TriugFemaleForm-style way, but that means being aware every moment that the hallucination is there and being able to deal with it. Maybe that means the TrigWoman-style way, but that means somehow allowing myself to accept believing an untruth as a means of achieving my desired goal.

My other possible goal would be to forget about hallucinating in waking life and instead try to be hypnotized into always have a female body in dreams. That eliminates the “it isn’t true” problem since dreams already aren’t true, at least not in the same way that waking like is true. But there are disadvantages to merely dreaming it.

My blocks might make either option or both harder to achieve, maybe impossible. But real transition isn’t for me. If I want to have a woman’s body, I’ll have to perceive it into being.

Any advice?

[This post may bring people offering to be hypnotists or suggestions of hypnotists. I won’t say yes or no straight away. I’ll give offers thought and research.]
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try these

Postby Plaat » August 29th, 2011, 8:50 pm

I had some good experiences with youtube hypno videos, So watch alot of them many times and something might happen, or not. The key is repetition of it until you are comfortable.
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Postby qv » August 29th, 2011, 11:55 pm

Well said, good sir/madam, I'd be glad to assist in whatever way I can.
First off, I would suggest the dream route before the IRL route, because as you feel what it's like being female, you become more accustomed to those feelings, and it should be easier to let the hallucinated changes in your dream to begin seeping into your real life. And it confronts the 'body image' issue too, I think, since how you see yourself in dreams has ties to how you see yourself in reality.
As for how to feel the changes in real life, I've always taken a slightly more roundabout approach; I'm good with memory play, so I simply try to remember it working after the fact, regardless of how I experienced it during the transformation. Obviously this method also requires plenty of work, but it's good to try to reframe any problems you have with hypnosis to try to play up to your strengths, whatever they may be.
For dreaming, it can be as simple as just thinking about feeling the change as you fall asleep. Maybe just thinking something to yourself over and over. Things like that tend to trickle into dreams, regardless of what they are.

So that's it for advice... I just want to add that I totally understand your problem with so many files here being both mind-control/fetish and mtf transformation, as opposed to just the latter. I feel the same way, in fact, and I wish more people respected that.

...and now since I've been hypnotized to end this post with gibberish, asghsco poqrrmma xzjzjjor thgiuvvnub ptor. Mwt thkn~
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Postby Hades72 » September 1st, 2011, 6:58 am

I'm having the same issues. I've been trying for a while now and I barely manage to go under. I've tried files in english and french (I'm the latter) with no real success.

I guess I just need to learn to 'let go' lol
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Postby Kingfisher » September 2nd, 2011, 10:45 pm

Thank you all for the advice you’ve given.

Plaat: Are there any videos you recommend? As far as the necessity of repetition, can the fact that I was repeatedly told to do something but didn’t do it be a problem? If so, is it all a matter of attitude to change it?

qv: You suggest dreams. On the subject of lucid dreams vs. non-lucid dreams, do you have any suggestions? As far as “memory play” goes, how far can I take that? I think I could imagine successful hypnosis. But what if I’m asked to remember something in a session that hasn’t happened to me or is something like “the most surprising event,” which is something I might have difficulty choosing, is imagining a fake answer acceptable? Or would it be disobedience of what is being asked and take me out of the trance? Anything else I should know about “memory play”? And this gibberish, was that a joke or genuinely something you were instructed to do? If so, did you feel compelled or feel as if you were choosing to do it?

Trannyslave: Lucid dreaming would be great. Though I don’t think lucidity is necessary for me to have dreamed feminization. I’ve also imagined creating dream scenarios while I’m awake that I live out in dreams without being aware I’m dreaming. Or I could try to imagine being female even more than I do now and But Lucid Dreams would fit the bill. Do you have any recommendations for files?

Hades72: We’ll both work on it.

Anyone: Can you think of any good files or online (voice or video) hypnotists who might be good for someone with my desires and problems? (Like I said, I will consider recommendations before contacting them.) I have a preference for the female voice, but not an overwhelming preference. It’s not a preference that overcomes my disinterest in bring enslaved or dominated. Though I am as willing to call a good hypnotist Mistress as I am to call a physician Doctor.

Anyone have any other advice?
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Postby qv » September 2nd, 2011, 11:32 pm

Ah, I see someone also enjoys blocks of text. High five!

*Ahem*. So again, the ideal result would be consistently (and non-lucidly) dreaming of yourself as a female, because that would imply you see yourself as female (internally, anyways). If you need to work up to that point, I certainly would recommend lucid dreaming, particularly Mnemonic-Induced Lucid Dreams, since you can tie your goal into said mnemonic. (It's like a mantra, or... I forget the other actual term.) I've actually (accidentally) had success with this exact method for this exact purpose, though it only lasted long enough to flaunt my jiggly bits in someone's direction.
As far as the memory bits, I'm afraid I'm not quite sure of your question; what I was trying to say is that it's perfectly fine to remember things that didn't technically happen the way you remembered it. It happens all the time, anyways, hypnosis would merely focus that to affect the memory of what you saw and felt while under the suggestion's effect. And if you remember it the way you are supposed to, even if it isn't technically accurate, doesn't everyone win?
As for the gibberish... um...... it was both? :oops:
I was trying to end my post on a different note, and the idea came to me and... well, I did it. It wasn't a suggestion from another hypnotist, but I've done some self-hypnosis, and... I dunno, my subconscious can be a bit silly at times?... I certainly chose to do it, but now I'm sort of wondering why...
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Postby Hades72 » September 3rd, 2011, 9:44 am

Kingfisher wrote:
Hades72: We’ll both work on it.

I came to the conclusion that before trying to walk, I should first learn to crawl. My meaning is instead of already trying the hallucination stuff I should work with simple inductions, going under type of file.

I started practicing with dldrip015 (MP3).mp3

I think its short duration is an advantage. It's not a good thinking starting to listen while thinking "here we go for one hour of trying to get under" lol
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