has the tirgger files worked for you

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has the tirgger files worked for you

Postby eazye1984 » September 14th, 2011, 4:48 pm

im wondering i anyone has tried the trig files. like trigblowjob,trigfemalecompany,trigsuseptable,trigorgasm.
if you have tired these and they have worked please post your experiences below.

anythig is a good thing. im curious if these files are humanley possible :roll:
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Joined: July 21st, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby Jeshi » September 14th, 2011, 6:53 pm

Wow, your post was incredibly difficult to read :/ Also I think you may have gotten the name wrong on a least one of those files.

First of all, this topic would be better suited of the success stories forum, since everyone there has reported some success.

But more importantly... are there any specific files you're interested in hearing about? Like the ones you brought up that were (mostly) all sex related? Or are you just interested in the effectiveness of triggers in general?

Triggers are the most proven thing that hypnosis can do. Convincing someone that when a certain word is spoken, that they should have an unusual reaction to it.

Re-induction triggers... making people bark like dogs... making people have affirmative or negative reactions... these are common suggestions used in stage hypnosis and definitely work.

On the other hand, the files you listed (besides "trigsuseptable" which isn't a real file) are all related to sexual experiences.

While some have reported having hands-free orgasms because of hypnosis, most people haven't. It's a sort of legend. What those files do isn't actually invoke those experiences as if it was actually happenin' (that's just rhetoric to make it seem more convincing in your mind) but to make you believe that it's happening.

Hypnosis is very good at making people believe things. When someone is triggered from trigorgasm, they don't actually have an orgasm, they believe that they are having an orgasm. They will have all of the reactions they normally have to an orgasm, but their pants will stay dry, so to say.

It's not actually about having any orgasm, it's about putting on a show for anyone watching, letting them feel like they're watching you orgasm. It's the most common suggestion in those "XXX rated stage hypnosis!!!!" shows.

Trig blowjob is the same, nothing is actually being done to your penis, but you'll still do all the things that you do when you're normally getting a blowjob like putting your hand on the "hand" of the person giving it to you, groaning, ect.

When you're actually in trance, it's a different story. But one-off trigger files are more for fun. Some people believe you can do more with hypnosis than others, there are extremes for both sides. It's all relative to lots of different factors.

Many "tirgger" files have worked for me, but they were simpler "tirggers." I haven't had a chance to experience anything more complicated.

So I hope this post was long enough to constitute "anythig"
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