A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby dshadfield78 » November 1st, 2009, 5:52 am

When you start getting great results from the no work out necessairy please leave comments here and pisc in the gallery.
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Postby dshadfield78 » November 8th, 2009, 8:50 am

I am seing results from listeining to this file for 2 weeks also notice increased appetite and muscles feel stronger.
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Postby MacGyver » November 8th, 2009, 6:40 pm

so far i have only used this file once, did not use it all the way to the end, but the day after using this file, i could not beleive how often i felt hungry and eventhough i did not want to snack so often, i went through probably 10-14 fruit bars for a 13 hour work shift, then today, i still went through 8 or more, and normally only go through 3-4 of them in a 13 hour shift.

so, if this file is supposed to increase one's appetite, the fruit bars thing counts as a success the last 2 days, right?

the reason i got all weirded out about eating so many fruit bars is the fact that for the past 7 years or so, my eating habits have basically been that of a woman suffering from anorexia. i dont really have much of an appetite, and have been over a year and a half trying to break free from my eating habits, had a relapse a couple months ago and went 2 days before i ate, used to be 5 days in between meals, still eat one full meal a day and have a sanwhich for lunch on days i work.

well, thinkin i should go ahead and put another hole in my belt so my pants will stop falling down, and experiment with this one a bit further. who knows, maybe i can get rid of the spare tire round my waist, or better yet, maybe using this file will help me regain a healthy apetite as vitamins aint doin it. LOL
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Day one...

Postby fullsailnate » May 16th, 2010, 9:03 pm

Ok, I set NWON to play looping while I surfed the internet for a while, and ended up falling asleep while surfing in bed. I slept for more than 7 hours straight, meaning NWON was playing looped for around 8 hours the first time. God only know how many times I listened, since I'm not going to do the math.
I think I might do the same thing today when I go to sleep. My wife is away for the next few weeks, so I can drop the headphones. I look forward to seeing if there will be results.
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Postby TeenWolf » July 2nd, 2010, 10:02 am

I noticed that after this I felt starving.
I ate.Then 2 hours later, like a real bodybuilder is supposed to do, I ate again.

The next day, my muscles felt rockhard. :D
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Interesting Responce

Postby daemonwolf1 » June 27th, 2011, 12:04 am

I've listened to this file perhaps 4-5 times in the last two days. It's part of a group of self-help files I'm running as a playlist (total play time of 72 min). Over all, I haven't noticed much I could claim as true results, at least not until I got to work today.

I basically do data entry in what is effectively a warehouse operation. It's nice, mindless tasks that only occupies a small portion of my attention, allowing the rest of my mind to drift. As it typically gets warm in there, I usually just wear a light t-shirt, kinda snug but far from form fitting. So about an hour or so into my shift, a lot of looking down at the paperwork I'm pulling information from so my chest and arms are clearly in view. All of the sudden, I get a strong mental image overlay of what I would consider my perfect muscle build. I could see shape of my pecs and biceps in my mind, just the way I'd love to have them for real. I wasn't even thinking of the files and this image just popped into my head. I didn't feel anything, and it only lasted for a couple of seconds, but was pretty surprising.

To make it even more interesting, for several hours afterwards, I could still sort of see it out of the corner of my eye. Looking down I still see my slight gut and geekishly underdeveloped chest, but when looking forward (like at the computer screen) I would continue to get the impression of being nicely built.

Hopefully long term results will be more physical than just mental imaging, but they say what the mind and visualize, the body can accomplish, right?
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Postby Hank01 » September 21st, 2011, 7:23 pm

I listen to this file every night when I fall asleep. I have been doing this for 3months now. I also work out in a gym,so I'm not really sure if the file is working or not. I have noticed that when I get up in the morning, my muscles feel tighter, could be some effect working on me? I would love to know if this really works or not. Anyone else?
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Postby ftslave67 » September 22nd, 2011, 12:45 pm

tanyaslave--YES, a side effect of listening to too much Ke$ha, that is!
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Postby psiboi1977 » October 16th, 2011, 9:18 pm

I am wondering if there is a version for gay men as well, or whether it is this one, even though the target audience says straight men...?
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